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Posts posted by amfootball

  1. Just now, jvan1973 said:

    Never heard of anyone ODing on weed

    It has not been confirmed that he OD'd just that he needed medical attention. He drove himself to the police station where he was taken to the hospital and was released shortly after and at practice the next day. Speculation is weed at this point by Boston media anyways ...

  2. 5 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    You seem to think this is over? Next court date is in March. We will see.

    Perhaps you missed this sentence in my post: Turns out it didn't but Brady got his own vindication in court and did not serve a game this season and may never serve it pending the second circuit.


    Also, you missed my main point. I don't care about DG or whether Brady ever serves the 4 games or not. Winning that SB and getting that 4th ring was all that mattered to cap this historic run. Maybe they add to it this post season. I don't know but they have done everything I could have ever hoped for and more.

  3. Just now, The Old Crow said:



    When end it comes down to it, the money rolling in is the tie that binds. 

    You will find this amusing. Back in 2000 Kraft petitioned the city of South Boston to build the new Pats stadium. The politicians in Southie said not because they did not want the tailgating which is ironic given Southie is a town that likes its bars if you know what I mean. Kraft ended up staying in Foxboro and financed the stadium himself and of course went on to win 4 SBs and pour a boat load of money into Foxboro in the process. I always think how those Southie politicians much kick themselves hard every time football season starts. lol.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

    Do you think Chandler will play this weekend?  Reports that he had a drug overdose Sat. Night/ Sunday morning.. on what the police are referring to as "class D Delta"   whatever that is.  Maybe against NFL policy?


    He is playing. He has practiced this week. Nothing has been confirmed about what he did or did not take but most believe it was weed putting him in the NFL drug substance abuse program.

  5. Just now, The Old Crow said:



    It it is certainly a very select club. With all the money floating around , you can see why bygones will be bygones . 

    Yep. And that can be the tough part as fans sometimes. There are some Pats fans that just can't forgive Kraft for not fighting for the picks and all. I don't begrudge them their feelings but in the end it is just football. Entertainment. No one is dying. The Pats will move on just fine even without the number one pick. Kraft did all he could do to support Brady and really thought he was helping him by standing down. Turns out it didn't but Brady got his own vindication in court and did not serve a game this season and may never serve it pending the second circuit. Then on top, we got this great season from the team and Brady so hard to really be that mad anymore. I hope they can make some hay in January but if not I am pretty content with that fourth ring. They have done everything I could have ever hoped they would do the last 15+ years.

  6. 6 minutes ago, The Old Crow said:


    It is fun to see a commissioner you don't like burned. Are Kraft and Goodell still friends , or was their friendship ruined  by what happened ? 

    I think Kraft and Goodell are fine. Kraft seem to blame more of the league lawyers than Goodell thru the whole thing. I also think he understands the other 31 business owners, his partners were not on his side either. So what are you going to do? He has a lot of prominent positions with the league that he did not want to sacrifice so I don't blame him. In the end as fans, we all understand the owners are about the money. I love Kraft and all that he has done for our city and team but DG was just a hot mess with no easy solutions IMO.

  7. 3 minutes ago, The Old Crow said:


    There is no doubt that would have happened . We would have gotten a team earlier, but for the machinations of the Redskins , and the commissioner. I loved it in 2000 when that loser Taglibue had to hand the Ravens the Super Bowl trophy. You know that had to gall that DC lawyer ! 

    Yeah, pretty sweet. But not as sweet as Roger handing the trophy to Bill and Brady! And then the SB MVP trophy to Brady the next day. Have both on DVD and watch over and over still.

  8. Just now, The Old Crow said:



    Bad ad owners like Kiam can really ruin your fun, or in extreme cases, cause your team to lose. Can you imagine no team in the Boston market ? 

    Yes they do.


    No, I can't imagine it. I think if it did happen, another team would have moved in. Similar to what happened in Baltimore. Boston is such a sports town through and through.

  9. 12 hours ago, Jules said:


    Might have some ugly weather for Pats/Chiefs. Keep an eye on it at times too with the forecast. Not sure if it helps or hurts NE. But, it could help slow it down a bit and help Alex Smith.


    Hard to say.

    Bad weather always favors offense for both teams. Right now it is calling for all rain but we have to wait to see what happens with this storm as it could shift and be snow. Will know more by the end of the week. Conditions could be very similar to the Pats/Colts champ game last year.

  10. 1 minute ago, The Old Crow said:


    Did you know that James Orthwein tried to move the Patriots to St Louis in 1992 ? We almost had the St Louis Patriots !!!

    Oh yes, I know it well. My husband and I were just talking about it this morning when we heard St. Louis was losing their team. Thank goodness for Kraft and him buying the team and putting together this historic run. I just can't imagine NE/Boston without the Pats.

  11. 18 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    There is no pats obsession.  Need I remind you where you are?    We aren't pathetically on a Pats board.  You come here.    The obsession it seems is on your end

    Oh I think we all know you are on the Pats board. At least I post on this board unlike you who just trolls the Pats board but is too scared to ever post. 

  12. 1 hour ago, QwizBoy said:

    Tyrod Taylor and Ryan Fitzpatrick were pleasant surprises for their respective teams. The AFC East is making a case to be the toughest division in the AFC. Those guys helped their offenses complement the defenses which we already knew were going to be superb. 

    The East was strong this year. The only team that truly disappointed was Miami. I am interested to see what off-seasons moves each team makes in the off-season.

  13. 46 minutes ago, Surge89 said:


    I'm sorry I'm not talking about Ben?  Who am I talking about then?  Your opinion on Ben is still talking about Ben.  


    In fact my 2 statements were directly related to Ben and how your claims of dramatizing apply only to Ben and not the rest of the NFL.


    But hey don't let fact get in your way.  (you usually don't)

    Ok, gotcha. Feel free to PM and we can discuss further privately. I would prefer to keep to Ben and the drama I was referring to regarding injuries as that is what the pertinent topic is related to Ben per my original post. And I in no way said that Ben was the only one as I compared him to Favre in this regard. But again don't want to derail down other avenues and get off topic. Happy to discuss over PM.

  14. 26 minutes ago, Surge89 said:



    That is exactly what I don't get.  I've sat quiet reading her cries of drama this and drama that for the past 3 days and can barely stand the soaked irony that a Brady fan calls anyone else dramatic.  It is so delusional that it's almost comical.  Almost.  


    Check out this skewed reality:


    A.  Ben is faking and dramatizing a fake injury that isn't fake based on Ben riding a cart that most likely he was told to get on....


    B. Brady isn't any drama at all when he yells at refs for calls, or yells at coaches when he does bad, or is on the injury report every week for pooping anything but gold.  


    Jesus I can't stand that type of obsession.  And Jules thinks Colts fans are obsessed over Manning lol...

    Thread was about Ben. Please do not derail the topic or call out posters.

  15. 1 minute ago, NFLfan said:


    Maybe, but you clearly don't watch the Vikings. When Norv mixed up the playcalling as in the Arizona game, the offense looked much better against a very good Arizona defense. You were the same person who said we matched up so poorly against the Packers and how we would be crushed in Week 17, but when we beat the Packers,  there was not a word from you. That was not a surprise because you rarely admit when you are wrong. However, had the Vikings lost, I can almost guarantee that you would have said something. You also said Seattle would annihilate us and we were a missed 27-yard FG from winning. So, 


    I never said I watched the Vikings. I was commenting on the playoff game which I did watch. You were limited by personnel and the match up with Seattle and it being below zero did not help either. I though overall the game was managed perfectly by Minny even with APs fumble. The last drive was brilliant but foiled by the kicker. Playoff games often come to just a play or two.


    Minny played great verse the Packers. Limited their offense much better and made enough plays to win. I think Seattle would have won more easily if the game was not below zero. Both offenses were not able to do much through the air because of it. All and all though a tremendous season from the Vikes. As I have told you before, I like Teddy a lot. He has the IT factor. Once he learns to get rid of the ball quicker and not take the sacks he will be on the same level as Wilson and Cam IMO.

  16. 8 minutes ago, -JJ- said:

    yes I failed to mention Seattle defense- sometimes you just have to give credit where due.

    I think I saw 1, maybe 2, cases with QB under center with AP 8 yards back and it was a play action pass.

    And then 1 or 2 cases in shotgun with a handoff to AP. The rest were so obvious.

    Minny had done enough to win the game. The last drive was beautiful. Right to the 10. And then the kicker ... sigh.

  17. 4 minutes ago, ColtRider said:


    No matter what's said, Roethlisberger & Brown will in all likelihood play. If they don't, Denver wins going away. If BB does play, I guarantee Denver will bring the house on him many, many times. Brown is in concussion protocol until Friday ... all of a sudden he'll be cleared. :)


    Take everything with a grain of salt. It'll serve you well.

    Exactly. They are all playing. Injuries will be played up all week and then if they win, it will be the warriors have somehow beaten all odds and beat the top seed. If they lose, blame the injuries. It is the Steeler way.



  18. 4 minutes ago, csmopar said:

    Right. Just like he had that busted up ankle and was the back up and only to be called upon and went and led a blow out win. Then Saturday he is carted off for  a shoulder injury only to return and not play until the last drive where he led the game winner. He is the very definition of drama king. He will wince every throw and do wind mills to try to stretch it out to make sure everyone knows he is the warrior and toughest QB in the game but he will play fine. Similar to Favre who also played well when injured but enjoyed the drama ...

  19. 17 minutes ago, NFLfan said:


    Too many people rely on stats to determine how well someone played.  If AP ran for 80 yards on one carry and for 40 yards total on 30 carries the rest of the way, he would have 120 yards for the game which looks good on paper but does not help the offense much. When you need to sustain drives, you don't need someone looking for the home run. If you watched the games, believe me, he would frustrate you too. 


    I do think he would have played better if the play calling was different. I agree very much with JJ's earlier post.  Norv Turner did not mix up the plays well enough.  Almost every first down was a run play, followed by another one, leaving the offense in third and long in most sets of downs. So, I don't put all the blame on AP... There is a poll on one Vikings site asking who do we want to keep, Norv or AP.  I voted AP.

    I think your personnel is limited on the offensive side which is why Norv's play calling can seem vanilla. Also Teddy takes a lot of sacks so Norv is more for positive gains then negative downs. Maybe this off-season you get more play makers for Teddy.

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