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Posts posted by BleedthisBlue

  1. Chiropractor's are not even close to real doctors. They do not have MD's and most of their work hasn't been proven to aid in the healing process. Let the doctors and surgeons worry about Peyton's surgery and what to do about it.

    Sorry, I just read that and realized it comes off as a bit snarky. I don't mean to be snappy or anything


  2. Against a blitz painter has a far bigger upside than collins, painters drop back is more fluid and he doesnt turn his back to the field on 5 step drops and his release is far quicker allowing short throws to beat the blitz.

    Against zone looks or man spy collin's experience give him a higher upside.

    With saying that it doesnt matter what qb was holding the ball when painter was hit from his blind side on the sack fumble return for td, 90% of qbs will lay an egg when the are hit from behind by an unblocked defender.

    I think the bucs will play soft against painter and try to make him beat them throwing much like we tried to do last sunday against steelers, and I think if manning is in the box again you will see the offense make far more adjustments and the play calling maybe a bit suprising. just my two cents

  3. Oh yeah don't get me wrong, after all he'll have to go through in order to come back it would definitely be rightly deserved. I just meant that when I think of someone who wins a comeback player award, you usually don't associate that with the caliber of player who would have also earned 4 mvp's. I guess it depends on what they're actually coming back from. I usually think of it more like coming back from a terrible year...or a series of terrible years where the player significantly underperformed rather than it being an injury that they're coming back from. Certainly not to say that either is more impressive or deserved than the other, and in fact if it were one that would be more impressive to come back from it would certainly be injury. It's just one of those things that's pre-programmed in my head that when I think "comeback", it's a comeback from a slump. That's all I meant. :)

    Fair enough, and I agree hes probably the last guy I would have expected to possibly be up for that award

  4. Wow I just checked his wiki page...yeah he went to East. I went to North but I graduated in '95 so yeah...wouldn't have known him. lol

    **side note, my best friend was telling me the other day that East currently has a player who's being talked about as possibly the #1 recruit coming into college next year. Wish I could remember the guy's name. I'll have to give my friend a call and find out.

    Yea I went to north as well but knew him from elementary, Gunner Kiel is the qb from east thats a top prospect, his uncle is blair.

    Whoops missed mr moneys post, its like a regular columbus reunion in here

  5. Football is slowly turning into soccer catering to premadonas and whimps. If you cross the middle as a wr you shiuld know you may wake up with smelling salts period. This nonsense like the robinson penalty against maclin, it was not helmet to helmet, maclin had both feet down and took a couple of step with possesion, and robinson gave him a dirt nap! Thats how the game should be played, its a contact sport that you know the risk when you lace up your cleats! The nfl needs to stick to enforcing conduct rules and not worrying about how tackles are occuring! Goodell and the nfl are ruining smashmouth football!

  6. lol...I hadn't thought of that either. That comeback player of the year award might look a little out of place on his mantle next to the 4 mvp's. lol

    After sitting out, multiple surgeries and all the extra work he will probably put in to be ready,with the prospect he may not recover 100%. I'd say it may need to be right next to that SB ring on the shelf above those mvps.

  7. As fans we have been spoiled for the last decade... Theres no need to freak out, it wasnt an earthquake it was just all the bandwagon fans falling off!

    The d played fairly well for as many times as our offense turned the ball over on downs or fumbles. And we created turnovers!

    The offense showed signs of finding a rythm late in the 3rd and into the 4th, give these guys sometime all is not lost!

  8. I will add this; When I see fantasy football reports on NFLN and ESPN, I facepalm so hard I dent my forehead. Why not also update us on who I should draft in my Madden Franchise mode?

    My idea of fantasy football involves naked women, baby oil and a goalpost. The tight end is open baby, yea!

    Face palm dents... Ah I see now, pressure on the frontal lobe of the brain, that explains whats wrong with you.

  9. I'm a colts fan and I'm writing off the colts for this season. Just because I've accepted a reality of a mediocre season and a less than 1% chance we make the superbowl. No one is bandwagoning for writing off Collins. Collins is like the hamburger and Peyton is the filet mignon. He deserves to be written off. It's easy to tell your in denial about the season, the rest of us have come to accept reality.

    And.... Post Fail!

  10. Wow... What ever happened with genuine human concern for peyton manning the man? I'm as die hard a football fan and sport fan as you will find but in all honesty his contract and future as a qb mean little as to what health issues the man could face in the future, being a new father is far greater a task than ever buckling a chin strap could ever be. If his injuries prevent him from ever taking another snap as a colts fan I am proudly happy to say WE got to cheer for the greatest to EVER play. If he does come back I hope its 100%! But simply disregarding his health and possible use of a limb just to try and comeback for a few games? Thats lunicy! Get well soon peyton your fans support you, having undergone cervical injury from crashing racecars and playing football myself I know how hard it can be to perform at a high level from arm numbness, I cant believe how great he has played since 06 with this issue.

    We as fans need to circle the wagons and cheer our colts loud and proud! Get Well soon PM!

  11. I am going to predict a game too close too call, I think everyone will be suprised how the colts will rally together with out peyton on the field and be ready to show the world they are.much better than anyone credits them for. I think collins experience will far outwiegh what he doesnt know of our offense, I think you will see garcon stretching the field with his speed and you may even see him catch one or two big one, collins has a reputation for a very catchable deep ball, addai will run much better than anyone expects. And collins will have 2 tds and atleast 1 int.

  12. Hate to burst anyones bubble but in the present economy, the college football system is the most hypocritical broken sham there is, OSU players sold there autographs and personal items which should have nothing to do with the ncaa. These violations a rd e a joke when schools make millions on a football program, graduating players that could never function in a professional setting using there degrees. Colleges get fat off of being nfl stables but the second a player gets smart enough to go hey OSU makes money off my name why the heck shouldnt I, its a violation?! These kinds of things are why,our world is as messed up as it is.

    Tressel is a good coach, colts good pick up for a guy wanting to get in a booth and out of the spot light, he brings high football IQ, good eniugh for me

  13. Have you watched any games in the preseason? He has blocked better than oline has. Its hard to run when you are tackled once you get the ball. Barry Sanders couldn't run behind this line.

    Are u joking sanders carried a team to the playoffs behind a line that would be lucky to block the indiana highschool of the blinds front 4, back on topic...

    Brown has shown flashes that he can get it done, but he hasnt consistently performed, I think the guy has great potential in a different style of offense. I can for see brown traded for a second or third rounder evans being called up from ps early in the season.

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