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Everything posted by Restinpeacesweetchloe

  1. Umm no. I have been the opposite. I thought everyone was overhyping what he could do.
  2. Teams don’t really play that way anymore. Teams always switch it up. Bradley doesn’t want to give teams anything to think about.
  3. Minshew has only had 3 TD drives the entire season. If you think that will change I think you are fooling yourself.
  4. They were just trying to make themselves felt better. I had a feeling this was going to happen.
  5. Steichen play calling has been so horrendous today. I am kind of shocked.
  6. This is the type of game where a team loses the faith they had in Minshew. Could spiral very quickly into last year.
  7. How do we even evaluate the wide receivers with quarterback play this bad.it was important to do that with Richardson now Minshew is not helping.
  8. ir really is to time to see if Sam can bring anything to this team since we are going to be without Richardson rest of year.
  9. If your players can’t motivate themselves for a division game that could give you the lead you don’t have the right players.
  10. I can’t believe we might have to sit through this the rest of the season.
  11. At this rate Bradley won’t be back next season. Thid team is so fragile mentally. It is not mentally tough.
  12. Colts have to do some soul searching and find some dawgs that are not so mentally fragile.
  13. Minshew playing worse then a freaking rookie. Steichens play calling is not helping either.
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