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  1. My weekly blog, "My Mind and My Heart Were Arguing Last Night" is now up and running on today's edition, "And Southwest1 Started It This Time..." Each week I'll compare my feelings and my (though somewhat limited) brains on an issue pertinent to the Colts. Next week we'll focus in on a new subject, and I'm always open to ideas! If you want to suggest a topic to me, just shoot me a message. Thanks, have a great one! And God Bless America!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WeSpy


      Yes, it would be a great party... Southwest1 and I would have the time of our lives eating delicious goodies and tossing handfuls of 20 dollar bills up into the air. And as he said, we would let our forum friends share in the fun...by webcam, though, of course.

    3. WeSpy


      Ah, ThePhantom007, I see where this is going! My Mind says no chance: There's not enough talent there to draw him, not enough cap room to bring in new talent to surround him with, he no longer knows the defenses of every team, and the Titans are not good enough to beat the Texans, let alone win a Super Bowl. My Heart says yes: He wants to stick it to the Colts, he perceives that the division is weak, he knows the teams, and he wants a "job for life".

    4. BrentMc11


      MY heart says Denver....my mind says the Colts would bring the heat(Titans)....

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