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Posts posted by andreaallennyc

  1. It is a big advantage to have a seasoned QB to mentor a rookie and apparently the Colts don't agree. Anyone with 10 years exp. would do. He would not have to be a hall of famer rather, just a vet to help him with stuff not on paper. It is scary to think Luck is on his own when for a few dollars more they could bring in several to chose from guys to work with him.

    I agree with the Colts. Why would it be such an advantage? What magical info could such a player provide. I don't agree that some random vet QB would be any advantage at all. What would that provide for him that he can't get from the QB coach, or offensive coordinator, or from his dad or a family friend, or Jim Harbaugh for that matter? I don't care about the money, but it seems to me it would be a waste of a roster spot ... More valuable to have another skill player or OL ... l think that's much more likely to help Luck than another vet QB to hold his hand, which he doesn't need, and hang around with no real role other than to mentor Luck ... That seems more likely to create problems than solve them.

  2. Well, I expect to be at the Jets game ... With a bunch of Stanford alums ... Watching Stanford Alums Andrew and Coby ... Maybe Griff ... And I live in NYC

    Aside from that, I'd pick the Bears as the Colt away game

    For my away game. I'd pick Green Bay at Colts ...

  3. Well, that photo with the beard is more than a little scruff. As a long time Andrew Luck follower, I can tell you that's as much beard as he's ever had. A little scruff is more like what he had for the mini camp last weekend. I think I prefer that to totally clean shaven, but the main thing is for him to be comfortable and not thinking about it.

    Coby Fleener, on the other hand, should let his hair grow. ... Cut it right before the combine ... Would have gotten more than 27 reps there if he hadn't cut it off. Just joking, but think he looks great in long hair. The mini camp scruff was fine too.

    Don't want them looking like bankers ...

  4. Not really. Luck used a lot of 3 tight end sets at Stanford ... Was a nightmare for the opposition. Given what is happening in the NFL at the TE position and the Colts weakness at TE, it makes a lot of sense. I'm assuming these pick also representrped the best player available, so they were great opportunities to get these player to build a great offense.

  5. I have no specific suggestions, but think the Colts still need to add to the OL ... Doesn't matter how many offensive weapons Luck has if he is out injured ... Visions of Jim Plunkett dancing in my head. I think SF or NY will take Fleener, but would love for the Colts to get him. I think someone may take Janoris as well, though you might be able to get him n the second, if Fleener is gone.

  6. Well, given that the intangibles are the most important thing, I wouldn't worry. He was probably thinking that Luck doesn't have the strongest arm of all the QBs, Is not the fastest of all the QBs, etc. and just said it in a very stupid, sulky way because he's trying to make himself feel better about his own team. Luck is a fantastic package. Nothing about him is mediocre or actually weak ... He is well above average for a QB in most everyting and even better than that in everything else. And his intangibles are totally off the charts.

  7. The fact of the matter is that it is too soon to sign him for the Colts to get a benefit out of doing so. There is no concern about not getting the contract signed. There is just no benefit in getting him inked right now, 20 some odd days in front of the draft. Andy was just pointing out that some feel that if he's signed right now he can start having study sessions with the OC or QBC and that is simply not the case. Outside of a couple of weekend camps, he's going to be in Stanford.

    It's not about him not being signed. They'll sign him right before or right after the draft as they should.

    OK ... I knew you two weren't questionning the issue if signing him, just the timing. I think from a pure good business perspective, it would be good for them to start negotiating soon because you don't know whether it will take a couple of days or a longer. But like I said in an earlier post, I really don't think it's important for them to sign him now, I think at or after shortly draft day is fine. Certainly before the rookie mini camp, which is all he can attend until his finals are over in June. But I think it is shortsighted of them not to tell him. It's inconsiderate, if they have made up their minds, to subject someone to these games. Just because they can do it, doesn't mean they should.

  8. That has been lost on most.

    Why is it important that he can't report until June even if he's signed now. I don't understand why the report date would be a major consideratipn. But if it is, the dates you really want to consider are those in May for the rookie mini camp. I'm sure the Colts wouldn't want their rookis quarterback to miss that because his contract wasn't signed.

  9. Let me be clear, I'm an Andrew Luck fan, totally. I think Andrew really isn't certain that the Colts are going to draft him and is probably doing a good job of not thinking about it ... He's pretty good at that and has no presumption in him. Personally, I wish the Colts would let him know. I think that would be respectful and that you should treat people with respect ... Especially if you are looking for him to spend his NFL lifetime with you. Andrew Luck will be respectful and totally decent about this all. It's highly unlikely he'll pull an Eli even if the Colts handle this badly. I don't necessarily think they need to sign him before the draft, but they could begin negotiations. If they treat it so much as just business and jerk him around, he'll be fine, but when he has a chance to become a FA, he might look at it in terms of business. Remember he stayed at Stanford to finish college and to be able to play with the class he came in with. Money was not an issue. If the Colts treat him well, he will not be out there playing games to get the very most money. He'll be smart but will weigh relationships and how he feels about the team. If I were the Colts, I would treat him really well ... It will pay off.

    I think the delay in making a public decision is probably either 1) Irsay is enjoying the drama and the publicity or 2) Irsay is trying to give the GM and coaches the feeling that they really get to make this decision, assuming or at least hoping that they choose Luck. If so everyone is happy and the GM and coaches feel respected. If they choose RGIII, I think Irsay might overrule them. Anyway, I think Luck is the better QB and the better fit for the Colts. I think RGIII has tremendous promise and is a reasonalbe choice for and better fit with the Redskins and the DC area fans ... I think they'll have a lot more tolerance for prima donnas than Indianapolis (that is a compliment to Indianapolis).

    You'll LOVE Andrew Luck ... He's an all around wonderful guy. You won't be able to resist being devoted fans.

  10. I'm an Andrew Luck fan. Pretty much every analyst, coach and scout thinks he has great QB skills and now realizes he's also a great athlete. I prefer him to RGIII for many reasons, but I'm not going to get onto that debate here because my opinion on it really doesn't matter. Some people think RGIII is better, who knows; maybe one or the other or both won't live up to their potential, who knows. One thing I do know is that Andrew Luck is an incredible guy. He works very very hard. He's a great leader, his teammates adore him (by the way, that was not true of Elway ... I knew some of his Stanford teammates and I'm an Elway fan so believe me). He is totally respectful of his competitors and supportive of his teammates. He's humble when others are arrogant. He's mentally very strong and thrives under pressure (Look at his red zone stats and his stats after interceptions and how he has handled hyped expectations). There is so much you are going to love about him if the Colts are smart enough to draft him. If that happens, I hope you fans will give him a chance and support and respect him. I am disturbed by some Colts fans saying he needs to earn your respect. I think everyone deserves respect and reasonable expectations and a chance to prove themselves. He's a young guy who hasn't done anything wrong, who has worked amazingly hard on his football skills and is starting out his NFL career with enthusiasm and high hopes. He doesn't need for you to sign on to be everlasting fans, but he does deserve you support and a fair chance.

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