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King Colt

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Posts posted by King Colt

  1. 8 hours ago, csmopar said:

    Depends on the type of addiction as to whether or not they be crazy. Gettin addicted to prescription pain killers, that can happen to anyone crazy or not. 

    getting addicted to battery acid meth, yeah, you be crazy cause you tried it in the first place. 

    You are way off because there is not medical term "crazy" when it comes to addiction. Unbelievable post on your part.

  2. Addicts are not crazy, they are ill.  No one wants to be addicted any more than no one wants cancer. Most people are in charge of their senses after recovery permanently or temporarily. I can't say for certain but I have never heard of a person rehabbing 15 times. No one here can do anything other than wish him the best. I don't envy him. At his age abusing is much more dangerous that at a young age. 

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  3. When the laws on advertising booze on TV changed permitting it I was *. Why was it done? Who benefits from it?  The NFL is good friends with alcohol. My next door neighbor when I was growing up was a chronic alcoholic because of the action he saw in WWII fighting the Japanese. There were many stories of his bravery and when he was sober there was not a better man anywhere. My brother died an alcoholic, and he showed me what he had to his name when he opened a cigar box with one nickel in it. Sadly, he found it to be funny. Booze is a horrible addiction because it does not kill quickly like heroin. Instead, it keeps one alive long enough to destroy all the good things in life like family and friends. Throw in drugs and one's chance of beating both are as tough as it gets. You have to pull for Irsay.

  4. 52 minutes ago, husker61 said:

    that is the only issue that matters to me. As an active owner, he is making contract decisions and probably some input in player decisions. I don’t think it’s a stretch to think that a addict doesn’t always make good decisions.

    Then there must be nearly 30 owners that get high. 

  5. 7 hours ago, bluephantom87 said:


    It was just reported on our local Fox 59 news this morning that Irsay was found unresponsive, blue and barely breathing when paramedics arrived. It is believed to be some type of overdose. I personally don't know if that story is true or not but it was breaking news.

    That is what was said on CBS Sports this morning. What does "unresponsive" mean? 

  6. 3 hours ago, #12. said:

    I'm not sure I've ever seen a team fall this fast.  They were 10-1, and in the previous 5 weeks had beaten the Chiefs, Bills, Cowboys and Dolphins(when they were healthy and hot).


    In the final 7 weeks, they looked like the worst team in the league.

    That's the head scratcher everyone is talking about today. You would think they would have given their all in the playoffs, but they looked lifeless and anxious to go home yesterday. How does an entire team just deflate??

  7. 13 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Like I said, I am perfectly fine if someone wants to say Stroud is good or great. He is good and deserves ROY. So I don't disagree, but it is the people in the same post that bash Ballard or AR is where it becomes trolling. You or nobody knows how good AR may be. He could end up like Lamar Jackson and make a lot of people look like fools. 

    Or he could wind up an injury plagued player that is gone after missing too many games or even a disappointment in general. Time will tell.

  8. 11 hours ago, BlackTiger said:

    No one likes you because you use this colts forum to tell us the texans are good.  You may not be breaking rules but no one likes you or your posts and we are allowed to tell you that too


    We call you a troll because you use this board to say hey look Houston is better than you guys.  A smart person would realize you are going to get a lot of push back and people not liking you for posting this tbh 


    You can post it but we are also going to push back and ask you to stop.  Go post it on the texans page

    You are not very bright

  9. 2 hours ago, Two_pound said:

    I will still say I want no part of Jordan Love, he sat for 3 years and the packers finished 9-8 this year and were 3-3 in games played against teams that made the playoffs. Conversely we were 9-8 this year and were 4-3 against teams that made the playoffs with a 2nd string qb playing the majority of the season.(so much for people saying how easy our schedule was this year, looks like the packers had an easier one!) Just because the packers got to feast on a very, very overrated cowplop team is meaningless.

    Sitting for years worked well for Rodgers and Love and I hope it helps AR. I always thought it was dumb to throw a rookie with minimal QB reps to the dogs.

  10. 4 hours ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

    troll trolling GIF

    Recognizing exceptional talent is not trolling refusal to do so is putting one's head in the sand and it is caused be envy.

  11. 14 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    To your first sentence, plenty of people can accept it. Problem is, usually when people boast and prop up someone from another team, they bash our team or players. People can say Stroud is great all they want but leave the Colts and AR out of it and everything would be fine. Most don't, most throw AR and our GM under the bus at the same time. On a Colts website, Homey don't play that Homer Simpson Reaction GIF

    While it is a Colts website it contains a section titled "NFL GENERAL" with the instructions reading, " If it's NFL and it's NOT COLTS, it goes here." I see every year criticisms of the Colts that are at best unwarranted hot air.  To refuse to acknowledge excellence where it is deserved on other teams is just plain stupidity. 

  12. 3 hours ago, cdgacoltsfan said:

    troll GIF

     I see you and other "fans" that cannot accept any positive comments about other players and or teams do when your teams can't get the job done. How many teams are there in the NFL and of those teams are there ANY good players or are you just tired of losing? But then how can your team ever lose a single game when all the owners, GMs, coaches, staff members and players are the best in the league? 

    Aunt Marg Avatar.jpg

  13. 30 minutes ago, coming on strong said:

    Hopefully ar can stay healthy and take the next step as a passer .  Stroud right now looks elite and the best Qb in the draft by far .

    Add to his skill package he is a man of integrity and a team man..  I wish his uninform was blue & white.

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  14. Hope you fellow Colts fans are watching what the Texans rookie QB is doing this year because there is a good chance his name is going to cause much grief in the future. At least Brady was not in the AFC South. 

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