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Posts posted by coltsfan84

  1. I'm not a doctor and I hate to say it,but Manning probably won't be back this season.And to be realistic,there is a possibility that he may not play again.Those are some fairly serious procedures he had done and he has to be realistic and weigh his options of playing and complicating the injuries,I've heard paralysis is a possible result.

  2. I'm not sure why he feel he has to apologize to the fans.We don't have ownership in the team.No offense to anyone,but if there are fans that are so unhappy that they feel they are entitled to a apology,they don't have to watch or go to the games.Appreciate the apology gesture,but I don't really see any obligation to people who are going to support them regardless of the outcome.

  3. @ this point,I'm not sure what to think.I'm dazed and confused :tears: .It's kind of like trying to wake up from a operation.

    I watched the entire game in disbelief,how could it be this bad with so many talented,decent guys?For all the players:It has to be hard,but try to move on,there's plenty of wins left.And hopefully there's many others out there that will continue to bleed blue regardless of the outcome.GO COLTS!

  4. I say the Colts will pull off the upset here.Winless teams are the most dangerous and the Colts have been putting together some decent games minus the errors.GO COLTS!!!

  5. So because I can't afford to go to games this year makes me a bandwagon fan? If not for my current situation I would be at every game no matter if we were 0-16 or 16-0. I actually had to back out of the season tickets that I went in on half with my little brother. I watch every game on TV...all the way through...win or lose. What is it with people who think you have to go to every single game to be a "real" fan?

    Actually,it's not about being able to afford the tickets.Nobody can afford the tickets anymore.But maybe if the attendance goes down,prices will drop again?LOL,wishful thinking.No,you don't have to go to games and that's the bad part.Some of the best fans are priced out of supporting their team.I'm like you,I try to catch every game I can on TV for free.

  6. Well,no offense but if you've watched any games,Painter is obviously much better than Collins.No disrespect to Collins,but Painter has been in the organization and knows the system whereas Collins has been pulled out of retirement and expected to learn one of the most complex systems in a matter of a few weeks.Not to mention that the job should have been Painter's from the beginning.

  7. speaking of, I haven't been paying close attention but is Painter pretty much the starter from here on?

    It should of been Painter from the start.It was his job to begin with,kinda disrespectful to hire Collins over him.Of course this is the same management that threw away a perfect season.

  8. Is this guy serious? Some guy says that coyer is making a new defensive scheme in one week of practice and becasue of that we will win? He is gloating about a win because some dude says they look good in practice?!?


    Playoffs?!Playoffs??You want to talk about playoffs??!!

  9. You know what I'm sick of?I'm sick of all the Colts bashing and abuse they are taking.Knock it off already.If you are a true fan then you wouldn't be coming up with stuff like "suck for luck".So they are having a off year,big deal.Here's a idea:how about instead of hating and telling them how much the entire organization sucks,you show them some support and stand behind them.Not everybody is 100% perfect 100% of the time and to expect it is both unfair and unreasonable.

    I have watched the Colts since they came here and will continue to do so whenever I can until they leave,and maybe even after that.If you want to jump off the bandwagon and dump your tickets,I would be more than happy to take them! :D GO COLTS! :disco:

  10. I would just like to say props and grats to Painter for finally getting the job he should of had to begin with.It was just plain disrespectful for them to sign Collins over Painter.Course this is also the same management team that threw away the perfect season,so go figure,lol/

  11. Wow,really?Why?IMO I think they need to let Painter start.He had a rough start Sunday night but once he got warmed up and got a rhythm going,he had a heck of a series.Let him start and see what happens,what have you got to lose?I don't understand why they are so anti-Painter.

  12. I was at the game, what was disrespectful or embarrassing. Even the horrible decision to not go for the 4th

    and a foot from the 11 was handled somewhat well by the fans. and if you are feferring to people leaving after the

    hillis untouched scamper to the endzone,well i payed good money and it was time to beat the traffic. had i know cleveland was gonna let us score and then coach would actually muster up the guts to try an onside kick i think most would have stayed. and i will be there sunday night cheering again. and when it is over by the scoreboard i will leave and start my 2 hour drive home.

    All I am saying is that it's not very supportive.They realize they're not playing well and I'm sure they hear everybody and probably don't appreciate it very much.It's like if your coworker was having a bad day,would you boo them and be unsupportive?Probably not,same thing here,let's support our Colts,try to help them feel better rather than rubbing their face in it.No disrespect intended,just saying.Everyone's entitled to their opinion.Thank you :)

  13. Well I for one would like to tell the entire Colts organization to try and not pay attention to all the negative media and the actions of so called "fans".It's two losses,it's not like the entire season is lost.As for the crowd at Sunday's game,that was just disrespectful and embarrassing behavior.I myself cannot afford to attend the games,have only had the fortunate opportunity to attend 2 games.One was at the Hoosier Dome the year the Colts won the conference against the Redskins,and the other I won tickets for a game at the Fieldhouse but opted to give them to my mother in law who had never been to a game.But,if I was at the game Sunday,I certainly would not have disrespected the team by leaving early,let alone booing.If anything,I would have been standing and applauding the effort regardless of the outcome.

    Kerry Collins,don't let the negative comments and media get to you.The expectation for you to learn and successfully execute one of the most complex offenses in the league in the matter of a few weeks is unrealistic and unreasonable.

    I have watched the Colts since they have have moved here and will watch them as long as they are here.All I can say is things have been a lot worse and regardless of the outcome,if you are truly a fan,you will stand behind this organization and support them.If you want to jump off the bandwagon and dump your tickets,I would be more than happy to take them! :) Thank you for your time and have a great day!

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