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Posts posted by HectorRoberts

  1. 1 minute ago, Smoke317 said:

    You sound silly. Where did I sling crap?  Where did I say he was a backup?  I said he should not be the focus of our offense.  

    If your going to say he’s not a number one, then your saying he’s a number 2... I know math is really hard... when I say slinging crap I mean that you are talking out of your *... you say one thing then back pedal trying to say you mean something else until no one knows what your even talking about anymore.... 

  2. 10 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

    I never said anything about Doyle being a back up.  And a lot of tight ends can get 80 catches with a backup QB when your offense is in the bottom of the league. Why?  Because said backup couldn’t get the ball to his playmaking receivers...  So it was check down all game every game.  Again Doyle did what he was supposed to do and that’s catch the balls that were thrown to him.  But why is everyone acting like Doyle had 80 catches and we were a high powered top 10 offense?  


    Somebody has to lead bad teams in scoring. Does that make them better than a great player, playing on a great team that averages fewer points per game because the wealth is more spread out???  I think not. And again, that’s no knock on Doyle. That’s a knock on our inept offense and no other tight end option but him.  If Swoope was healthy, it would have been criminal for him not to at the minimum get a 3rd of those targets that Doyle got this year. 

    If your saying he’s not a #1 tight end then your saying he’s a back up.... if your going to sling crap then be ready to have some thrown back... 

  3. 1 minute ago, Smoke317 said:

    I’m not overthinking anything. You’re undethinking things.  If a possession tight end like Doyle is catching 90-100 passes that means our game breaking wide receivers and backs aren’t catching enough passes and making chunk plays.  And trust, if we had a 2nd tight end worth anything this year, Doyle wouldn’t have caught 80 catches...  


    And that’s no knock on Doyle.  He’s solid and dependable like I said.  Im not advocating to get rid of him.  Im saying he should not be the focus of our offense. Not the first or 2nd focus for that matter which is what 90-100 catches signify. Think on this, as great as Doyle’s stats were (as far as catches), why were we one of the worst offenses in the league? Why didn’t Doyle’s 80 catches set the league on fire?

    You don’t pay a guy the kind of money that Doyle is getting to be a back up, a back up doesn’t get 80+ catches in a season with a back up quarterback back. He’s no back up and I’m confident in saying that he’s a top 10 tight end

  4. 7 hours ago, wizwor said:


    First, Kaep, specifically protested against Law Enforcement.  That was embraced as a black thing on the Left and rebuked as an unpatriotic thing on the Right.  So the whole thing fit in with the themes of the election and got tons of media attention.  Just the same, there are a lot of felons playing in the NFL and Kaep's crimes did not approach dog fighting, child abuse, or, well, shooting himself with an unregistered gun.  Ray Lewis has a statue outside M&T Bank Stadium.  Kaep's problem is that he was not good enough to overcome the loss of goodwill of the fans.  Had this just been a Kaep thing or a 49'ers thing, he would probably have found work in the NFL, but he earned the contempt of a lot of fans and what team wants to bring in a player who will be booed at home games?  Icing on the cake is that he is costing the league a lot of money every week.  He is not taking a knee now, but this was not a problem until he did.


    Going back to the original question, the answer is almost certainly no.

    Ok then? so what is taking a knee during the national anthem going to do to help fix law enforcement? The Purpose for the National before games is to have a moment of silence and reverence in honor of the men and women who risk their lives protecting the freedoms of this disrespectful scumbag quarterback and this country. The National anthem is not the time or place to protest law enforcement. Instead taking a knee maybe he should do something to help his cause...

  5. R1 Malik Hooker S

    R2 Quincy Wilson CB

    R3 Terrel Basham OLB

    R4 Zach Banner OT

    R4 Marlon Mack RB

    R4 Grover Stewart DT

    R5 Nate Hairston CB

    R5 Anthony Walker MLB 


    Over all I give this an B+ almost everyone has done well and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for them.

  6. 4 hours ago, eseae said:


    so a colts fan that challenges other fans to live up to their morals, offers legit colts football talk AND   trashes the pats in the process is somehow trolling? dude, you have a high standard around here lol.


    Ive got my opinion, you have yours, that's what makes America great and will make America great again!


    who's your choice my friend? nagy is gone, btw, bears.


    I completely and one hundred Percent agree with you. McDaniels is a joke and if you don’t agree with masses you get gained up on like you are now. The best part is they will argue with you and have no facts or proof for their argument.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, CR91 said:


    Yea because Cutler turned out so great and what exactly the rams have back in 2011 for him to work with. 

    He had Bradford, jasckson, admandola,Brandon lloyd and a strong o-line. Everything an “offensive genius” needs to be successful. And back in 2008 jay Cutler had all the potential in the world, but hasn’t quite reached it yet, kind of like our #12

  8. 1 hour ago, CR91 said:


    Jesus......he went 6-0 at one time with Kyle flipping orton and 3-1 with grappollo and brisett. Made cassell a 60 million dollar QB. Matt cassell

    Yep he did go 6-0 with orton, then he went 2-8 with orton... He also traded away what many denver fans believed to be their franchise quarterback (jay cutler) because he “didn’t trust McDaniels” and their star receiver (Brandon Marshall) for similar reasons. The only positive thing he did for Denver is put them in position to draft von Miller with the #2 pick. Then he finds himself with the rams running their offense, and proves he’s not even qualified to do that due to his firing at the end of the 2011 season. He ends up in New England riding the coattails of Brady and belichick once again.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Colts_Fan12 said:

    The top candidate for most jobs the past 2 seasons is a water boy? You're funny 

    Apparently, he’s 9-17 as a head coach and gets rid of every player that crosses him. He’s train wreck, and if we hire him we are going to have top 5 draft picks for a long time.

  10. My Deep hatred for Irsay came right after he cut peyton and fired Caldwell/Polian...

    i just don’t understand how he could jump ship on those 3 who have done so much for him over the years  but had 1 down season. I have no doubt that we could have 1 or even 2 more Super Bowls if he would have kept those 3.

  11. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Polian had the best QB of all-time (ok Top 5 ever, I dont want to be a kiss butt), so he could Draft who ever he wanted and look like a genius lmao 

    Grigsion had Luck and still looked like a * with his picks.

  12. 1 hour ago, dgambill said:

    Funny how everyone ragged on Grigson for taking a wr in the first round and yet wr is probably top 3 biggest needs on the team. Did he get the pick wrong....perhaps...but he wasn't wrong in having foresight to address the need. I didn't really have problems with many of the positions and how he was trying to build the team (plan)...he just picked the wrong guys to build it with.

    WR that year was the last thing people thought we needed, we had Hilton, Andre Johnson, Moncrief coming off his rookie year, Griff Whalen, and duron carter. Before that draft I and many other members here thought that wr was our strongest position.

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