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Posts posted by adamthyst

  1. I'm doing EVERYTHING I can to not curse in this post but Jeff Triplett is the WORST ref I have ever seen in my life. That was the WORST call I have ever seen in my life. I am so ticked off right now, un-freaking-believable. Fire this man, Goodell, you are freaking BLIND if you don't fire this man.

  2. He didn't do too bad but he doesn't get an A from me. Some of his signings from the FA have been pretty solid to me and definitely surprised the heck outta me, especially RJF and Walden. Cherilus is solid at his position right now and Toler is a good corner but I just don't like his injuries. I do wanna see more out of Thomas as well. I believed that Ballard and Bradshaw would've been a great 1-2 Punch at RB but unfortunately they got hurt. DHB needs to leave, seriously. I'm eager about Sidbury, I wanna see what he can do next season.


    His draft picks, ehh... about half of them really impressed me and some aren't even there anymore or active.


    As far as the TR trade, it looks as if we got screwed pretty bad. Like I said though, I'll give him an actual full season before I say more, but right now, he sucks.

  3. funny a lot of people said the same thing when we were going to Tennessee after the blow out loss to St. Louis 4 days before as well. Colts have not lost 2 in a row with Luck at QB and they wont this weekend either. Titans also lost safety Michael Griffin due to one game suspension for a hit on Pryor yesterday

    I know they play better at home but they need to adjust. Like, SERIOUSLY adjust. It's November, they should be on a hot streak right now and getting into playoff form but it's a dud right now.


    Yeah...if we lose vs Tennessee they are one game behind and we are headed off to Cincinnati the next week.

    This is a must win game, both of those two are.

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