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Posts posted by IrsaysArmy

  1. lol. Man, colts fans do this every year. Every year we think we won the draft because Ballard had a good draft in 2018. None of us have any idea how good or bad this draft will be. And I for one, do not give Chris Ballard the benefit of the doubt anymore. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, AwesomeAustin said:

    No problem. It’s great to have him here still. However, I want to use that situation to kind of show why some people are being negative here. I love my my brother. He was my best friend. Key word was. Things are different now. I would say most us got to the point we were just over his addiction. The lying, stealing, needing money, constant need to be saved bc he was in some sort of trouble etc…it weighed on us all. Half of our family was checked out with him. We had our families and homes to worry about we reached a point where there was no more left to give. Even now that he is sober it’s not close to the same relationship for most of us. We love him and accept him bc he is family but he caused a lot of hurt and grief for so many for so darn long. The devastation these addicts leave behind is unreal. I get why people are being negative…I get why people are being positive. I’ve experienced both sides to the point I really don’t have an opinion on people suffering from addiction. Just kind of accept what’s going to happen is going to happen and there is nothing anyone can say or do. 

    Yep. Man your story hits home. Very well said. 

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  3. 10 minutes ago, Yoshinator said:

    Well... I read a comment earlier in this thread that Irsay went into rehab 15 times. If true, that is a ton, and even though I don't know Irsay personally, I'm guessing people in his inner circle are very frustrated he still hasn't been able to quit at this point. 1, 2, or 3 times is one thing, but 15 is a lot. There comes a point when it is ok to be frustrated with someone like this. My uncle is an alcoholic, and it took him 6-8 times to go to rehab to stop. Still never know if he'll actually stay clean. 


    It's not that Colts fans want to bash him, it just seems he doesn't want to help himself and it's a black mark on the team. 


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  4. 1 hour ago, w87r said:

    Why is your name is IrsaysArmy? That would lead one to think that you are supportive of Irsay. Your comments here and afterwards are not indicative of that at all.






    I will say, if the team is using the respiratory issues as an excuse to cover for the OD, it wouldn't be a surprise to me, nor the 1st time it was used.


    Artist spoke of his own struggles and this excuse being used for him when he OD'd.




    Good post, mixed drug cocktails(prescription, not even illegal drugs)/ addiction, have taken so many people. 



    Also, something else is once you build up a tolerance, you need to take more and more just for them to work. I had a bad hydrocodone problem in the late 90's. My mom had access too hundreds(multiple) of them and it was easy access for me. Got to a point I was taking 7-10 750mg Vicodin at a time.


    Shortly after that, I had to quit cold turkey, I knew I was on a bad path(luckily for me, I was able to stop). I don't even take Tylenol or Ibuprofen very often(maybe 5 a year at most).(now, as I sit here revisiting the past, I feel as I need to call up an old friend and apologize, as I now feel that my access to them, was what got him on the road to where he ended up being later in life(addiction/prescription fraud), to the point I only send birthday regards)



    Be careful everyone, just because something is prescribed by a doctor, doesn't mean it can't kill you.


    In fact a lot of prescription drugs warn of that very consequence, but people think they are OK, because they are prescribed it. 


    It definitely is better than the illegal kind, where you don't know what is in it. 




    Get well soon Irsay. Respiratory or Rehab, it doesn't matter(none of our business), just take care of yourself and we'll see you soon.




    Side Bar: I wish the media outlets would get their story straight, some say he was found in bed, some say bathroom?

    I’m 100% supportive of Irsay and I hope he gets better. History tells me otherwise. , Jim Irsays drug issues aren’t going to affect my life. I just hope he’s not making any important decisions 

  5. Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    He raised 3 daughters who are successful, he won a SB, he has lived a long time, he treats his employees and fans good, and he is a billionaire. I wish I could be that disaster in life. 

    He’s a billionaire because his Daddy was rich. Jim was born on 3rd base. And God Bless him, I wish I was born into that situation. Also, I like Irsay. I like his passion and love for the Colts. I also think he needs to figure his % out.

  6. 3 minutes ago, John Waylon said:


    darn did I nail that one.  

    Come on John. You are giving me a hard time for ridiculing Irsay, while you ridicule me.  Make it make sense John

  7. 12 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Some of these posts are disgusting.  I hope someone shows some of you more sympathy than some are showing when you are at your lowest point.  You don’t have to approve of his behavior to understand he has a very hard problem to control and show a little compassion.  

    You’ve clearly never had a love one continually relapse and disappoint. It gets old, it’s tiring, it’s annoying and burdensome. Irsay has been a drug addict for probably 50 years. I don’t feel bad for Jim, I feel bad for his friends and family. 

    3 minutes ago, #12. said:


    You thought enough of him to enlist in his army.

    Luckily, generals don’t do the fighting. 

  8. Just now, DougDew said:

    Addiction is a real issue and its not fair to judge a person's character because of that personal problem, IMO (no, neither I or a family member or a friend have had problems there). 


    He's probably respected by his employees because of how he treats his employees and others, rather than how he treats himself

    You’re probably right. He’s hurting a lot of people with his actions though. He has unlimited resources to get help since addiction is treatable, yet he chooses not to.

    3 minutes ago, BeanDiasucci said:

    Irsay is ranked seventh among current NFL owners in winning pct. - 247-182-1 (.576) - and the Colts have a 13-15 playoff record during his tenure. Much of his success can be attributed to Peyton Manning. "Irsay’s record is 141-67 (.678) when Peyton Manning starts at quarterback and 106-115-1 (.480) the rest of the time, which is how the league usually works."


    Exactly, if Jim Irsay didn’t fall * backwards into Peyton Manning, he’d be known as a complete diaster of an owner. 

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