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Posts posted by BionicDamien

  1. This is fantastic. LOL

    Someone at least saw it, even if just a lowly staffer. I can live with that.

    On second thought, being that it was a courier package, I'll bet it went right to his personal box. YES!

  2. It was delivered by UPS. To his attention. Now whether or not he has an assistant that tosses it in the trash or not I don't know, but I know for a fact it was delivered.

    This is fantastic. LOL

    Someone at least saw it, even if just a lowly staffer. I can live with that.

  3. Yeah, that's kind of what makes him a great passer. All QBs are taught the right location to throw the ball depending on the route, receiver skill set etc etc, but only the best in history have been able to put the ball in those locations on a consistent basis and that is what makes him a great passer.

    **awaits further antagonistically argumentative reply**


    The ones who do it the best, get paid the most dollars. Great passers get paid the most dollars. Peyton Manning gets paid the most dollars.

  4. I guess we disagree, he reads the defense and to me puts the catcher of the pass in the best position to make the easiest catch. To me you can be a great passer and not be a great QB.

    No, you can have a cannon arm and not be a great QB.

    You can not be a great QB and not be an exceptionally competent passer. They go hand-in-hand.

  5. I feel Manning puts the ball in good positions to catch not because of his arm so much but due to his ability to read defense and put the reciever in a good position. Manning doesn't have an exceptionaly strong arm, he can't "fire" it in there like say Elway could of even Rogers or Farve.

    Exceptionally strong? Of course not, but having a rifle for an arm does not a good passer make.

    And mind you, he doesn't "put" his receivers anywhere, he puts the BALL where his receivers have the best chance to make a play on it. Anywhere on the field. Hence, great passer.

  6. Sunday is going to be my first trip to LOS, I'm coming from Jersey. I'll be in section 453 row 1. Even though it's been a rough season I am still stoked to see them play at home.

    Do the bars around the stadium open early on gamedays? Any suggestions on where I should go to get some drinks before the game?

    Colts Grille!

  7. There is more involved in being a great QB then just being a great passer, in fact I don't believe being a great passer = being a great QB. Joe Montana was not a great passer but is a great QB, John Elway was a great passer and is a great QB. There are a number of things that go into being a HOF QB, you don't have to be tops in each of those things.

    I simply don't understand your logic. To be a successful QB, an elite QB, you better be able to put the football on point, with velocity, and on time. Throw more touchdowns than interceptions, etc. etc. Are these not attributes of a good/great passer? The difference between bad/good/great more than likely being accuracy with velocity and touchdowns vs. interceptions?

    I mean, Manning has thrown some poop balls in his day but they are few and far between. C'mon.

  8. Manning has a decent arm (well, had up until just recently, hope it returns!), superb vision and poise, uncanny awareness in the pocket, and the ability to maneuver under pressure and reset his balance (people mistakenly refer to this as "happy feet") almost in one motion to make a throw.

    Oh, and he's extremely accurate. Sounds like a great passer to me.

  9. So the Quarterback Challenge? Really,.. That is your answer?

    That's like saying someone that could win a slam dunk contest is a great basketball player.

    Again, Let's see a list of attributes that make for a great passer.

    Alright, now I'm curious too.

  10. I would say we are where we are because (1) we are missing Peyton and (2) For whatever reason the Colts made a very poor choice for the backup QB. If we had a viable backup this team is like 3-6 or maybe even 4-5 this season, however with the person manning the QB position right now the odds of us winning is not very good. And who knows...maybe that was the master plan of those in charge from the start?

    Of COURSE we're missing Manning. That goes back to my main point. Who's more valuable to the team? Who's more responsible for the run of success? The Polians just because they made the right choice in 1998?? %$^@$

    Who's responsibility is it to assess the back QB position so that we have at least a decent one? Joe Fan sure realizes that Painter is horrifying. Which raises questions for me on what Sorgi was actually capable of. If they (the Polians) think Painter is/was decent, they probably had the same misconception about Sorgi so for all we know we may never have had a decent backup QB in the Manning era.

    Who's decision was it to sign Collins? I mean, Manning as awesome as he is, shouldn't be the difference between 10-13 wins vs. possible 0'fer. I'm sorry, not buying it. Even with an awful QB.

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