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Posts posted by 07dleigh

  1. Ha. There’s always certain phrases from media and “analysts” where immediately you know they didn’t do their homework and are just talking. 

    I immediately discredit anyone that I ever heard say that AR is a “run first” QB or say that he needs to learn to “not rely on his feet”. All you have to do is watch a few snaps to see he is 100% pass first. One of the things about his makeup that I love the most is his ability to not immediately defer to his god given physical talent. 

    On a more general note, after that second half against the Rams.. I had seen enough. We have a GUY. This season will be so fun.

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  2. I think I'm still trying to adjust my brain to having taken a player I didn't too much homework on at a position I didn't think we'd pick. So it's a "me thing" currently... I respect him going BPA. And trading back and still getting AD was an absolute masterclass. 

    Who do you guys think we were trying to trade up for, Odunze or Bowers?

  3. Just now, 07dleigh said:

    The fact, though, that we didn’t trade back tells that we didn’t have any other CB or EDGE ranked anywhere near him. 

    Interesting… wanna hear Chris talk about this one. 

    well no.. not quite. I’m assuming. Maybe no wanted to swap. 

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  4.  Man, I am realllly starting to get frustrated...

    I've always liked Ballard.. a lot. I'm typically all for what he stands for: methodical vs rapid, effective vs flashy, sticking to your guns regardless of pressure.. I liked his rare "build the trenches and play physical" philosophy in contrast to today's game, heck, I just like the guy.. I like his swagger and confidence.


    But wth are we doing, man? WHY is he so okay with having NONE of the top ANYTHING in the game? Year after year.. in a division that's so winnable? Is he trying to win an award for best cap management or is he trying to get over a hump? THESE ONE YEAR DEALS AREN'T GOING TO GET IT DONE.


    This isn't about Sneed.. frankly I'm not even sure how I'd feel about paying a 28 year old corner so much. I wouldn't mind but that's not what I'm on about. I feel like this was a great FA (and trade candidate) class in positions we could use, and we did NOTHING... while letting our division rivals open a gap. If there was a year to do something that ACTUALLY made a difference, I thought it'd be this year given we actually have the QB.


    Sorry, had to rant with my morning coffee before I took it out on my coworkers 😆. Go Colts, nonetheless.

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  5. Man... we better have something up our sleeve. This whole cool, collected "take it easy" "we'll stay the course" "we won't overpay" from CB is officially getting old. I was originally on board with his philosophy but.... that philosophy is not winning these days.


    We have no elite players at any of the positions that matter today. If we don't splash at WR, TE, or QB... man... and by splash I mean Lamar Jackson, Gesicki, a D Hop trade... we are so content with average it seems... because we wont overpay... or won't bring in "questionable" character... get with the times CB

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  6. I would. I don't personally think any of the top draft guys have the ceiling Fields does... do they? I admittedly have only ever watched much of Young, I feel like he has the IT factor and would love to have him, but I still think Fields is better.


    Those pointing to Fields' passing stats... please acknowledge the dumpster fire that is the Chicago Bears and their offensive planning. 

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  7. We don't NEED an Andrew Luck talent to be a contender anymore, and honestly it feels good knowing that. We just need a guy that will throw the damn ball downfield to T.Y on the play-action! (shade intended). I've loved the idea of Carr for a while.


    Lately though, I've been debating which I like more:

    - Acquiring Rivers and drafting Love or Herbert to sit.

    - Drafting Carr (and obviously being able to use that 1st rounder somewhere else)


    I think I'm still leaning Carr. But again.. the way Chris and Frank have operated, we don't NEED elite. We'll be just fine :) It's still our division.

  8. Carr is atop my wishlist (Luck returning is atop my wishlist, but I'm going to pretend like it's not). I think Franky could bring out the best in him. The thought of drafting someone developmental and having to go with JB another full season is :(.


    It's funny because I'm in crisis and realizing, "Is this what it's like to not have a generational talent at quarterback!? I did not sign up for this!" haha Boy, have we been spoiled.

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  9. It's crazy how Tannehill has been on fire basically since taking the job over there, but some of you are choosing to only acknowledge his last game. When the other team has NO answer for the run game… you don't need to pass for a lot of yards. I've been watching Tannehill jealous OUT OF MY MIND this whole season. JB isn't on his level.


    Also if you want to talk about his winning percentage... let's keep in mind where he was playing.

  10. 3 hours ago, bhougland said:

    1. Watson

    2. Tannehill

    3. Minshew

    4. Foles

    5. Mariota

    6. Kelly - a hunch

    7. Brissett


    Kelly could be better than 6, but I am convinced he is better than Brissett.  JB has been unable to demonstrate skills Chad did in the preseason. Just watch Chad in the preseason, he stands in the pocket and his head ticks around the field.  He is actually going through progressions, some JB has yet to show.  First string vs third string...doesn't matter, I am talking about the skills Chad demonstrated.


    What he said.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Myles said:

    The Pitt loss was more on Adam V.

    But yes, the last 2 games with Hoyer zapped most confidence away.  The team plays every game close which means it is pretty much a 50/50 game.  


    Fair. I guess my point is that the last two weeks hasn't convinced me that we're all of a sudden the worst team in the division and fraudulent. It seems like it's convinced a lot of people. (This season) we are a systematic, slow-burn team.. and JB's style is so important in that. We would've won the last two weeks with him playing and we wouldn't be this fearful of the Jags right now. I think him playing gets us back on track.


    And this team isn't made up of softies either (although I do question the mental of Ebron). I think with our backs against the wall, our guys stand up tall.

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    • Geez... you guys are this confident that we lose to a returning Nick Foles @ home (with our backs against the wall)? Lol. Just because of a couple BRIAN HOYER induced loses? We are not losing this game… Jacoby + Zach, Eric, Jack and Nyhiem will be enough. Not very concerned this week. Next week is another story... we will NEED T.Y.
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  12. Okay, Reich & Ballard do indeed "know more than we do", but let's not downplay the post altogether. I was shocked we didn't go Kelly at HALF. It was CLEAR that Hoyer wouldn't get anything going. The only reason we still had a game in the fourth is because... well it's Miami. I will say, though: I didn't know how much (or how little) practice time Kelly got. Doesn't that happen sometimes though? I think it was worth the risk... I mean how much worse could the QB play have gotten? We literally only needed AVERAGE QB play. He looked good preseason.


    This one leaves a sour taste in my mouth because I feel like we surrendered it by not playing Kelly.

  13. Okay whoa. I think you all are massively overreacting about the overall state of this team. We had a stagnant offense -- that's all. We don't have "losing" locker room all of a sudden. Yes, we lost to (easily) the worst team in football... but guys... Brian Hoyer is -- very very bad. He is a downgrade from the quarterback he was playing against. When you have a quarterback that bad playing with backup wide receivers... We can't run the ball EVERY down.


    I'm more disappointed that we didn't go Kelly in the second half. The game was still salvageable and ANYTHING would've been better than Hoyer. Anything. It was clear he wouldn't get anything going.

  14. We pulled Kelly up for this game, correct? I know this would've been "controversial", but I am disappointed that we didn't see him this game. I was sure that we had no choice but to bring him in second half. The game wasn't too far gone by that point and Hoyer was -- bad. Did he (Kelly) not show enough in the pre-season to inspire the confidence that he could beat the 1-7 Miami Dolphins? I mean Hoyer was just throwing that thing anywhere. I don't get why we didn't make the switch, it was pretty clear we weren't winning with Hoyer.

  15. At this point, when it comes to predicting how we will perform any given week, I don't apply ANY type of logic or statistics anymore, I just flip a coin haha. We're either going to play good or bad, and I'm not sure the opposition has any to do with that. I feel a dominant display coming. 27-17?


    What I will say though: even with our erratic play, I have been very proud of the heart we're showing late in games. This is so different from the teams in the past that we saw just completely drop the ball late in games. Culture change!

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