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Incompetent & Dishonest?

Grigson must be fired. If Luck's ribs are broken it is mostly because he is operating behind an inferior O-linedespite the obvious need to upgrade it in the draft or free agency. Instead we got another wide receiver in the draft and Herreman in free agency, neither of whom addresses that need. To compound matters, Luck is playing hurt, ? Because Grigson knows his name is all over this team, and he is trying to save his neck. In one year, he transformed this team into the OLDEST team in the NFL.

It's Not To Understand, It's Hard to Fix

In just three short years we went from one of the youngest teams, with some potential, to THE OLDEST TEAM IN THE NFL !!!! In the last year alone, we went from a team that went one step further to a team that is in serious regression. Why? Because we replaced that group of players with a bunch of over the hill, cap-$ sucking, dinosaurs who have not improved on what we had last year. Add to that the fact that our last three number one draft choices were all wrong-headed for what this team needed.

Defining Moment

This week will answer any and all questions about the talent that Grigson has assembled and Pagano was charged to develop. I hope we win, but if not and we are embarrassed by a QB with a chip on his shoulder, you can give up any dreams of a SB appearance. We may win the division, but all roads seem to lead through New England, and that's where the dream ends.


Week 1 to week 16, Pagano says the same thing at each presser, "we have to fix......" Can he do it in less than 12 days before play-offs? I think not. Grigson has a total of 16 draft choices on this roster, THE LOWEST IN THE LEAGUE!!!! Talent is not his strong suit, e.g. T.Rich. We have yet another in a long line of outstanding QB's who will go down in flames because we never seem to have the management in place to build a team around them that endures e.g. The Patriots.



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