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Posts posted by coltsfan84

  1. I'm kind of at a loss for words myself.It's not like there's a lack of talented,dedicated players.It's the worst luck I've ever seen a team have in a year.It's like there's a Unitas curse :P .Anything that can go wrong has pretty much happened as far I've seen so far.Just have to hang in there and hope the luck changes sometime. :please:

  2. I have not yet figured out this loyality to any player? If you can improve your team long term by moving on why wouldn't you? Other teams have shown how "holding" on to a player to long can be harmful, while others have shown that if you know when to move said player you not only stay good, you actually can improve.

    Well,it's not just about improving the game.It's about respecting and appreciating what Manning has done.There ARE more important things than money and winning games.Would the Bears have dumped Walter Payton if he had problems?

  3. Just got a thing from x103 apparently Jimmy Johnson believes the Colts should trade Manning and go for Luck.

    What I don't understand is everyone saying to kick Manning to the curb.After all he's done for the Colts and Indy and everyone wants to put him out with the trash?Cmon,give the guy a break and if nothing else give him a coaching position.Return the favor and show some love man.

  4. Well,obviously he loves the game and definitely wants to play play again and of course it would be ideal to have him back.

    But,you also have to be realistic.Those are some pretty serious procedures he had done.And from what I understand,paralysis is a possible complication?So,it comes down to play a game and take a risk of becoming paralyzed or retire and enjoy a coaching position with your team.

  5. Why does everybody feel the need to do this?It is not going to accomplish anything and the only ones that it is going to embarrass are the citizens of Indiana and the Blue Nation.Not to mention that things aren't that bad.If you have followed the Colts for any length of time,you know it has been a lot worse than what it is now.I don't understand the need to publicly humiliate someone,this is not something a Hoosier/Colts fan would do.This would be something a well known adversary of the Colts would do.Let's look at it another way.Let's say your coworker is having a bad day/week.Would you organize everyone else in your workplace to stand around and berate them?

    Do you think the players appreciate the whole chanting/suck for luck thing?They go out there and do their best,work hard,and take a risk every game to provide entertainment for people yet everybody wants to tear them down when things don't go the way they want.Let's show some support and love for the players regardless of the outcome.Does it really matter if they win or lose?It's only a game.GO COLTS! :applause:

  6. WNDE is now reporting that Saturday and Mathis are responding to this whole embarassing "Suck for luck" um lets see,stuff I guess :) .Mathis says he's not sucking for anyone and Saturday says he is offended which he has every right to be.The entire Colts organization ought to be speaking out against this whole idea.

  7. Well.while I may not agree to a person's opinion,I believe in their right to state their opinion.But some of the comments in this thread are almost hateful,bordering on libelous.Does anyone personally know Mr. Caldwell to the point where they can talk about him in such a disrespectful manner?OK,maybe his coaching is suspect but to resort to name calling and public humiliation is questionable at best.Definitely some unColts like commentary being thrown around.

  8. Yeah.

    You know what though, I don't think we need to publicly humiliate the man. By all accounts he's a pretty good person. He's got a wife and kids. You think it's sucks for us right now? Think about being in his shoes. Everyone around you hates you just because you aren't good at your job. It's not like he doesn't want the team to get better.

    I just want him fired. We don't need to scourge him too. This shouldn't be personal.

    Ya,exactly.Does anyone realize what they are saying?Don't you think the players feel bad enough without all the fans doing something so disrespectful and rubbing their faces in it?We are not NE,show some love and support,try to make them feel better.And btw,Tenn is a very winnable game.GO COLTS!!

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