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Posts posted by coltsfan84

  1. Dungy for GM, R.Morris for HC?

    Dungy has said he's done.He said he wants to concentrate on his mentoring to troubled youth and also that he prefers to stay in Tampa and spend more time with his family.Said it was too much trouble traveling to Indy constantly.Besides which,he has a cushy job now and he gets to constantly mess with a Pat,lol.

    What would have been nice was if we had gotten Harbaugh instead of SF and given him another chance at a SB seeing how he missed it by a hail mary in 95,good guy,glad to see hes doing well.

  2. All this fire Caldwell talk is overreaction and it is being blown out of proportion.It's a adjustment year,it happens in the NFL.Things have been a lot worse for a lot more than one year in the past.

    The problem is everyone has gotten used to consistently being at the top so when there are problems everybody panics and demands the head of the coach.

    He is doing the best he can with the tools he has.Just need to make some good picks,get everyone healed up,and reorganize.

    GO COLTS! :applause:

  3. In my opinion,the decision is up to the coaching staff and management to make.Our job is to be happy and support the team regardless of what decisions are made.And if you don't like the decision,don't watch or go to the games.Not trying to flame,just being objective.

    Look at the result of the fan's influence on the Broncos.The coaching staff wanted to stay with Orton,but the demand was so great that they decided to go with Tebow.

    Tebow can be good given time,he just needs to start playing pro ball and not college.They should have kept Orton and had him work with Tebow.

    Let the staff do their job and it will all work out in the end.And if it doesn't,it's not that big a deal,it's only a game.

    GO COLTS!! :foam:

  4. As I said before,my two favorite teams are the Colts and whoever is playing the Pats.That being said,I am hoping the Pats get taken out of contention.If they were to come to Indy and in the SB on top of it,that would be just adding insult to injury.You know Beli and Brady are absolutely salivating over the idea of coming here and rubbing it in our faces.

    Go Steelers,go Ravens,go anybody but Pats,LOL!

  5. I mean, my God. This team just keeps scoring points. They put up 45 on a Falcons team that's gonna be in the playoffs. They destroyed the Giants a few weeks ago. They'll at least make it to the NFC championship game. The Niners won't be able to hang with them. The Packers will give them a good fight because they have the offensive firepower, but without Jennings they may not have enough. I'm betting on a Saints/Patriots Super Bowl, in a shootout, that ends with NO pulling away towards the end.

    As a Colts fan it hurts to put those two teams in the SB.

    I'm really hoping the Pats get taken out of the picture.I mean,we finally get a SB here and our boys have a off year.To add to it the Pats in our town AND in the SB,wow,major league suckage, haha .

    And you know Beli and Brady are drooling over the prospect of rubbing it in our faces,lol.

    Go Steelers!Go Ravens!Go anyone but Pats!

  6. As far as the Bethea call,yes that was well let's just say hooey,lol.It was incidental AND it gave Houston another set of downs.I know Lucas was deafening with the boos and even Caldwell was pretty well steamed.

    The problem is how do you try to protect players from people like Suh who go out there with the intention of purposefully permanently injuring someone and yet try to avoid calls involving incidental contact,pretty big grey area.

    Props to our Colts for overcoming this call and the unbelievable fumble recovery to hold them and come back for the win, :applause: .

  7. Well,I'll put it this way,I was at the Houston game and you'd have thought they were playing for the SB.I've watched all the games on tv and have yet to see anybody giving up,if you listen to any media,most of the other teams are impressed by the level of play from the Colts.

    I don't see the point in laying down,sucking for luck,losing on purpose,etc.If that's your attitude then maybe you shouldn't be in the NFL making multimillions,know what I'm saying?No offense to anyone or their opinions but come on let's get real.

  8. Merry Christmas Colts fans!

    Wishing everyone a joyous holiday. Safe travels to those that are traveling near and far to spend the holiday with their friends and family

    Wishing you all a healthy and Happy New Year- Bring on 2012

    Santa came early here and surprised us with tickets to see our favorite team on Jan 1,2012. Looking forward to see our team finish out the season with a win.

    I hope Santa brings you all what you wish for too! :)

    Christmas in sunny Florida with the greatest team,doesn't get much better than that.Grats!

    Mery Christmas from NZ, its Christmas day here already!

    New Zealand?Wow,the whole world bleeds blue, :applause: .

    Hope everyone has a great,blue holiday season,how bout them Texans,booya!

  9. I tried to get down to the lower level after the game,they sometimes come out and sign stuff,took my Colts book to have it signed but we got diverted by the yellow shirts to the exit. :sadno:

  10. heck ya.. first time in a city and limo and colts game and fancy hotel.. I just may leave the sticks if I end up liking it.. haha

    anyone ever eatin at Greek Islands?? Im gonna be in dire need of some greek coffee, since the airline wont let me take my turkish coffee pot or coffee grounds.. lol

    So how was your trip,limo,game experience?Hope it was great.Have decent seats?Saw a buncha limos running around,mostly Hummers,pretty cool.

  11. WOW,what a game for my first at Lucas and my sons first Colts game.I have to admit I had some doubts after that ridiculous penalty and fumble recovery on Houstons last drive.I was like,well 2 mins for a drive for 7,Peyton,yes,Orlovsky..eh idk.Great job,great drive,2 in a row! :applause: .

    Toyota zone is nice,just 1 row of seats.Have to try to win those again,lol.Lucas is a nice place,huge,all kinds of free stuff,love the Lucas area mostly cause I'm a gearhead/car nut anyway.But I think the Dome was louder,although only went to 2 games there,kinda miss it.

    Overall,great trip,great game,great experience.Just wish I could afford to buy tix on a regular basis,lol.

  12. If you do the taxi,they can take you straight through town to the hotel.It would be faster and you wouldn't have to worry about parking.I'm not in Indy,about 40 mins out so I'm not sure what the rentals and taxis run.But getting around Indy isn't bad,they have done a good job as far as signage goes.A lot of one way streets,but not bad.

  13. It's not that bad getting from airport to downtown via car on the interstate,Indy's not that big,lol.Basically jump on 465 and everything comes off there.Taxi might be big $$,rental car and GPS maybe?

  14. While wishing the best experience to you and your boy, as a vet of the old RCA Dome, I almost despise going to games at LOS. It's just lame. As a fanbase we totally sold out. The RCA Dome was in fact the "Terror Dome". So loud, even as a fan you walked out not hearing straight.

    Yea,Iiked the 2 games I was fortunate enough to attend in the Dome.Never recognized it as anything but the Hoosier Dome,lol.Great place,loud as heck,intimate,great environment.Oh well,lol.MSA was a waste too,heard Conseco acoustics stink.Best memories of MSA were seeing some great bands/shows,camping out overnight,and the general stampede, haha

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