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Posts posted by CardiacColts

  1. He sort of retreated on retirement talk. I'd take him for another year at 3 million if he wanted it. It would give us the chance to spend that draft pick on the defense.

    But Harnish has to go, he's just not gonna be an NFL QB, not even as a backup.

    That would be great if MH came back. He is such a luxury to have. Honestly, you present a great point. I would much rather not have to use a high pick on a QB when we are so close to the monster being built!

  2. I agree and this is the first time I've ever heard of Luck and Harnish being that close.

    I mean he's probably good friends with Fleener and Whalen because they played together at Stanford. And I think he's gotten to know Castanzo pretty well too because he said they play board games together.

    But I've never heard about him hanging out with Harnish.

    This is the first time I've ever heard it suggested that he's close with Harnish.

    I don't care if Harnish is Luck's best friend though. . . there is no reason to keep him around. He's not developing to the point where he's gonna be a good backup.

    We either re-sign Hasselbeck for another season or draft someone 4th round or later to be he backup.

    I agree. Under no circumstances can Harnish be allowed to be/ depended on as our backup QB. I think MH is done after this year though, unless he somehow agrees to another year at a discounted rate. For this reason, I would agree with your assertion that we draft a QB next year.

  3. Is anyone giving attention what D.Rogers is doing. He's looking more and more like the the guy many thought he would be. He's scored in both preseason contests, and is dominating every one-on-one matchup. With this being Reggie's last year, and Nicks having a suspect right foot, D.Rogers, T.Y. Hilton, and D.Moncrief make for a very exciting future for colts nation...

    Why is it a foregone conclusion that this is Reggie's last year? I could see him reup with us for another 2 years. He took a big discount to stick around after the 2-14 season to help rebuild the franchise, so why wouldn't he potentially stick around a couple more to see the Monster fully built? With that being said, it's certainly a possibility that it's his last season; however, I wouldn't state it so definitively.

  4. thats not luck. he wouldnt throw someone under the bus no way

    I agree with you there. Luck has exercised restraint in throwing any player under the bus, let alone a starting offensive teammate. If he were to throw someone under a bus, I'd rather it be Harnish haha.

  5. I find it extremely hard to believe Luck would say something like that about a teammate, even to his best friend.

    I feel the same way. I just responded in a post above that I think Harnish may have been posturing. Doesn't seem very Luck like to me.

  6. how likely is this true?

    I have been ruminating over that very question since yesterday. What I have come up with is that my friend was being honest that he was told by Harnish; however, I'm not convinced Harnish was being entirely honest. Every fiber of my being is telling me that Luck is far to much of a consummate professional to risk team chemestry with such a comment. In the end, that's why I brought it to the forum lol.

  7. im gonna be upset if we waste a ps spot for harnish

    I feel the same way. Unfortunately, I think Luck really likes him. I was hanging out with Harnish's trainer yesterday, and we had a whole discussion about this. I was telling him I didn't think Harnish could complete a pass to save his life, to which he responded that he doesn't really need to because "The Franchise" loves him. They room together too. He also went on to say that Luck has confided in Harnish his disappointment with Trent. Made comments about how he can't believe how much was given up to get him. Take that as you may. This guy has been Harnish's primary offseason trainer for the past 4 years, and he seemed pretty genuine with the things he was saying.

  8. If people don't take marriage seriously then they should not get married. It really is pretty simple. Every marriage partner has the right to expect fidelity.

    I agree with you completely. As someone who CHOSE to be married, I couldn't be happier to be in a committed monogamous relationship with the woman I love; however, some people do get married for the wrong reasons. As others have mentioned, some people get married because they feel society expects it of them. In other cases, individuals may wed because it's how they want to be and they think it can help them "be better." Whatever the reasoning, people need to be honest with themselves about who they are and what they want. Unfortunately, some people succumb to external pressures that lead them to make choices that they otherwise wouldn't if they were being true to themselves.

  9. So how do you explain men that do stay faithful to their marriage partners? And what about women that are unfaithful? Are they a social evolution aberration?

    I know Ruk is presenting his ideas in a polarizing manner; however, it seems to be inciting pretty quality debate. His points, however, are not without merit. Psychology if sexuality suggests that women are typically wired in one of two ways in order to procreate and sustain the bloodline. One way is that the woman is wired to commit to one male and mate for life to continue producing offspring. The second is that the woman is wired to mate with as many males as possible to increase the likelihood of reproduction. Obviously both of these are how the mind may be innately configured prior to environmental factors and societal pressures. I choose to believe that people can combat their biological wiring, whether it's for reproductive preferences or addiction, by making decisions, exercising restraint, and working hard for self discipline each and every day. In the end, we all make our own choices. I can't argue that their are biological and psychological variables in play though.

  10. I think he was trying to intentionally be over the top to show the hypocrisy of Colts fans in supporting Irsay vs how they are roasting Jones.

    Fair enough. I'll be honest, I like Irsay and dislike Jerry; therefore, I'm inclined to show more support towards Irsay while bashing Jones. With that being said, I do think all individuals should be held accountable for their actions, Irsay included.

  11. Obviously.

    And yet you care enough to be posting quite a bit on this thread ...

    I'll be honest, I didn't realize he was married either. I care enough to check the forum but not google anything Jerry Jones related. With that information, I will say I sincerely feel for his wife. I find it appalling that some individuals can be so narcissistic that they hide behind success while exhibiting no loyalty to those that care most about them. I hope he pays for this, whether it's from sexual harassment suits or divorce (If justice is served it should be both). It's tragic that his family will be dragged through the mud with him.

    Jones's behavior is so indicative of many wealthy, entitled tycoons. They all want to talk the talk and hold everyone around them accountable while hypocritically disregarding conduct policies and basic human decency protocols. All that seems to matter in this bueaurocracy that we live in is how people make things look on paper and in the media, without any concern for the reality of the situation. I can't wait til JJ steps down. Let's hope the next generation can surpass him in every way (see how I said next generation because I don't care enough to google the age, gender and names of his kids haha). But really AM, I get your point. This shouldn't be seen as funny because it's not entertaining when it's hurting people like his wife; however, there is something satisfying to me about seeing Jerry Jones humiliated/ humbled.

  12. previous Colts teams didn't do this and they seemed to have great camaraderie without the hazing. Personally I've never understood the appeal of humiliating someone who is trying to join something but as pointed out there is no real harm here so no big deal.

    I don't mind it as long as this remains the extent of it. Rookie singing and haircuts are humorous and typically without repercussions. It's all in fun. This is a much different culture than the previous régime and personally, I prefer the fun lighthearted atmosphere. The all business approach burns some guys out. Even Peyton seems to be having much more fun dancing around in Denver than he ever did under our previous authoritarian leadership. The guys all seem invested, so I would say it's just fine. Different approaches can all be successful, but this is what we have, and I intend to embrace it! Go Horseshoe!!!

  13. I don't want Hilton out there under any circumstance. He is far too valuable. I have always been a fan of securing possession with sure hands (Whalen) and letting our playmakers on offense go to work. I prefer my chances with a bomb to TY over putting him back to return with the game on the line. Not worth the risk at all. Hopefully someone steps up, such as our noob Richardson.

  14. haha love it! I think it's great for camaraderie within the team. A healthy right of passage before the war of attrition begins. Hair grows back, no harm done. We did the same thing in our frat, and you had to keep whatever was done for 24 hours without hats; at that point you could shave your head, or try to salvage something stylish I suppose haha. Made for some funny conversations in class lol.
  15. I like that Pagono is admitting that the interior line needs more work and that he is actually concerned about their play..

    Last year the coaching staff kept acting like nothing was wrong with the line when it was obvious!

    I like this years line even with Thomas out as long as everyone can stay relatively healthy!

    I completely agree! I can't wait to see how they look Thursday. I'm glad they will get extended time to build the requisite level of cohesiveness. We are going to want them gelling by week 1!

  16. This is still a make shift defense. With no real star power on the D-Line besides Mathis. Secondary is solid enough. But for the most part the D isn't where it needs to be. Need more young guys who can ball. Something like the Rams D-Line. If you took the Colts offense with the Rams D, you'd have a Superbowl team.

    We don't know if this is a solid or make shift d line yet. We just have to wait and see how the young bloods look. Art Jones and Corey redding are two of the best 3-4 ends/tackles in the NFL. Additionally, Chappy may finally find his niche this year. We know Mathis is a stud and if Werner is as good as advertised this year, we could be really tough. We have two starting quality, albeit not spectacular inside LB's to hold down the fort. We absolutely have most of the pieces now. The only thing are missing is a vicious, knock you out of the game MLB like Ray Lewis. If we add a sideline to sideline, face of the franchise MLB we could have a scary D. As for now, I think we will have a much improved D. I'd like to see us look for a starting quality impact safety and impact MLB in next years draft. As for now, we roll with what we got; and what we got ain't to shabby! Build the Monster!

  17. I checked the pro shop and haven't seen them. I need one for my bald head!


    Love those hats

    I'm pretty sure I found the hat on Hatland. It is the Colts 'color block bucket' hat. I was going to post a link, but I wasn't sure if that could get me in trouble since it's not through the Colts official site. Any mods, feel free to clarify for me.

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