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Posts posted by BionicDamien

  1. Yes, because everytime I'm enjoying our forests and rivers, smokin and drinkin with these good hearted country folk, I always wish there were more illegal immigrants, crime and hurricanes.

    Logged in for the first time in a while to simply say "+1". Nobody does it better than we do!

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a53HkdKDus4

    Followed it up with three touchdowns That's one tough son of a gun. This man is a football player.

    There will never be a moment in my life where I will disagree! lol

    My only point is that if this is the way everything had to shake out, the more I watch of Andy Luck, the more optimistic I become. We simply couldn't have been any more lucky. No pun intended.

    If Luck has 80% the career of our beloved Manning, I'll be content, and he'll more then likely have at least a ring or two if Grigson and this coaching staff can do what they hope to do.

    Any more than 80%, or surpassing Manning entirely....new Americas team here we come.

  3. I think the time has come for the 30 or so of us that frequent this site at least daily to agree to a moratorium on speculation between JI and PM. In my opinion neither guy needs to put on a side of this issue, when it comes down to it they are the two people most responsible for creating Colts nation, none could have done it without the other and we have been the lucky fans along for the ride. When I first started posting on this site I thought it was fun to be out there and stir the pot a little. I quickly learned that was'nt the best way to be involved. With that being said I think the best fan for the fans to be with this issue is to refuse to be baited into conversations about JI or PM. For me regardless of how this goes down I for one will continue to support and respect both men for I feel they have EARNED it. Most of us on the forum really enjoy the game of football, that is why we chat, so lets talk draft or some of the positive things that await this franchise with our new staff. Now lets go find that 3rd round wideout with the no drop hands and speed to seperate or that 2nd round 3.4 LB that RB's and QBs fear. Remember our favorite players will come and go, but true fandom spans generations. GO COLTS.

    Ya done went soft on me. *cries*

  4. I agree with part of this but not the highlighted. I honestly believe in these bizarre circumstances that have presented themselves to the Colts, they are starting their future right now with everything new - GM, Coach & QB. And the sooner they can get started on that future, the better. Hello Mr. Luck.

    I tend to agree, it's conventional wisdom, common sense.

    My last bastion of hope, however, is the fact that Irsay is quirky and more prone than most to not go with conventional wisdom. It's a thread, but I'm hangin' to it!

  5. plus......if Manning was getting close to being 100% he would be shouting from the rooftops and probably releasing video of it. It is the number one thing holding up the Colts from picking up that 28 mil bonus(and the elephant in the room) yet Manning remains secretive about just where is arm is at.

    Agreed. I would kill for a new video of Manning proving everybody wrong.

  6. The only people I've heard that didn't enjoy the "experience" are the guys/girls on IMPD that I know that had to work it. In jest, they were saying "I hope that *bleep* thing never comes back here again." lol

    In any event, I was down there both Friday and Saturday nights and on Friday happened upon Archie and Olivia coming out of their hotel, I was the only one that recognized them and got to shake Archie's hand. It was only in passing and we exchanged quick words but still, it was pretty cool. And I didn't wanna be "that" guy that freaks out and asks 800 questions. I wanted a smile, a handshake, and acknowledgment and that was good enough for me. :)

  7. Thank' s alot a just spewed water all over my monitor! And unlike our coach, I can be fired for the destruction of corporate goods.

    LOL that's payback for the clown pic from the other Polian thread a couple of weeks ago!

  8. When it comes to knowing what ability a professional football coach has or doesn't have, it takes more then just watching them from the seats in the stadium or from your home on TV. To even begin to think we have a full grasp or what is all involved is well laughable at best. We are fans, that is it, we watch the games and root on the team. We have zero ability to judge job performance or player ability given we have such limited information. I have faith that those men in charge of the Colts with a background in that profession have a better ability to judge the job performance of the coaches and what ever decision they make I will support because that is what "fans" do.

    Since my postings are limited becuse I refuse to follow the stream of thought here, I can only hope that those in charge will make the best decision for the franchise, and since I have no reason to believe they won't since history shows they understand the game and what is needed to operate a professional team on a successful level then I will just leave it at that and know come the 2012 season the right decisions will have been made.

    This rationale is insane and tired. You keep repeating the same tired, lame stuff thread after thread after thread after thread. You're the worst kind of fan there is, you question nothing and just blindly follow along because that's what "fan" does? No. That's what lemmings do.


  9. What is your skill set to determine this staff is so good. My lord you are Bill Polian, hey go check the record for the last 30 games an get back with me. O n second thought don't.

    Your'e asking to have the overall intelligence of this board lowered significantly. DELETE THIS REQUEST!! lol

  10. You're still validating my argument that this is a poor coaching staff since Manning was the reason for all of the wins. You're saying that a coaching staff is not needed at all. Also, no team should be built around one player, no matter how good he is.

    Bro, you're so wasting your time with this kid. He is completely devoid of reason (he has some logic, but no reasoning capability whatsoever).

  11. Just think what if Polian is telling our coaches to give bad calls to tank games just for the first pick in the draft. And then brings them all back next year. Hmmmm thoughts?

    No. It's more plausible he knows the current coaches are God-awful and for that reason alone is letting them stick around to get that coveted pick.

  12. Likely his secretary.

    Other people are calling and demanding a personal phone call with Mr. Irsay to explain to him what the problem areas are. They talk to his secretary as well.

    There's really people out there doing this..? lol

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