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Posts posted by neverstop1863

  1. A trip through NFL Rewind (Min v Indy) revealed some somber bungling in the category of blocking. Starting with the TE’s; they just didn’t know who was doing what, when or where. From the backfield, the slot or in tight, they came up with air way too often. They’re young, so it’s easy to forgive, but wow.

    Then there’s the RB’s; Don Brown and Mewelde Moore, it was like watching a Benny Hill episode. Blocking dummies might be too nice a description of those two in the backfield last Sunday. Vets are not so easily forgiven. I like DB, but I’d put him on punt return for that effort and Mewelde Moore would be filling Gatorade cups.

    Which leads to the O-Line; someone has to take charge of the O-line calls. Linkenbach and Olsen need constant instruction or they’ll block the wrong guy or no one at all. Link can block better than I thought, he’s just so easily confused. As opposed to Olsen who is easily confused and lacks power. The good news is Essex is a huge upgrade over Olsen, and most of the calamity up front is mental not physical.

    The combination of it all was bizarre, yet they won. Credit to the Colts.

    The Colts have a chance to enter the bye week undefeated at home, undefeated in the conference, undefeated in the division and with a winning record… if they block better!

    Let’s go COLTS!

    Yep seems to sum it all up.,...but i wonder if we could call Tarik and ask him to come back. Anyone got his number?

  2. Yeah but it's not the reason you watch you watch to see the Colts win like me. I like the Colts hits only because I'm a fan of the Colts. But I hate it when it happens to us....lol

    your right def. not the reason i watch, and i get sick to my stomach when one of our players are on the wrong end of a hard shot. But with that said, with all this "Collie should retire or we should cut him" stuff going around it makes me think what a trooper Collie really is, think about it even after taking all of the hard hits he is still not afraid to go after the ball. Most players that take shots like him are timid and scared "cant blame them lol" but not Collie even after the concussions he will line up and go for a pass in the slot where alot of hard hitting goes on. All in all Collie is the man, a man with a hard choice and i respect anything he has done or will do. I hope he makes the choice that best benefits him. Cant wait to see him on the field again if that be the choice.

  3. Thanks for the Update.........Still AP held to 60 yds 3.8 avg per touch ill take that and be proud no matter how big of a lead we have.

    In addition maybe we would not have gained that lead if AP was having a normal " AP day".

  4. well we were playin' with a two touchdown lead. our offense took them out of their game plan. just sayin' :)

    Thanks for the Update.........Still AP held to 60 yds 3.8 avg per touch ill take that and be proud no matter how big of a lead we have.

  5. Overall, a solid showing but very inconsistent. I'm withholding my praise because, despite having a few stars, Minnesota's offense sucks eggs.

    Yes they may but they do still have some guy named Adrian Peterson.......and our boys did a pretty good job on him.

  6. This is all good positive replies, thanks alot for adding more positive on positive. To add to it how about some love for special teams......and Lefeged! average starting postition for the Bears on their own 12 thats some good stuff.......and wow some of those plays to down the ball under the 5 were awesome!

  7. After the Skins preseason game I started a thread basically saying "this is what we're going to see". Some agreed with me, others didn't.

    To think this is a playoff team is a bit premature, or maybe even delusional. But there's the making of that kind of team with a few improvements and some depth, mainly on both lines.

    OP, I'll echo your last line: Go Colts!

    Yea like i said there were def. a lot of threads which im sure included yours that gave me some true insight as to how we looked.....and i appreciate that. I just hope everyone can see the small sparks that can start a fire! IT IS THERE! yea some improvement need to be made but we will get there. I am counting myself lucky that we are in the position that we are in, some teams arent as lucky..........(the dolphins) are a good example they are still waiting on these sparks that we have.

  8. I thought we played pretty well. Offensively we played well enough, except the line and D was good until DFREE93 went out. All in all I think we are alot better team than I thought we would be at this point. GO COLTS!!!

    Yea Freeney going out was a great loss....but teams will begin to fear Hughes, Nevis, Redding, and alot of these new faces.

  9. it's just like coach pagano repeats over & over. you're never as bad or good as you think you are

    it's human nature to over react. it happens in any type of media where humans have input. it becomes funny over time :)

    Wow.......So true! I love this team new or old :)!!!!

  10. Well i had a chance to finally sit down and watch the game in full and let me tell you there were a ton of positive notes in this game......unfortunately i work very long shifts and didnt get to watch the game live, so i relied on this forum to get some fan analysis about the overall feeling of our new team.......well to tell the truth the overall all forum feeing was "lets hit the doomsday button" with a little bit of true game analysis sprinkled in. Looking at the stats i started to think that some of the over reaction was just that "over reaction", so i couldnt wait to finally watch the game, i did so today and i was not disappointed definantely some bright spots in this team.

    Defense:didnt look that bad, yes maybe we lacked some run coverage but the overall product seems to be coming together. I.E. Cutler did feelthe pressure, took some hits and threw some bad balls. A lot of people are complaining about the coverage on marshall, well it is what it is.....Marshall isnt some pee on receiver he is good! Plus the throws that Cutler was giving him.....well lets admit they were good..!

    Vontae Davis made a great open field tackle on Forte that many would have missed, to stop a sure touchdown. Yes Bethea came in behind to contend but i was glad to see Vontae sure up the tackle.

    Freeney going out was tough to see hope is ok, but i seen some good plays from Hughes as well.

    Offense: So lets make it clear Luck didnt suck!! He was making some great reads, and utilizing his check downs.....yea he was to blame for some turnovers but we gotta protect the quarterback to fix this issue. On the other hand he made some really great throws most to Reggie!! so on that note........REGGIE!!! REGGIE!!! REGGIE!!!!

    Fleener made some really good plays and that should do nothing but improve going forward.

    So now lets get to the "Hot Topic" the run game.......Donald Brown may not be the greatest RB of all time, but when the play developed at the line he made the play! Yea he dropped 2 crucials balls and should work on keeping his eyes on the ball....but his talents are there we just need the line to continue the efforts they put forth on his TD run.

    So to end my rant The Bears are pretty good, and i am glad we went against a team of this caliber to break our young team in it will do nothing but help us diagnose what needs to be done......on that topic "in Grigson I trust".

    GO COLTS!!!!! TRUE BLUE FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!

  11. Yeah the 90 day Luck fans aren't helping matters, and the Pro-Manning posters signing up just to vent their displeasure aren't helping matters either. Sorta like the teenager that wants to get drunk. He/she will mix beer/vodka/rum, all together just to do do it..

    This place is a volcano..... slowly bubbling.

    which is why it should be split

  12. it does count but it was intended for my own personal gain, but it kinda got of track, its just getting difficult to move on with all the posts about Peyton........i guess maybe im looking for a little help keeping my focus on the Team and not what we lost.....

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