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Posts posted by Balzer40

  1. This is the perfect time.  I am enjoying that aspect very much right now.  Trying to figure out what we really want to do via FA and draft.  Gonna be some good debating I believe.




    Yeah, the main thing I'm gonna focus on is interior O-line, ILBers, and I always pay attention to D-line guys. I don't really ever watch much on WR's, RB's, or TE's. I don't think we are in dire need of any of those positions this season if Reggie comes back healthy. I know you probably know my opinion on RB's :yuk:(ya know...a dime a dozen) and were pretty stacked on TE's.

  2. I'm not arguing about anything really just speaking my mind..  I'm sure their are plenty of smart people that blew a fortune, and plenty of unintelligent people that saved their money.  You really would have to take everyone on a case by case basis, and not generalize.  Money can do strange things to people when they all of a sudden have a lot of it.




    I will agree that money does have the ability to change people. I actually knew a man that won over 10 million dollars in the lottery and in less than 2 yrs. after he won it he committed suicide. He couldn't handle all the people coming out of the woodwork claiming to be family members and old buddies. I'm not necessarily saying that only smart people know how to manage money, what I'm saying is that it takes a complete lack of intelligence to blow through that kind of money in so little time. A smart person can also be unintelligent with money. Maybe I'm wording it wrong how I want it come across, sometimes it's hard to explain the way you want things to mean on the internet.

  3. There are plenty of people (athletes included) on both sides of the spectrum.  People that blow an entire lifetime of wealth in a few years like Vince did, and then there are people who barely spend any of their wealth.




    I know that, all I'm saying is that if people don't think blowing that kind of money in just about 8 yrs. now, has nothing to do with a serious lack of intelligence, then I just don't know what else to say. Vince was drafted in 2006 which means it will be 8 yrs. later this summer when he got paid. He was paid a guaranteed 26.7 million dollars. If you break that down its over 3 million a yr. and almost 65000 dollars a week. If you're blowing 65000 dollars a week for 8 yrs. straight...then you have a serious lack of brain cells and I think Vince has displayed that over the yrs.. I didn't need him to go bankrupt to know he was stupid but this this should validate that he is to anybody that had doubts.

  4. "but I believe most people have much more intelligence than that."



    That has very little to do with intelligence and everything to do with impulse




    I disagree with that too. While I'm sure people would be more impulsive and more apt to spend a little more freely, I still think most people would know to be smarter with their money. Most people would love to leave a nest egg for their children and they think ahead with their finances instead of throwing their money around like it's trash. 

  5. Wow, I said it before and Ill say it again, you seem to go to extremes often in my opinion(using incredibily stupid...or HATE or other extreme type words...just an observation not meant to offend of course). If the average person made 26 mill most would go out and blow it just like he seemingly did, The concept wont change even if the average american made that type of money...It just means the average american would have a much larger paycheck to blow




    Well, that's your opinion and you're welcome to it, but I believe most people have much more intelligence than that. Of course if the average person was making 26 mil. that just means athletes and other famous people would be making billions. 

  6. The concept is actually the same for those that have a job that dont pay as well as being in the NFL, People with far less money then he has go out and blow there money on trivial things every single day(Most people who live paycheck to paycheck dont live that way solely because the amount of bills they have or how heigh they are....Its not anywhere near unfathomible, They just do it on a different pay scale then the average american...Many americans dont invest there money and put it into something worth while or save it...He is not the only one and doing that is not exclusive to famous people with alot of money




    I know it's not exclusive to only wealthy people, but lets face it...the average annual income in America is around 45,000. Vince Young got a guaranteed 26.7 million dollars. That means it would take the average American over 590 yrs. to make the same amount of money that Vince had. Since that is completely impossible(on the average income), I think comparing the average person going bankrupt to someone that made the amount that Vince did completely ridiculous IMO. So like I said already, it takes an incredibly stupid person to blow that kind of money in less than 10 yrs..

  7. I'm not sure why you are getting so riled up. It's his life, his money (some of it clearly not) and he can do with it what he wants. And face the consequences.


    I do have plenty sympathy for your own predicament, but also respect for (I assume) recovering from it.....




    I'm not really riled up, but it does annoy me to keep seeing these kind of stories. I guess I just can't fathom the ignorance that it takes to throw away such a great gift that has been given to them when you see thousands upon thousands of people struggling everyday just to feed their families. While he and anybody else that has had those type of opportunities can do whatever they want with that money, it still really irks me to see them be so careless and ignorant. Maybe I shouldn't let it get under my skin, but I just can't understand what the hell they are thinking(or not thinking).

  8. I said no. He isn't getting any younger and certainly isn't getting any better. He seems to be declining pretty rapidly IMO and will probably be seeking much more money than it would be wise to pay. Just believe it would be much smarter to move on to someone younger.

  9. Hard question to answer. It would just about have to be somebody in the last 20 yrs. that could fit in with todays football. I've seen several answers to some really old school players and while those players were great in their time, if they were to play in todays NFL they would probably get destroyed. Players are so much more bigger, athletic, and faster compared to what they were 40 yrs. ago. So all in all, I really don't have a good answer to the question.

  10. Financial management is a skill that not everyone possesses, let alone really understands. A brief NFL symposium lecture for rookies is just the tip of the iceberg. Plus, friends & family always have their handout wanting cash, expensive gifts, bills paid, not to mention agent fees, & federal & state property taxes. 


    It's never as simple as "an athlete was fiscally reckless." [No, I am not quoting you directly. I am just pointing that the common stereotype has it's roots in reality because bankruptcy happens frequently, but the real reasons for it are seldom simple in scope.]


    Does Mr. Young bear some personal responsibility for his current fate? Yes, but true financial management is seldom taught for the longhaul especially when an athlete went from rags to riches overnight. Telling someone who raised you from childhood that their ATM money gravy train is officially over is easier said than done Balzer40.  




    I am not trying to knock those who have to file for bankruptcy. I myself was forced to do it after my divorce 11 yrs. ago. There's a difference in someone who works hard for a living  and still have to live paycheck to paycheck and going broke or getting in over their heads and someone who blew over 26 million dollars in less than 10 yrs.. There is no other explanation besides complete and utter stupidity and ignorance to do that. I can't even pretend to have sympathy for these athletes/actors/actresses or whoever that have been given such a blessing in life to do something to make multi-millions of dollars and blow it all on trying to show everybody else just how incredibly rich they are. It's foolish and stupid!

  11. Not surprising at all. Young is dumb as a brick. People like him should never be able to have that much money. I could live the rest of my life off of a 1/4 what he made and still leave plenty for my kid. You have to be an incredibly stupid human being to blow through that kind of money in less than 10 yrs..

  12. Lolll!!! Honestly the Browns just chose bad timing for firing and hiring. Tampa took everyone immediately and made a monster staff. I'm really excited to see them.

    But not only did the Browns miss on RG3 2 years ago, it happens to them all the c time. That team is cursed

    I think the Browns dodged a bullet by not getting Bob3.

  13. I apologize. I've been reading a lot of the fire Pagano and Grigson posts, seeing yours finally made me boil over.

    I agree. Talking about firing Pagano or Grigson right now is pure nonsense. They have both easily earned at the very least a couple more seasons to get all the pieces in place.

  14. My point is when we miss the playoffs, then people can complain. Until then, everyone here needs to show a little more love and a little less idiocy.

    Then why are you singling out my post. I have defended Pagano and Grigson to every * that says they should be fired. Im not saying they even need to win a SB in the next 2 yrs., all im saying is that the correct personnel should all be in place in 2 more yrs. and if it isn't then it may be time to start looking in a new direction. I have never once advocated the firing of anybody from our current staff and have been one of their biggest defenders.

  15. I'm sick of all you Colts "fans"...lets get a new coach and GM if they don't improve our team. Good god, it's almost like we didn't win 5 games the last two years, let alone make the playoffs twice, win the division, and win a playoff game. You people are really ungrateful.

    What??? I'm the one saying we should give them 2 more yrs. before we even think about firing coaches or the GM. If they don't have us where we need to be at the end of the 2015 season, then yes, we should think about moving on. Nothing ungrateful about that thought.

  16. Let's not act like Grigson didn't go out and spend big bucks on the defense last off-season. Somebody screwed up. Either Grigson brought in marginal talent and overpaid them or Chuck isn't utilizing them correctly. Maybe a little of both. The OP's question is valid, in my opinion. Houston switched from a 4-3 to a 3-4 in one off-season and became one of the better D's in the league. How? They drafted well and made smart moves in free agency. We're going into year 3 of this defensive rebuild. It shouldn't take any longer than that to build a sound defense. 3 drafts and 3 free agency periods should yield some positive results, if the front office knows what they're doing. We shall see next year, I guess

    Really its only yr. 2. The 1st offseason they had zero money to work with and had to let many players go. All in all, this is really only the 2nd offseason of the rebuild. IMO, they deserve this offseason and next to get the job done. If they don't then we should move on.

  17. Salary Cap as of now: $34,951,226

    Player cut:

    C Samson Satele

    This frees up $4MM in cap space putting the total at $38,531,226

    Re-signed players:

    CB Vontae Davis: 5 year $40MM

    OG Reitz 1 year $1.33MM

    CB Gordy: 1 year $1.33MM

    ILB Conner: 1 year $1MM

    OLB Cam Johnson: 1 year $750K

    P McAfee 4 year $14 million

    K AV 1 year $2MM

    Cap space after these moves: $22,871,226

    Players signed via FA:

    DT Linval Joseph 4 year $18MM

    ILB Karlos Dansby 3 year $12MM

    OG Travelle Wharton 2 year $6MM

    OW Dexter McCluster 3 year $6MM

    C Evan Deitrich-Smith 5 year $30MM

    Cap space after these moves: ~$5,000,000

    NFL Draft:

    2. Lamarcus Joyner, DB, FSU

    Fast, undersized (5'8") playmaker who plays like he's 6'2". Versatile. Much like Tyrann Mathieu, Joyner will probably have to play safety in the NFL, but his versatility should allow him to play CB (useful for when Toler get's injured) and LB when dropped into the box. He has great range and athleticism. Overly aggressive at times.

    3. Justin Ellis, NT, Louisiana Tech

    This guy was my sleeper pick for the 6th-7th round, but after putting on a clinic at the shrine bowl he's being talked about as a possible day 2 pick now. Big, athletic, powerful. All the physical talent needed to be a dominant NT at the next level. A great prospect to pair with Chapman.

    5. Aaron Colvin, CB, OU

    7. Andrew Jackson, ILB, Western Kentucky

    As you can see, I'm pushing off WR for one more season.

    Not bad but I wouldn't re-sign Vinny or Conner. I also wouldn't sign McCluster or give Dansby a 3 yr. deal.

  18. http://msn.foxsports.com/ohio/story/browns-name-mike-pettine-head-coach-012314

    Interesting. I thought nobody wanted that job I was about to apply for it...

    He's led his defenses to a top 10 D for the past few years. Maybe they can stop the points from coming in now all they would really need is an offense...?

    You do know that Cleveland had a top 10 defense last season...didn't you? I don't know enough about this guy to know if he will make a good HC, but Buffalo fans seem to be upset about losing him. What I wonder is if since this guy is a 4-3 guy, will they stick with the 3-4 since they just switched last yr. to begin with and spent a lot of money to bring in 3-4 guys.

  19. Well now Balz. I can see a little bit of Sherman in you. Nice, at least you stick up for your principles....

    I do have a daughter that plays basketball, I always tell her to never take crap from an opponent. If an opponent takes a shot at her, then repay her with a harder shot. I don't want my child to be a pushover and have others take advantage of her. Nice people quite often finish last in our world. It's sad that its that way, but it just is.

  20. I do think Glenn ended his career at a Top 10, perhaps even a top 5 LT in the league. But he struggled mightily against speed rushers until he went against Freeney for two offseasons.

    I like AC and think he's shown a lot of improvement the last couple of years but I sure would not mind if he inherited a little of Glenn's belly. Not much but about 20-30lbs of it. :)

    Completely agree Coffee. I think many fans foget Glenn wasn't great at the beginning of his career. Many here were probably too young too. Glenn could also be counted on for at least 2 false starts a game too. Not a knock on him but I don't get some people thinking AC is a bad LT because he's not. AC will be going into his 4th season and I think he has gotten better each yr.. IMO he had a heck of a good yr. this season and if he improves as much this offseason as last offseason, he could be a pro bowler.

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