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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. 8 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


    I'm getting the impression that you are upset that the Colts drafted Richardson, as you feel he is not accurate enough.


    Do I have it right?


    Many years ago you shared a website that I referred to often for more information about prospects. I liked it a lot (Football Dungeon). That site is no longer active but I wonder where it would have ranked Richardson. 

    I like Richardson. I had him ranked as my 3rd quarterback in this draft. He has the potential to end up as the best quarterback in this draft. Young is the most polished. Stroud is a safe pick. And Richardson is the biggest boom or bust quarterback. There is something off about Levis. He gives me the Jeff George vibes. That is what I told everyone on this board too. 

    Now many people are telling me that Levis gives them the Jeff George vibes. As if I’m not the one who originally stated that along with my concerns about Levis’s personality. 

    Bottom line is I said something about the Colts that people don’t want to hear. And therefore, here we are. I am not budging, because I am right. 

    As far as how good Anthony Richardson can become. We don’t know. We never know with players like him. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, hoosierhawk said:

    I think the majority of the dislikes on these posts of yours  was the arrogance of you claiming how you Irsay and how you can read his mind. Also statements like: " I just happen to be the one, who was right on just about everything. " tends to turn a few people off.


    I don't really care. If you see how much heat I take just making people think logically about anything on this board... Trust me... It is not worth it. Which is why I don't spend too much time on this board anymore. I bounce in and out every few months. 


    Hate me for being right a lot... That's not about me. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Superman said:

    And specific to accuracy, he said 'accuracy is important, you have to be able to stand in the pocket on 3rd and 8 and make the play.' But then he was asked if you can teach accuracy, and he said, enthusiastically 'yes I think you can, you can help accuracy with mechanics, and you can help with scheme and simplify the offense to help the QB.' Again, shades of grey, and I think in those comments there's plenty of openness to a player who needs some development. 


    This makes my point in other discussions.


    But then he was asked if you can teach accuracy, and he said, enthusiastically 'yes I think you can, "you can help accuracy with mechanics, and you can help with scheme and simplify the offense to help the QB"


    You can "help" accuracy with mechanics.... That's the same thing I have been saying.... And every other offensive minded coach I have ever worked with or spoken to has said... 


    You can improve a quarterbacks accuracy with mechanics, but you can't cure the problem. Just like you cannot make some who is 5'10" suddenly become 6'4".


    Shane knows that Anthony Richardson has accuracy issues. We all do, even if some are in denial about it. 


    Now backup to when Steichen said that a quarterback must be accurate... That was one of his top 2 traits a quarterback must have. 


    Call it misleading, lying, untruthful, less than candid... Pick the verbiage, but it is all the same thing. 

  4. 1 hour ago, RollerColt said:

    Why is Allen allowed to have excuses for low percentages in college but not Richardson?


    You are assuming that I said Allen is fixed... No he is not. He will always have accuracy issues. Did the Bills design an offense to fit his skillset? Yes... Did his completion percentage improve because of the system he is in? Yes. 


    Drew Brees was very accurate. It was not anything he learned...  He learned to improve on the traits he already had, and that made him great. He was born with the traits. 


    Anthony Richardson does not have to be "Drew Bress" accurate. And he will never be. That is okay. The Colts can build an offense around him to be successful too. 


    For anyone to pretend that Anthony Richardson is an accurate passer... That's just not true. 

  5. 51 minutes ago, ChuggaBeer said:

    Case in point.    When I was younger and had to pee.  I almost always miss the toilet and peed all over the place.   But as I have gotten more practice and older. I hardly ever pee on the floor or the wall or the toilet itself anymore.  I think my accuracy is up to almost 79% these days 



    That is an interesting comparison...


    You're talking about a very small object hitting a large object a foot away. :D


    And comparing that to hitting a small window about 25 yards away on many plays. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, PRnum1 said:

    A couple of points about Allen.


    Allen did improve his accuracy.  However he did have some advantages over other QB's.

    1. For 3 straight years the Bills kept the same OC - Brian Daboll.  They did not change systems on him for 3 years as well.  They run an EP system.
    2. His numbers took a huge jump his 3rd year when the Bills added Stephon Diggs as a receiving weapon.
    3. Brian Daboll left last season to coach the Giants and Ken Dorsey an rookie OC took over.  Allens numbers did dip slightly because of that change but it wasn't a huge regression.

    I feel one of the biggest reasons QB's fail is that the coaches are constantly being fired and they are constantly changing offensive systems.  However that should not be a problem in that SS is around for the long haul.


    Colts will need to add a receiving weapon, AR's go to guy.  Is that guy on the roster currently in Pittman or Pierce ?


    My own personal opinion is that Colts will have to improve the Oline as well.


    But many of the pieces that made Allen successful with the Bills are here with the Colts to make AR successful.


    Not sure why I was quoted in this this... But I agree. :)


    Good, solid post. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    This proves you were right but I never thought it was obvious he would be fired either and many did not. Like I said some just wanted him out but most knew he wasn't going anywhere. Frank was the scapegoat.


    I think if you read that thread... It gets better... I would not call a lot of the responses in that thread as critical thinking. Sure, some folks saw what I did. There was a lot of heckling going on too. I am used to it on this board though. 


    One poster even said that Jeff will want his own GM... And a lot of folks thought that way... It was bizarre. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    You think NFL teams don't use critical thinking?   It's a multi billion dollar business.   They have psychological evaluations, they have nutriesienst, the have back ground checks, they talk to high school teachers, they know everything about their family medical history.   They spend hours interviewing them,  working them out.    Yet you think you know more by watching youtube.   Like wth?    I'm not singling you out,  because a lot do it.   And obviously GMs get it wrong A LOT.   But you would get it wrong A LOT more than they do


    I think you missed the point...


    We are talking about the members on this board... Not NFL personnel. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    A lot of people in here use critical thinking and don't go off other's opinions unless something is obvious.


    Obvious... That is where the groupthink starts... People think something is obvious when it is not. 


    People thought is was obvious that Ballard was getting fired, after Reich was let go. 


    It was actually obvious to me that Ballard was staying... And I created a thread stating so. 


    The consensus of what was "obvious" was wrong. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    And that's totally fine.   I helped you dig up an old take you had not long ago.   However you like to come across like you are never wrong.    You would be the first.   You like to be the "I told you so" guy without posting your misses.   


    I am wrong sometimes. I point them out too. I did in this thread. I said I should not have called Steichen a liar, but instead should have just said he lied... 


    I am right a lot too. Probably because I use critical thinking instead of someone else's thoughts and opinions. 


  11. 7 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Ill bite, how did he lie


    I have posted it a few times, but it makes sense as to why you haven't read it... It is buried in here...


    A reporter asked Steichen what he values most in a quarterback. 


    He answered that the quarterback must be accurate. 


    Obviously he doesn't believe the quarterback has to be accurate. Anthony Richardson is one of the least accurate quarterbacks in this draft class... And I am not talking about completion rates.... I am talking about the ability to put a football in its intended place... 


    This is not a knock on Anthony Richardson, because he has other traits off the charts. 


    He also said the quarterback must be obsessed with football. I completely agree. I have never met or heard of a quarterback who wasn't obsessed becoming great. 


    Steichen lied. I pointed it out, and a bunch of folks did not like it. They'll get over it. But the fact will remain that Steichen was not truthful about the situation. He did not have to lie. There was no reason to. It didn't help the Colts at all... I am just hoping it is not the beginning of a trend. 

    16 minutes ago, Superman said:

    Steichen said he highly values accuracy. Do you think the Colts drafting Richardson is evidence that he doesn't highly value accuracy? 



  12. 5 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    Oh we know.   You let us know all the time how brilliant you are. 


    It is unfortunate that you see it that way. I wonder how much better it would be if you just looked at it as though... Hey this guy has a different and unique perspective... I am going to guess that others would see how welcomed original thoughts are... And we would see more folks on here share their own takes, instead of following the popular opinion. I think the discussion is better when people feel as though they can speak freely. I am just the type that doesn't ask permission to speak my mind. Not everyone is like that. The groupthink folks don't like that I do that. That is their problem. I am going to be me. 

  13. Just now, RollerColt said:

    It probably doesn't seem like it with how I post sometimes, but I do respect you for that. Having a differing opinion makes this forum interesting. 


    Thanks. I do not mind it when people to disagree with me. I encourage that. Some really good discussions happen from people contributing honest thoughts to the conversation... It can occasionally get out of hand when people start making personal attacks... But I never worry about it. I have learned to not take the bait. Usually the moderators come in a clean it all up. 


    Earlier in this thread I called Steichen a liar... It would have been more appropriate to just say he lied. He did lie, but that does not make him a liar. A liar is someone who repetitively lies... Although I think he blatantly and intentionally lied about the situation,  that is just my opinion. I hope it is a one time thing. If not then we will be blowing this entire team up in a couple of years... If Steichen has this very bad trait then the players will see it... You cannot hide these things in a locker room. It's like a melting pot in there. Either your true authenticity comes out, or they make one up for you... They never make one for you that's better. 

    • Like 1
  14. 36 minutes ago, Superman said:



    I agree. Not trying to be dramatic or anything, but there's a difference between media and journalism, and a lot of people don't properly acknowledge that difference.


    And despite most of the media being about engagement, there is real journalism out there. It's a little hard to find, sometimes behind a paywall, and often dry and boring, but it exists and is accessible.


    I agree 100%...


    Somewhere along the way the media became all about entertainment and protecting its advertisers (both sides)... It is hard for the media to tell the truth about a company that invest millions in advertisements. Could even be contractual obligations... Or back-door handshakes. 


    Unfortunately people still watch the news as though it's the same now as it was 30 years ago. 


    As someone in the middle, I find alternative places to get my news. I can form my own opinions. I like to get the facts and then put the pieces of the puzzle together myself. 


    You know me well enough... I am someone who does not ride the groupthink train. I like having my own opinion, even if it is not popular. 

  15. 2 minutes ago, iuswingman said:


    You need to learn the difference between opinion and facts.  Thanks for your opinion.  It is hardly facts.



    The fact that every offensive minded coach I have ever worked with or spoke to says the same thing about accuracy.... Plus it's my opinion too. 


    It is a fact that the opinion of every offensive minded coach I have ever worked with or spoken to have the same take on a quarterbacks accuracy. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    AR is on record saying his footwork needs improvement.  He did make some really bad looking throws in college.  Some were layups.


    But he also made some Stroud like throws, showing he has all of those physical features.  


    He also seems to process very quickly.  He was forced out of the pocket so many times, and created plays, running as a final resort.  


    I'm psyched.


    Anthony Richardson is a unique quarterback who could become very successful in the NFL... He could be a dude... He could be a dud... The ceiling is the limit...


    I have said that over and over... Before and after we selected him...


    Steichen was asked what he valued in a quarterback... He answered that he must be very accurate. Saying that and then taking Richardson is not being truthful... He lied. 

    3 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    Please show your work.    You are the one making the claim. 


    You first. 

  17. 4 minutes ago, iuswingman said:


    You said someone was either born with accuracy or not.  I said that was bull crap.  Yes, having good hand-eye coordination and depth perception is needed but NO ONE HAS INDICATED THAT AR HAS PROBLEMS WITH HAND-EYE COORDINATION NOR DEPTH PERCEPTION.  For your original post to be accurate, then it would mean that it would impossible for AR to improve his accuracy.  Quit moving the goal posts.


    No one was arguing physical traits.  That was an argument you were having with yourself.


    I have not moved the goal post an inch. 


    I am saying the same thing. Talking to many folks, but saying the same thing. 

  18. 3 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    Since you're interested in the truth, here are facts.  (I'm not saying AR is Josh Allen, I'm just providing data.  So don't say I'm a liar, lol!)


    Josh Allen

    2 years in college - 56%

    Pros comp percentage by year:







    Apparently they managed to improve his accuracy.




    Do you know why Josh Allen's completion percentage was low in college? There are a couple of reasons. I am not doing the work for you so go look it up. Hint: it is why he was the most polarizing quarterback of his draft class... That should give you enough to do a Google search with. You might even find some prospect profiles I worked on at the time. 


    The Bills have built an offense that suits Josh Allen... This has helped. 


    All that said, accuracy and completion percentage are not the same thing... And often trying to compare the two are apples and oranges. What kind of offense are you running? Spread, Air Raid, West Coast, Air Coryell, Erhardt-Perkins, Smashmouth.... This is will dictate an expected completion rate. 


    I am about the truth. This is not an attack on Anthony Richardson. What he lacks in accuracy he makes up for in other areas. He is a unique player. 


    This is about Steichen not being honest. He didn't even have to lie. Why? It helped him none at all. Anthony Richardson does not concern me; Steichen does. 

  19. Just now, BlackTiger said:

    No it isnt.  You can work on foot and arm mechanics to improve it.  QBs talk about this all the time.  A lot of draft picks come into the league with bad footwork and raise their accuracy as they get professional coaching 




    As I have pointed out many times... Improving mechanics can slightly improve accuracy... However, hand-eye coordination, depth perception, and so on is something you're born with. Just like height, speed, and so on... 

  20. 7 minutes ago, BlackTiger said:

    You can improve a completion %.  I keep saying Luck, Burrow and also Levis were under 60% their first year starting.


    Luck even had pro bowl years in the nfl throwing under 60%.  A 20 years olds % isnt set in stone forever, they can get better and lots of nfl pros did it


    It is not about completion percentage... Some offenses are designed to have higher completion percentages than others. 


    It is about putting the ball in its intended place. Accuracy... You know the trait that Steichen says a quarterback must possess. Anthony Richardson does not have that. Now he has God like ability in other areas, for sure... But he is not a naturally accurate passer. Things can be done to slightly improve his accuracy. But accuracy is  a trait someone is born with... Just like height and speed. 

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