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Ohio Colt

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Posts posted by Ohio Colt

  1. If you believe we are drafting Andrew Luck and you're logical, you cannot think we are bringing back Manning. It truly is one or the other.

    Letting Peyton go elsewhere won't make sense any more after next season than it does now. It won't. Luck isn't sitting two years. So it won't make sense after 2013 either. PM is not coming back because we are drafting Luck.

  2. Meh, whatever. The majority of you guys only hear what you want to hear in regards to Manning.

    He isn't coming back, hang onto whatever formalitys in the CBA or anything that allows you some shrivels of hope while you can I guess. You guys are unreal.

    All I've heard is most likely he is done as a Colt from everyone outside of Colts fans. Even the team writers have said it since the national media is 'nuts' and just making stuff up. Even Chappelle said it yesterday. But go ahead and think what u want

  3. My goodness the only folks I see thinking Manning is coming back to the Colts and grasping at every little straw are Colts fans themselves.

    Every other rational person out there says he is most likely gone for reasons a,b,c,d,e and f but fellow Colts fans seem to disregard anything to do with him leaving and only want to talk about him coming back.

    I guess I understand it but you're setting yourself up for heartbreak when he is elsewhere

  4. Ok, so they've met. They have met "more than most February's".

    Don't you think if PM was coming back they would go ahead and put it out there by now? There's been no movement. What could happen in the next 12 days that already hasn't happened that would make PM's miraculous return to Indy?

    They're most likely trying to decide the ways to make this an amicable split so neither side gets beat up too bad from the media and looks like the bad guy.

  5. seems like the colts want to spend that 28m else where and are ready to give luck the keys to the car.

    This is exactly what it seems like. I think Saturday would know if Peyton is coming back; he would not shy away from saying "Peyton will be back in Indy in my opinion". He didnt go anywhere near that territory. Makes you wonder.

    FWIW I hope that Saturday is back

  6. You guys are going to be SO, SO happy when the Andrew Luck era begins here in a few months and you'll be so glad you didn't wait longer.

    Sometimes you can't see the picture until you're standing in it. I told Carolina fans the same thing before they selected Cam Newton and they just were too stubborn to listen. Now they think they've got NFL's version of Michael Jordan.

    Luck is going to win more postseason games than Manning and another brick in the wall of great Colts QB's. You are so lucky and don't even know it yet.

  7. There is evidence that peyton was improving since his surgery. So whats the reason to doubt he will be our starter next year??

    "Running back Joseph Addai, who caught passes from Manning in late December, and former team vice chairman Bill Polian, who watched the same workout, have both said Manning threw with good velocity from 25 to 30 yards." That was around New Year's Eve.

    Another report from BP. The same session as above

    "He was able to stand at the left hash mark and throw it to the right sideline, but he didn't get much beyond 25 to 28 yards," he said. "He was absolutely on the money and threw with good velocity. I was impressed with that workout and he clearly, clearly had come a long way since September." -BP

    Chris Mortensen said Peyton improved alot in January and February.

    http://espn.go.com/e...play?id=7581097 link to interview.

    There is 6 months to the start of the regular season who knows what will happen during that time. In early August he amitted that he was behind in rehab. Now he is saying that everything has been on schedule and the docs tell him good information on his condition.

    So why doubt him when there is information of his rehah progress???

    I don't know if this is true or not but after his injury there has been a rumor saying has was around 85% after the injury in 2006.


    My thought is he'll be back to play football again but never in a Colts uniform again; he isn't 100% now, and now is what matters to us because of the $28 million we're on the hook for. You can't risk that price tag on 'maybe' or 'he will be healthy in 6 months'.

    He is done as a Colts player but I don't doubt him on coming back with someone else.

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