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Posts posted by nburgmei

  1. I doubt the Broncos bring in Tamme + Clark. It's one or the other. Stokley is almost a sure bet. Played with the Broncs, fans love him, and he's played with PM. If Saturday doesn't come back then he'll be there.

    I think Jeff's been a little weird about this. It seems like the only place he wants to go is wherever PM is, and he doesn't seem like he wants to come back to the city that's help make his career. A little selfish, but I still love him.

    I don't read this as selfish. I see it as he's expressing more loyalty to a friend than to a larger entity; which I find respectable. Manning's been tapping him on the butt for 13 (?) seasons now. That has to count for something.

  2. After reading all the Peyton to Tennessee threads, i can't help but notice all the displeasure a lot of people show about him going to a division rival.

    Every thread, you can read a; it'll tarnish is legacy as a colt, or it's like a slap in the face, and a I'll lose respect for him.

    Not to mention the people who think Peyton will go to the Titians out of spite, to get back at the Mr. Irsay.

    This is a tough decision for him to make, and I'm sure he'll choose the one that's is best for him, his future in the NFL, and his family.

    But to get to the bottom line, the NFL is a business and just like mr. Irsay saw it best for him to cut Peyton. Let's not hold it against Peyton for making a business decision himself and going to the Titians.

    If Peyton thinks it's best for him and his family to go to Tennessee, let's respect that, didn't say you had to root for him. I mean after 14 years I think he's earned that

    True that. At this point Manning can pick whatever team he wants and I'm not going to hold it against him. However, I'd still rather him not pick AFC South so we don't have a guarantee to play him twice a year.

  3. Trading Freeney within the division guarantees, barring injuries, that he is going to have a shot at our rookie QB against an essentially rookie O-line. Are we confident that Costanzo, or anyone else on our team, can handle Freeney?

    On another note, I have no confidence that Mathis can carry the pass rushing duties. Mathis has benefited immensely from Freeney pulling the double-team. Without Freeney, and I don't have stats for this, Mathis has seemed pretty mediocre. Unless we get lucky and land a monster DE, I think keeping Mathis without Freeney might be a waste of Mathis' talent and the Colt's money.

  4. Maybe we'll get lucky and the Colts - Patriots will form a new rivalry. Brady can't have too many years left either so it could be Luck vs nameless 6th round pick that Belichick voodoos into greatness. We'll get another 10 years of rivalry. One can hope. It'll be sad if the Colts - Patriots annual becomes just another game.

  5. Here's my take on it (surely to be controversial). I voted for GOAT. The Colts, barring something tragic happening, have many decades ahead of them. Hopefully fruitful, championship filled decades. GOAT has, optimistically, 5 years, but probably only 2 or 3. The Colts, like most rebuilding teams, will probably not be great these next few years. I'm personally more than willing to give up these next few development years in order to see Peyton get another championship or two.

    That's rational me. Irrational, angry me wants Peyton to stick it to us just to rub it in a little. However, I'd like it to be a good game. I don't want Luck to get his confidence shattered. It's going to be rough for him.

  6. You can't rule the playoffs out this early; we're only one game into the season with a "new" QB. There was a lot of good hidden behind the bad today.

    I do agree Collin's had some bad throws, but he could have been worse. I mentioned it in gameday, but I don't understand what the hate on Garcon was today. I saw him drop one pass (the "defenseless receiver" call) and that was good defensive play.

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