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Posts posted by BionicDamien

  1. He could have also been gone had he taken Peyton and not taken Edge, or Wayne, or Freeney or a number of other players that have contributed to this franchise success over the past decade. But he didn't he took them all and we won.

    Yep. And we still have a few of those guys left, plus a few new additions. All guys Polian brought in.

    So, what's happening this season (0-9)? This season is the direct evidence that Manning has MADE Polian as far as his tenure in Indy is concerned. He's looked like a genius on the back of Mannings greatness. Is that true? Heck, I don't know. But it's a fair question to raise, especially in light of all your pro-Polian, Joe Fan shenanigans that largely waffles and changes direction more often than a crooked politician.

  2. Really, then why is there such an uproar when you speak of said issues about said QB?

    There isn't. It's you waving the Polian flag while poking holes in Peyton's.

    It's a very real possibility that if weren't specifically for Peyton Freakin' Manning, Polian and his nepotism would've been gone LONG ago.

  3. Why do people have such a hard time seeing what Peyton is? He is one of the best QB's to ever play the game, but that doesn't mean his game doesn't have flaws. I really wonder at times if people just can't see the facts beyond their blue tinted glasses.

    Bro, that's like proclaiming that nobody is perfect. Well, duh.

  4. I have nothing against Peyton and thank him for a wonderful last 10+ seasons and hope he can come back and have a couple more quality seasons, but I am also a realist in that he doesn't have that many seasons left and one of his knocks when his career is over is that he didn't always shine in big games.

    But you said in another thread that the regular season is more important than the playoffs/SB.


  5. I'm not going to like taking the arrows for this, but if the long term success of the team is the goal (the very thing were holding polian accountable for not doing), we take Luck and hope it works out. Manning isn't forever, unfortunately. I really do hope he can come back and lead the team for a few more years and leave on his own terms, but I don't think that's better than 50/50 given the time frame of his recovery and the contract situation.

    I agree. I wouldn't like it, but I'd certainly understand it. I'm certain whoever in the FO was charged with this decision would feel exactly the same way.

  6. In Bill's tenure here in Indy how long has he been this way? I am guessing pretty much the entire time and out of all that time we have this 1 comment by Irsay and bam we have an issue? If Joe Colt fan is so wound up in what the GM...now VP of the Colts says on his TV show and such I kinda wonder if they are just a bit to wound up with the Colts....

    Dude, you have to get off this "Joe Fan" thing you're on. Lame.

    You don't seem like a stupid guy, you can clearly see my point of view and nothing I've said indicates that I'm too "wound up". lol, c'mon man.

  7. In Bill's tenure here in Indy how long has he been this way? I am guessing pretty much the entire time and out of all that time we have this 1 comment by Irsay and bam we have an issue? If Joe Colt fan is so wound up in what the GM...now VP of the Colts says on his TV show and such I kinda wonder if they are just a bit to wound up with the Colts....

    Wouldn't you say that's human nature? BP is not getting any good will because he hasn't really earned it. The guy is flat out rude and seems to enjoy it. Double whammy of suck.

    One of two things are happening this season, dude.

    Either Caldwell has lost this team and they've quit. Or, all of this "talent" we thought Polian had brought us isn't the talent we thought it was because of Manning.

    I feel it's more of the latter because he's neutered by Polian. Stricly speculation, but reading some of Mathis' tweets (just for one), a team leader mind you, would lead you to believe they're not completely on board with some of the goings-on over on W. 56th Street. Lose players, lose games. Goes hand in hand.

    After the SB loss, a number of them tweeted hinting at their displeasure with the defensive calls/gameplan. Brock was pretty outspoken on that front. This is something that's been brewing for some time and something's wrong, that's how I feel. Perhaps the ability to win, and winning, kept them content and on the line but once the wheels fell off (no Manning, same awful gameplans)...well, you know the rest. 0-9.

  8. Again...can someone explain to me what it matters if Bill Polian is on teh radio, has his own show? Exactly what is the issue?

    The guy is a condescending *. Which is fine, be that all day as long as you're bringing in quality players, but does he have to make it known? Does he have to have no shame at all? lol

    Most of what he says is company line nonsense, except for when he gets poked with a stick and doesn't like it, then he makes news with inflammatory remarks and ridiculous rants.

    If you think there's no issue with it, look no further than Irsay indicating that they should handle criticism with "poise". That didn't just come out of the blue, despite how "out there" you may think Irsay is.

  9. DN- we sure were firing on all cylinders last year when we played JAX, and managed what, 15-16 minutes of possesion? Peyton saved our butts that day, but that sure looked like a drop off in performance to me. Seems we had a lot of those moments over the last few seasons. Maybe you should open your eyes for change.

    Miami in the opener that one season. *shivers*

  10. My views have been the same all the time. Peyton Mannings "era" is over and the colts need to begin looking towards the next decade. Jim Caldwell may be a good coach or a bad coach, neither I, nor any "Joe Fan" has any real ability to know that for sure since we don't have full access to what is going on. Bill Polian weather people want to admit it or not will go down as one of the best GM's ever in the NFL and has a better overall resume as a GM then anyone else in the game today. I have said I don't care that his son is taking over, it's not a big deal and that come season ends I think Irsay will sit down with Bill and some changes will occur but I don't see Caldwell going nor do I see Bill and his son leaving. Where have I stated differently?

    I agree, with the exception of two things:

    I don't think Manning's era is over just yet. We'll see.

    I do believe Caldwell will be gone. This season is just too bad, too awful.

    The Polians will be here (this I agree with), hopefully with a little bit of a revised job description.

  11. Colts are a family business as are many nfl teams and many businesses in general.

    Being family is not the issue. if you want to say he's the wrong guy for the job, fine you are entitled to your opinion.

    My goodness........Caldwell isn't related to anyone and people criticize that as well.

    Caldwell isn't blood, but he was handpicked as a successor out of the Dungy "coaching tree". Sort of similar, I can make a reasonable connection.

  12. If what I've heard is true the Polians making gameday personnel decisions (Tryon, Gonzo, et al), I believe that needs to stop.

    Stick to providing the players, let the coaches coach (a new coach, not Mr. Blink) and decide who stays and who goes. If that were the case, I wouldn't have an issue with them really at all. They should be mandated to stick to personnel additions via the draft and free agency while considering (truly, not hyperbole) the head coaches wishes and insight.

    And for the love of Christ, stay off the freaking radio! Ban all interviews with the Polians so they'll quit alienating everybody on the planet. I mean, rats? Really?

  13. Although it's statistically improbable,it would be sweet if the Colts pulled off a upset here.3 game losing streak for Pats would be great.The Giants game was classic,Brady showed his true colors again. :D

    I don't know, they're 5-3 and are almost as bad defensively as the Colts are.

    Is Brady carrying them as Manning has apparently done with the Colts? Where's our resident Patriots fans?

  14. To me this is the perfect season to have this happen. The draft is full of possible replacments for Peyton long term while still possibly having Peyton back for a couple of seasons. We also get better draft positions and a eaiser schedule. If we have to suffer through a season of suckiness, best that it was this year.

    Agreed, and if Manning doesn't return, well, just bad luck and an early end to one of the greatest careers most of us will ever witness in our lifetime. :nono2: The suckiness will go well with my mood. lol

  15. If Manning comes back ready to roll next season, I will be glad that we had this season now as opposed to when he's retired and not able to come back and help save this team.

    At least now, they see what the issues are and have the opportunity to make positive changes with the added punch of Manning making his return (we all should hope, anyway).

    Now, what they do with that opportunity is another topic all by itself but at least we have Manning, at least to a degree, to count on.

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