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Posts posted by joeb

  1. Don't sweat it joeb, but gocolts8818 put it very well that you may have been thinking of the quick turnaround wild-card playoff games. Which is a struggle for every city, Green Bay included.           I stand corrected.  I have only been to Indy once in my life. I saw the next to last game in RCA dome. I am eagerly waiting to get to Lucas. I get tickets when I can at the Meadowlands or now it is Met Life. I will Not go to Philly.  It is dangerous there. I heard they had a holding cell in the old stadium. What does that tell you. I'm sure somebody on the forum can confirm that. 

  2. Hey Doc!  That comment that I made was based on Jets and Giants being sold out for years in advance. They have not had the consistent success that we have had for the past 15 years. I have heard a few times throughout the years that some corporation or someone  would have to buy up the unsold tickets.to prevent a blackout. My point was that all  tickets should be sold out in advance. Just my opinion. Possibly I should have left this topic alone. I'll still be a fan and support them wherever they are.

  3. I would not be totally shocked to see them move. I live in Jersey and have supported the team since they were in Baltimore. I don't feel they get great support in Indy. Ticket sales are sometimes so-so. Then again, they might not sell out in LA either. I tough being a small market team. Irsay and co. do a good job of putting a good product on the field. I live in Jets ,Giants Eagles country and good or bad they still have the fans allegiance. i'm not saying Indy does not have loyal fans because they obviously do. They just need more loyal fans.

  4. Being that we did not get Welker how about Julian Edelman (Patriots). He would solve 2 problems, one as a receiver the other as a kick returner. In case you guys may have forgotten he performed quite well against us and many other teams and I am pretty sure he may be had for a reasonable price.

  5. I hate to say it but it might be time to release him. I have watched all pre-season games and he has showed nothing. He is much too streaky of a running back. I agree with the other posters in that the other backs look much more promising than Brown. As for other first round busts that I am sure many have forgot about, how about Trev Alberts. Quentin Coryatt. I will never forget when they drafted Edgerrin James over Ricky Wiliams. I was so steamed at Polian.I have to give him alot of credit on that one and also Dallas Clark pick.

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