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Everything posted by Restinpeacesweetchloe

  1. To be fair here the WR are going to end up more open with Taylor and AR in the back field. Thdy can’t stack the box with the running threat and AR arm. Thdy can add a good WR in the draft who can contribute right away. Hopefully it’s in the first because colts need more premium talent on this roster. We can get a good WR at 46 but I don’t think we will be able to get the elite one we will be able to get at 15.
  2. How many more evaluation years are we going to have to wait. We have had enough of let’s wait and see.
  3. It is. But tell you the truth I am not worried about the offense. What I don’t want is him having to play Superman. That’s a recipe for injury again. If he feels colts can’t stop anyone the chances are he will take more risks. Ballard had his choice yes. You forget he bailed. Irsay and Polian bailed him out helping them get Reich.
  4. This is true. Not to mention will the new GM WANT RICHARDSON or want to keep Steichen.
  5. This approach is not winning colts the division. If your not in it to win the division then step aside and let someone else run the team.
  6. That is pretty rude. Every person ads value to this forum. Everyone can have differing opinions. You must value yourself highly if you think your opinion is the only one that is right. No one acts like that. This is a forum where we can all share out opinions. Doesn’t mean we don’t have a identity or have other interests.
  7. Not sure what you’re even talking about. When there are lack of moves and Ballard has said I like my guys what does that tell you?
  8. Because I am tired of losing. Don’t you think it would be nice for once to have a team that can win and actually have fun things to talk about. Winning is fun. Average is not. Until we see Ballard actually make some moves that looks like he is trying to improve he deserves the criticism.
  9. They clearly are dumb if they are convicted on that secondary. That was my point. They are either clueless at evaluating their own roster or aren’t trying their best.
  10. You do realize you can bring your players back plus go get a couple upgrades . It’s not one or the other. How many more yesrs you going to apologize or give excuses to Ballard? I bet you have been saying same thing for 8 years.
  11. Let’s just say this is true. That means next year your already on year 3 of rivhsrdsons rookie deal. This is most likely not true. Holder even said on the radio it wasn’t true and they are all in. Ballards time is ticking. He don’t have much more time left.
  12. I don’t want to trade for a WR. We can get that in the draft. I like our offense. But this secondary is trash.
  13. No one wanted diggs. We have even said so. It’s about not making any moves in this division while every team at least tried to get better.
  14. Do you understand colt fans did not want diggs. No one is whining about not getting diggs. It’s about seeing the teams in the division try to improve while Ballard has not made one move to improve this team.
  15. This team hasn’t won crap with Ballard. I think it’s sad other fans want to mock other fans who are tired of mediocrity. Imagine if you didn’t strive to be better at your job. Results show they have not been great.
  16. The time is now. Not next year. We just had an evaluation test with a new coach and QB. Delaying it is not the right answer. Ballard only has one scape goat left and that’s Bradley.
  17. I am beginning to question the entire organizations evaluation of their current roster. They are either very bad at understanding their current roster or yeah they aren’t putting their best effort forward. There is no middle ground here.
  18. Do you really not understand this isn’t about Diggs. Most fans probably didn’t want him. It’s about Ballards failure at improving this team. Thst doesn’t mean we wanted diggs. This is not about that player.
  19. Texans turned around their franchise in like one year while Ballard is heading into year 8. It’s 100% win for bills. They nedddd to reshape their WR group for awhile.
  20. Yeah it’s been rumored for awhile it could happen. It’s a good move for bills. They need to reshape the pass catching group and going younger while Allen is in his prime is smart. They also could be looking to make a move for Higgins or something.
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