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Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis Colts Fan Forum
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About this blog

Whatever is on the minds of the mod team

Entries in this blog

Why Can't I Post?

If you are unable to reply to a post, please make sure that you validated your email address (when you register, an email is sent to your account, there's a link in it that you need to click) Until you click that link, you will not be able to post. If you do not validate your account, it is incomplete. Incomplete accounts are removed from the site after 7 days. If you are a New Member, you have limited posting privileges for a brief time. New Members may post 5 replies per 24 hour period until



Colts Fan Blogs On Colts.com

Colts.com has a new feature on it's blog page: http://blogs.colts.com/ Fan Bloggers! That's right, real fan opinion right on Colts.com: http://blogs.colts.c...ry/fan-feature/ The first Featured Fan is our very own 21issuperman. Be sure to comment on his post What Have You Done For Me Lately, Polian If you are interested in submitting a post to Colts.com please send it to me. The only thing that Colts.com is asking is the usual no profanity, no name calling etc. They are also asking for exclus



Forum Improvements

Hey all, we are making some improvements to our site. We now have blogs: http://forums.colts.com/index.php?/blogs/ And Photos: http://forums.colts.com/index.php?/gallery/ You can access them by clicking your username link in the upper right hand portion of the page. I think I've got all the permissions set up correctly but if you run into any issues, please give me a shout. Currently, New Members cannot upload photos or post blogs. We'll also have a different look and feel shortly and a fe



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