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Posts posted by Bubbz

  1. 11 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:

    Philly was rebuilding since like 2005 with no championships since 1960 before their superbowl win in 2018.  Bills have been rebuilding since mid-90s with no actual championships in the superbowl era. Lets slow down and recognize how hard it is to win in the NFL. All this, we should be great every year whining is tiresome. People always needing to be talked off the edge around here. Wish some of you would just grow a pair.

    Lol. No. Having some missing pieces is not rebuilding. Teams don't blow up their rosters for 14 years straight (you're philly example?) the way the colts did in 2011. After 2011 yeah thats a complete rebuild when half the roster is scrapped, not every year we don't have a 2007 Patriots roster is a rebuild like some of you would like TO scream from the rooftops to excus bad football

  2. 14 hours ago, Peterk2011 said:


    So why bother watching this Colts team then? You probably slept over the last 6 years, and havent realized that the Manning era is over. Peyton Manning retired, Andrew Luck is barely back from a very serious shoulder injury, and it is a very young, rebuilding team. Yesterday, there were 5 rookies amongs the starters on the offense, and it is the more experienced unit of the two (defense/offense). If you expect them to win these games, then go watch other sports, and come back in 2, maybe 3 years. If everything goes well, the Colts will be a contenders by then. Until then, why bother?


    I am - though the missed opportunity to beat the defending champs at home hurts - truthfully impressed by this team. Especially the defense. Eberflus is doing fantastic job so far, way, way, (way, way, way) better than I hoped. I haven't seen such defensive adjustments that he did yesterday (and in week 2 as well) since the Dungy era. If he continues like this, we might soon be worried that someone will give him a HC job somewhere.


    The offense was struggling yesterday, and wasn't nearly "high flying" last week either. But I am OK with that right now. They played against 3 stingy defenses so far. The Bengals defense is good, the Redskins just proved yesterday against Aaron Rodgers, that they are good too, and the Philly defense allowed only 12 points for the opponents at home in the last more than one year. They are very-very tough to play against at home. Especially in that rainy, muddy weather. The 3 missed red zone opportunities hurt, but the Eagles offense was only 1 better they converted 2 of their 4 RZ appearances, the Colts converted 1. Maybe, if Castonzo and Doyle were on the field, then the Philly defense couldn't get to Luck in that 4th and goal play. It was close.


    All in all, being so close to winning this game, but coming out with an "L" hurts, but I am enjoying the ride so far.


    14 hours ago, Peterk2011 said:


    So why bother watching this Colts team then? You probably slept over the last 6 years, and havent realized that the Manning era is over. Peyton Manning retired, Andrew Luck is barely back from a very serious shoulder injury, and it is a very young, rebuilding team. Yesterday, there were 5 rookies amongs the starters on the offense, and it is the more experienced unit of the two (defense/offense). If you expect them to win these games, then go watch other sports, and come back in 2, maybe 3 years. If everything goes well, the Colts will be a contenders by then. Until then, why bother?


    I am - though the missed opportunity to beat the defending champs at home hurts - truthfully impressed by this team. Especially the defense. Eberflus is doing fantastic job so far, way, way, (way, way, way) better than I hoped. I haven't seen such defensive adjustments that he did yesterday (and in week 2 as well) since the Dungy era. If he continues like this, we might soon be worried that someone will give him a HC job somewhere.


    The offense was struggling yesterday, and wasn't nearly "high flying" last week either. But I am OK with that right now. They played against 3 stingy defenses so far. The Bengals defense is good, the Redskins just proved yesterday against Aaron Rodgers, that they are good too, and the Philly defense allowed only 12 points for the opponents at home in the last more than one year. They are very-very tough to play against at home. Especially in that rainy, muddy weather. The 3 missed red zone opportunities hurt, but the Eagles offense was only 1 better they converted 2 of their 4 RZ appearances, the Colts converted 1. Maybe, if Castonzo and Doyle were on the field, then the Philly defense couldn't get to Luck in that 4th and goal play. It was close.


    All in all, being so close to winning this game, but coming out with an "L" hurts, but I am enjoying the ride so far.

    The team has been "rebuilding" since 2012

  3. 8 minutes ago, Tsarquise said:

    You didn't see how the Eagles marched down the field with ease, early, and then suddenly were stymied the rest of the game? Did you miss that? 

    What adjustments were made, be specific.


    "they marched down the field easily then didn't" isnt answeRing the question

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    You also have no memory....


    I'm a "new" fan only in name.    I've been here 7 years.    I'm a football fan for more than 50 years.      You and I have.....  history.     But look at the thread.    It's not just me that thinks your views are way off base....    it's everyone else too...


    No substance again, typical. All this talk about it being Reichs first year, give it time, we're rebuilding, are things we listened to up until right before Pagano was fired.


    those of us who aren't new , yes 4 years or whatever is new, are used to winning games every week, not giving the the coach a pat on the back for losing games. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, coltsfeva said:

       Dear God....instead of seeing a hard-fought game with plenty of bright spots to look forward to, there’s this dribble.

         The Eagles were at home and the Colts didn’t embarrass themselves.


    Being s Colts fan in the Philadelphia area? I wanted this win BADLY. But I’m looking towards the future. Colts are going to be okay

    EXactly what was said all those Pagano years.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, #12. said:

    We're losing winnable games, but I would say, no.  We're actually making coaching adjustments.  The first drive today?  That would have continued for 4 quarters under Chuck.  

     Except it did last 4 quarters. The swing passes to the running back that consistently resulted in a TFL....EVERY DRIVE

    • Like 1
  7. Same pattern. Sloppy football and play calling. Granted the defense has shown up. I never understood how you get a HC from OC position and all of a sudden your Offense is trash and defense shows up. Same narrative as Pagano but reversed. Clear evidence that the coach is trash. If we allow this slopp for play w out anyone getting fired  it'll be the sameness excuses week after week for us consistently losing winnable games that lasted 5 years w Pagano. I can't take the incessant clapping during penalties and "keep chopping wood" comments for another 5 years. 


    Set a precedent that people who don't do their job get fired early. No patted on the back like w Pagano  and Reich thus far.

    • Like 2
  8. On 9/18/2017 at 5:13 AM, DaveA1102 said:

    I don't want to turn this into a separate debate, but this and the Coliseum really make it a lot easier for London to make a push for a franchise.  The stadium would be full most weeks and certainly wouldn't see the amount of empty seats as in LA for WEEK ONE of the new season.


    Personally (as a Brit) I am not fully behind the idea as I would not be changing from a Colts fan to a London fan but the scenario of the Jags moving would mean its easier to see the Colts so there is an upside! :thmup:

    London isnt getting a franchise. Theres an 8 hour time gap.

  9. 36 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:



    Except my opinion is based on being a Stanford fan for 50 years.


    When I'm not on ths website,  where do you think I spend some of my time?


    You think I don't know more than the average football fan who sees Shaw and thinks what a good coach he is?


    Stanford is a very unique place.


    I'm not saying he'll never go to the NFL.     But I am saying he's years and years away from wanting to do that,  and his coaching DNA is entirely wrong for it.       Shaw considers himself a teacher,  a molder of young men.    That's in part, why he likes college coaching so much.      The NFL, as you note,  is not that world.     It's a bottom line job.


    Win,  or else.


    As of right now,  he's got no interest in it....


    Believe it or not, you actually dont know everything and you dont have the ability to read anyones mind. Even after 50 years of fandom. Shocking i know...

  10. On 2/14/2017 at 6:43 PM, NewColtsFan said:


    We COULD be a contender....    but currently we are not.


    Simply saying a good draft and a good free agency and we're back in business is just too simplistic.


    Getting one of those right is hard enough and you're hoping for both.   


    IF and I'm stressing the word IF,  we get both right,  then we could be good enough to win the division.    But making the playoffs is different than making a good run in the playoffs.      And we're more likely to be two years away from making a deep run in the playoffs.      


    Our defense is terrible.    Making it good enough to go far in the playoffs will not likely get done in one off-season.


    It COULD,   but it's not likely.


    Patience is going to be key.    Both for the franchise and the fan base.     So far the fan base has not done a good job of being patient.     Will be interesting to see how they react in 2017.......


    12-4 minimum or fire evryone

  11. On 1/28/2017 at 10:52 PM, NewColtsFan said:


    Why do you think he's "an 8-8 head coach"....


    For his first three years he was an 11-5 head coach.     And he went further in the playoffs each year.


    If you want to look at the Big Picture,  he's 49-31, plus 3-3 in the playoffs.


    As to 2017....


    I think Irsay would want at least 10 wins,  to win the AFC South and not a Wild Card,  and at least a good showing in the post-season.      That's a very loose set of goals and gives everyone some flexibility either way.


    Pagano hasnt coached in all 49 of those games. Pagano is trash though and has won pretty much because of Luck so far, but its running out. He will be fired before the end of the season if hes still even here.

  12. 11 hours ago, Jason_S said:


    Condescending and pompous are a matter of opinion, but he's hardly ignorant or uninformed.

    Its sheeple like you that spread that notion. Cut past the rhetoric, and NewColtsFan is one of the most uninforned and ignorant people on this site. 

  13. 4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    It is a good football forum.    And I've said so since I joined up nearly 5 years ago.    I say so every year.


    But it's not good because of people like you.


    I hurled insults yesterday,  and guess what?    So did the owner of the franchise.   The man who owns this website.     Guess whose side I'd rather be on?


    So,  keep the shots coming.....    I'll be happy to ignore them.



    The irony in you calling us an ignorant fan base is unvelievable. 


    Youre one of the most ignorant, condescending, pompous, and u informed people on this website.

  14. 2 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I'm not changing anything.


    I've spent the last year saying I'm fine if Grigson got fired.      The only thing I defended was that he didn't suck at his job.     His record says he didn't suck and that's how GM's are measured.  


    Like Pep before him, Ryan Grigson simply wasn't good enough.    He deserved to be fired.     I'm totally OK with it,   and have been for a long time.     I just want a little perspective.


    Now,  the info released yesterday casts a whole new light on things....    and I'm sorry Irsay let it get it out of control.     Not a good look for the franchise.



    Ryan Grigson DID suck at his job and now hes fired. You defended him for far too long despite gow subtle you tried to be in your approach, you (just like Grigson) failed also

  15. 11 hours ago, Gyworks said:

    If you really take responsibility then you resign after you failed to meet the expectations. Chuck have had more than four years to build the monster but he built a mediocre team instead, time to move on.

    Im not a fan of Pagano, but not many people are going to resign voluntarily from a multi million dollar a year contract

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