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John Waylon

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Posts posted by John Waylon

  1. 1 hour ago, Superman said:


    And that's just the play calling. But he's the HC, and the entire team looked poorly coached through the first two games (a running theme for the Colts, going back to 2014). And even yesterday, though the team had more fire and looked ready to play, all of a sudden we have a rash of penalties. 

    I’m growing increasingly weary of head coaches who want to be play callers. There’s just too many other responsibilities both on gameday and throughout the week in general that everything seems to suffer as a result. We saw frank lose the “feel” of the game going on around him all the time. We also saw his teams come out and look underprepared on the regular. There’s a common thread with these issues. 

    I understand the intended purpose, but for every one head coach who can actually pull it off, there’s 5 or more who don’t seem to be able to do it, but are content to drown trying. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, lollygagger8 said:

    Why does Steichen play calling remind me so much of Frank Reich? 3 runs up the middle, then call a screen on 3rd and 17. He's had some really bad series play calling wise these last few games. 

    I largely approved of Steichen after last season, though there were some moments that I called out specifically as being “frank %”. So far this season that trend has continued at a rate that has my alarm quickly rising. 

    Everyone touted him as a scheming and play calling genius and I’ll even agree that we saw some of that last season. This season, I’m far less impressed. 

    He seemed to find a suitable rhythm in the 4th yesterday, but he was also trying to milk the clock and nurse that lead home, so I’m not convinced he magically “figured it out” finally yesterday. 

    Hopefully he gets it turned around soon, but it’s hard to call it encouraging so far this year. 

  3. I’m guessing it just got lost in the chaos of the moment (I’m sure the coaching staff were focused way more on keeping the defense from their biggest letdown yet than they were on a kickoff,) but luckily it didn’t cost us. 

    I bet that sequence becomes a point of emphasis for the 31 other teams around the league this week, just to say “let’s not make this same mistake if we find ourselves in a similar situation at some point.”

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  4. 12 hours ago, Happy2BeHere said:

    Not only that, the falcons should have kicked a FG on their previous redzone instead of going for it on 4th down. Had they made it they could have just kicked a FG right then for the win…sometimes coaches make such stupid decisions.

    This was the dumbest darn thing I’ve seen since the last time frank did something similar. I was just telling a lapsed fan yesterday that coaches have gone completely off the rails with trying to be the smartest guys in the building trying to make decisions like that. Absolutely ridiculous. I have 0 sympathy for the missed DPI call because they didn’t take the points instead of the 4th and 5. None whatsoever.

    They #ed around, they found out. Oh well. 


    I hope they lose every game the rest of the season. That kind of sideline decision making needs to be punished. Severely. I’m getting sick of watching a bunch of stupid football because these coaches fancy themselves smart and are trying to play “4D chess” instead of the game as it is. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Smonroe said:

    Don’t you think they’re holding him back?  They need to call at least one or two runs early just to keep the D’s attention.  

    I’m definitely starting to sense they want him to run less. And maybe that is in conjunction with his wishes, he’s outright said he doesn’t want to run as much, but that’s such an integral part of his game they need to take more advantage of it than they have so far this season. 

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  6. I largely approved of Steichen last season. So far this year, I’m incredibly underwhelmed. I don’t see the creativity we were told we would see with him having a QB like Richardson. I’m starting to feel like they’re telling AR not to run intentionally, possibly for fear of him getting injured? The RPO game feels neglected at best. 

    Running is going to have to be a part of his game. And we’ve seen he can be good when he does. I also feel as if maybe they are asking him to do things and make reads in the passing game that are still “over his head”, so to speak, and it’s to no one’s benefit. 

    The overthrows have got to start settling down. Defenses know we are going to throw deep sooner than later, and they know 99 times out of 100 when Richardson throws a bad pass it’s going to be an overthrow and not an under throw for all the reasons already mentioned. We’re gonna start seeing more safeties sitting back waiting to capitalize on those, and why not? They’re dependable. 

    I’m still not ready to judge the defense after today. The Bears, specifically the offense, just is not good. We stopped the run, but the Bears are a terrible running team. Their run blocking looked like little more than unbridled chaos at the snap. Watching corners line up 6 yards off on a 4th and 1 will never not be equal parts confusing and infuriating. 3rd and long continues to be an near-automatic first down for opposing offenses, defying all logic. 


    It’s nice to have notched something in the W column, but there’s still plenty of work to be done on both sides of the ball, and the sidelines. 

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  7. Just now, T-Cubed said:

    AR seems too have a depth perception problem.

    No, his arm is huge. We’ve seen that. And his mechanics need work. Both of these things create overthrows. He’s never going to underthrow someone without being hit or bothered in some way prior to release. 

    Until he cleans up his footwork and learns to use some touch he‘s always going to miss high. 


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