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Everything posted by Happy2BeHere

  1. Defense could sure help with either a 3 and out or a turnover.
  2. I’m shocked we chose to run JT up the middle instead of Hines
  3. At least Taylor has been the same as he was last year, just too bad the rest of the team has also been the same as last year also.
  4. Turnover maybe a little too late that the defense needed to do much earlier
  5. Meh I don’t fully agree. If your coach is CONSTANTLY setting you up to fail it’s hard to be motivated for that.
  6. At least we just got to see Reggie on the sideline coaching, that’s nice.
  7. This game is just pathetic. I put part of the blame on not playing the starters a bit more together in the preseason as well. But it’s clearly more than that. We don’t acquire enough talent via free agency, whether that’s entirely on Ballard or not is not known because we don’t know what he was or wasn’t willing to pay players to come here and if they wanted to or not, but it clear we just suck.
  8. If there was a time to “do a knee jerk reaction” this is the time to do it Irsay, not a soul will judge you otherwise if you canned frank after this game.
  9. Talking about this particular game. This is the thread we are in.
  10. They look like a peewee football team, and that’s being generous…
  11. Good gosh Matt Ryan, didn’t think you could be worse than Wentz but today you proved me wrong.
  12. I still put it entirely on frank Reich, that guy needs to go. Plain and simple to me. For those of you arguing the players have to play it’s not Reich’s fault Ryan fumbled the snap…it’s Reich’s fault that we are never prepared, he sucks at calling plays and he sucks at motivating his players. Plain and simple.
  13. Colts just still look like a crappy football club. All the way around except for JT and MP
  14. Taylor is really a special talent, he weaves and bobs like no one else
  15. It’s Reich, he is a poor play caller and just has never had this team prepared like they should be. It’s on him.
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