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Posts posted by UndecidedFrog

  1. A private workout really makes that much of a factor? I would think the pro day, 1000 plus hours of scouting, film watching, talking to coaches, etc, factor in more.

    No, a private workout doesn't really mean very much. For all we know the private workout may only consist of 1 or 2 squat-thrusts.

    What is more important and very telling, is the willingness to do a private workout by the consensus overall #1 draft pick, compared to the unwillingness of #2.

  2. In addition, consider that the highest rated draft prospect has the power, more than any other draft prospect, to refuse private workouts with teams.

    Luck, being the #1 consensus pick, agrees to private workouts. What does this tell you about the #2 who refuses? IMO, red flags indeed, more on character and attitude than anything else.

  3. I think this is more evidence of his immaturity. He obviously feels jilted because of the way that Irsay has swooned over Luck. I'm tellin ya, this kid is going to become a hot potato and if I was Shanny, I'd be raising an eyebrow at this.

    I agree.

    There is a big difference between the attitude that produce this quote:


    If they ask for more or need more, I’ll be happy to oblige.”

    and the attitude that refuses the private workout request.

  4. agreed, its part of the business side of the NFL, a constant reevaluation of players and releasing old for the new is always needed, thats why some teams have been so successful

    I think some fans who may be considering leaving the Colts to become Bronco fans so that they can cheer on Peyton Manning may be surprised that there are other fans who will remain Colts fans even if a player they support might not be with the team.

  5. I don't agree with the bolded. It's a very nice and tidy argument, but it's too black and white.

    Staying with the quarterback position, for instance, you can compare a prospect who is limited in his athleticism but can make all the throws to a prospect who throws just as well, but is super athletic. You can actually argue that the more athletic player has a higher ceiling because there's more to his game than his ability to throw the ball. The ability to run isn't necessary to be the best quarterback in the league, but if you take a quarterback like Brees or Brady or Manning and give them the athleticism of Michael Vick, you have a better player. They may not ever use that running ability, but the fact that they can makes them a more dangerous weapon. But every quarterback prospect doesn't have that kind of athleticism. So, all things being equal, the more athletic player has a higher ceiling.

    For a running back, a player with great size and decent speed might actually have a higher ceiling than a smaller, faster back. A pass rusher with great size and technique might have a higher ceiling than another pass rusher who relies only on his athleticism. So greater athleticism isn't necessarily a silver bullet. I think Austin Collie has a higher ceiling than Pierre Garcon, and will have a better career. I'm only pointing out that there are several variables to take into consideration, which is why I don't think it's as black and white as you make it out to be.

    If your idea of a ceiling is strictly relative to the other players in the NFL, then yes, best in the league is the best you can be. But I don't think that's what anyone is talking about when they say "ceiling." I think the idea of an individual player's ceiling is specific to how good that player can potentially be, as a consensus. If the consensus is that the player will probably wind up being a good rotational player at his position, but never one of the best, he has a lower ceiling than a player who is regarded as capable of being top five at his position.


    You are free to disagree as much as you like.

    You argument is based on the presumption of the difference between natural ability with which we are born, versus acquired ability, with which we learn.

    My argument is based on the principle that no matter where you are on the order of attaining perfection, you will necessarily fall short, because perfection, although is a worthy goal, is not a goal in itself, but a journey.

    All QBs can have the goal to be the best ever (even if that is not precisely defined), and as such, that is their common theoretical ceiling. No QB can hope to achieve more than that goal. If you standardize all QBs with this common ceiling, naturally, their existing abilities (natural or attained) will fall short of that goal, and can be measured accordingly. These are their floors, or where they are as of this point in time.

    This is what I am calling attention to...their current floors.

    How they improve going forward is uncertain, and many variables come into play. However, it is always good to note the floor before judging if the ceiling is higher. IMO, the ceiling only looks higher because the floor is so much lower.

  6. I'm not going to find the link for you frog...

    I doubt u will answer but I have another question for you.

    Let's say colts draft rg3 and the redskins draft luck. Who would be your favorite NFL team?

    If you believe the other posters, it would be the Lions! haha.

    No, if the Colts take RG3, I will be unhappy, but I will still root for the Colts.

    You see, I am a fan of the team, not any player who might be on the team.

    Even if the Colts take Luck, and trade him away years later, I will still be with the Colts.

  7. They are fake. He isn't a Colt.The jerseys were clearly pointed at Luck can be the only one to "save" our team. Especially right when the "Suck with Luck" campaign started. Robert Mathis and many other players were vocal about this, and they weren't happy. As a Colt fan I back the players actually on my team, not the kid still in college. This season was nothing more than an emotionally drained team with low morale. Claiming a kid to be the "savoir" of a franchise when he isn't even your teammate does not sit well with a team or the players. No matter how many screaming fans cheered for support the ones that write you off stick out the most, and leave the most hurt. Only to weaken the already low morale they have.

    It also doesn't speak anything. All that it says is our fans are nothing but fair weatherers. Commentators even spoke it during broadcasts. Makes the rest of us look bad.

    Fans have a right to express their displeasure with their team in any way they like.

    Yes, they even have the right to wear "Who needs Luck when we have Manning" t-shirts.

    Fans have the right to even wear customized team jerseys that have last year's top rated #1 overall draft prospect's name and college number on it.

    Mr. Mathis and the other players could have channeled their unhappiness with this by simply winning a few more games that would make the possibility of acquiring Luck impossible. By the end of last season, it was apparent what the Colts needed was an effective QB.

    I see nothing wrong with fans suggesting to team management who that QB should be.

    I see these fans still attending games, and supporting the team with the price of their tickets. I would not call them fairweather fans.

    There is nothing these jersey-wearing fans can do to embarrass the team more than what the team itself has achieved last season in its W-L record that provided them with the overall #1 pick in this upcoming draft.

    We cannot look any worse. It was evident to all, and finally to the owner who took steps in the off-season to correct it.

  8. You know why that was there?

    Week 8 of the season. Disgraceful as a fan base. Sorry you don't see a problem with it, but us fans who watched our season crumble have ill feelings about things like this. This should never be presented by any fan. I don't care who your QB is. You don't mock your team with fake jerseys.

    There is so much wrong with your post at so many levels.

    1) Were these "fake" jerseys? How do you know? I thought team jerseys were customizable with any name and any number.

    2) How is it "mocking" your team to wear a customized team jersey?

    3) How is this any different than wearing a brown paper bag over your head with eye holes cut out?

    4) Do you think these fans were pleased that their team was in the midst of a 2-14 season?

    5) Do you think these fans were making a suggestion to team management or the team owner?

    6) What do you think that message may have been?

  9. was this off the top of your head or did you look it up?

    I had to look it up on my roster spreadsheet, subcategory FAs.

    BTW, there are 6 remaining FAs that the Colts did not re-sign:







  10. I consider myself a pretty much a hard core Colts fan and I usually know all the players names and numbers.. but this guy doesn't even ring a bell for me.

    #28 Stevie Brown, DB, 5-11, 215lbs, 24 years old, 2 year man from University of Michigan

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