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Posts posted by DrColtsFan

  1. Admittedly, I like to be part of a loud stadium crowd. Had an awesome experience tonight with my fellow 12th Man at the LOS. Yep, there were too many orange jerseys, but those in Colts blue started the night off loud and proud. But what impressed me the most, was even in the third quarter, when the momentum had shifted away, our fans were still in it -- hollering for all we were worth. Thanks Coltsfans!!

  2. DRColtsFan I can't believe I didn't make this connection sooner, but if you're who I think you are, I took a picture with you about an hour before the game :). One of your part of 4 was wearing a blue tutu and hose, right?

    Yep that was us! Good to meet ya! I'm glad you had a better experience than us.

  3. I have now been to 7 stadiums including the game where the NOLA saints beat the crap out of our Curtis Painter led Colts. My experience of today's Buffalo crowd was pretty low. Too much alcohol + too much ignorance = atrocious behavior. At least three Bills fans were ejected by security during separate events in our section alone. Just wow!!

  4. Had a great time today at camp. Jotted down a few notes:

    1. Find it interesting that 80 and 83 warm up with the quarterbacks instead of with the receiving core and the rest of the team.

    2. Watching punt returns saw 2 things: 36 looks good being able to catch at full run speed and 9 sometimes worried me because he catches it off to his side instead of getting centered under it

    3. 9 did a beast mode catch up and over a perfectly positioned DB

    4. Dline seemed to push around oline a lot. Yea I know it's just practice but the qbs didn't have much space on multiple pass plays

    5. 80 brought his soft catching hands today, reminded me a bit of a TE that wore 44 here once

    6. 80 also got a nice block on screen play

    7. 30 was working it. Played with a lot of energy. Even saw a couple of true tackles from him even though it wasn't full pads. He took 9 down hard. Broke up a couple of pass plays.

    8. Saw one pass fall in and bounce outta of the receivers hand, then bounce into and outta defenders hand and then back into original recievers hand. Good for a few laughs.

  5. Hes not wrong.. colts as a team was soft.. the fans were soft last night.. if i didnt know any better it sounded like the pats were at home last night.

    Were you there? Cuz that stadium was rocking about as loud as I've ever heard in Lucas Oil - especially on 3 rd down. I've been to 6 other stadiums too and only New Orleans was louder than it was here last night. Our fans weren't soft last night. We were face-painted, jersey-decked, blue-bleeding fans. We did our part and yes I'm proud of it. It stung that the defense couldn't do their job. It's a pretty classless thing that Gronk allegedly said but I don't think many of us are surprised.

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