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Blog Comments posted by saxStriker87

  1. This is just an Irsay money grab, you folks need to run out a get your season tickets. Enjoy the games, lolololol

    You must not understand the NFL... Unlike baseball, the NFL has a hard salary cap. We can only spend so much money on players each year. Salaries count towards each year of a contract, and the bonuses are spread out between the years as well. Every dollar that goes to players is accounted for. There is also a floor to the salary cap. You must spend a certain amount of money each year towards the cap. Even if Irsay wanted to get rid of everyone for a "money grab" he couldn't. Now saying that, I would bet we'll be pretty close to the cap this year, as we are every year. Even when we make cuts like this, parts of their contract still count towards our cap number (the pro-rated remainder of the bonus counts the next league year, which might be this coming year since those guys were cut before the new league year started).

    This is a process... We are getting rid of older players in order to infuse the team with young talent to build around a new QB. For the last 10 years we've been trying to surround Peyton with players to win a super bowl. By the time Luck is ready to win his first super bowl, our previous core of players will be retired or on the downside of their careers. We need new talent, and without cap space, we can't try and achieve that goal.

    For any real fan, this is a process we've seen before. This strongly mirrors the colts the year peyton manning was drafted. I was excited to be a colts fan then just as I still am now. GO COLTS!

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  2. I think you've missed the problem... I'm not sure an "elite" RB is even in the top 10 of things we need. I think our running problem is scheme and lineman. The lineman we've gone after are very solid pass blockers, but not necessarily guys that knock defensive lineman off the ball for the run game. I think Carter ran well when he didn't cough the ball up, but he didn't have fumble problems in college so I hope he can get it figured out. Hes very young, this was his rookie year, and the same could be said with brown in terms of age. Brown ran very well this year, and it hasn't been the problem with him since we drafted him. His problem has been picking up blitzes and block on passing downs, but watching him this past year, he's improved dramatically that I think he could replace Addai next year. I agree with about half your cuts... Addai can go, clark might be overpriced and coming off injury so he can go, gonzalez sadly can't stay healthy even though I think hes a good player when he is healthy so he can go, painter is garbage, wayne and saturday only go if peyton is gone (why blow up the old nucleus of the team if your bringing back the 35 year old manning for a few more runs at the playoffs?). Collie has played great and stayed moderately healthy this year so I see NO reason he should go. My opinions on carter are clear above, give the kid a chance.

    As for the defensive side, we need alot of help... If we don't go LUCK in the draft, I think Claiborne would fit in as a starting corner opposite powers. We couldn't cover an inanimate object this year... We could also really use a Nose Tackle. We don't have anyone big enough to occupy a couple defenders to allow linebackers to make plays. I think our LB core gained alot of experience this year which should be a huge help next year. Angerer looked especially strong filling in for Bracket (who I sadly think can go as well).

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