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    Football--haha! Sorry, you knew that didn't you?
    Other than football, I like being outdoors (especially in the Spring and Fall when temperatures are perfect). I keep busy outside of work on my farm where I have between 30 and 40 head of cattle and half a dozen pigs. (Nothing like raising your own meat! So much better than what huge chain stores offer.)
    When I'm not working on the farm, I'm playing with my niece and nephews. Family is a big deal to me.

    A favorite quote of mine is:
    "Don't be afraid to go after what you want to do and who you want to be. But don't be afraid to be willing to pay the price." --Lane Frost

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  1. liking the smart moves Grigson is making...maybe the nay-sayers out there will stop and recognize now...keep it up sir, keep it up!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ColtsPRIDE11


      Me too. I think he has more of an understanding of the salary cap than the Polians did, and from what I have seen thus far he is going to make the most of it--which is what we sorely need. I love the signing of Reggie, and like wise I love the trade down in the 6th round for Justice--this was a particularly smart move.

    3. BrentMc11


      Talent evaluator! Ryan Grigson....help from his friends!!

    4. ColtsPRIDE11
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