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Posts posted by MrPreGame

  1. Luck is not going to be all that he can be without a viable running game and play action.  If Luck is the QB that many would like to believe that he is, then he shouldn't need Pep's help getting into a rhythm.

    Every player needs to get in some sort of rhythm, this is human nature. I have no doubt we need to establish a running game, but not make it our offensive emphasis. Last night the stars of our gameplan were the running backs. We established them, then once established did nothing but repeat the same plays.

    I agree we need play action, but last night we just kept running. Perhaps we tried to milk the clock, but you cant milk the clock for an entire half. Pep took his foot off the gas. Give the ball to your 1st overall franchise QB, get him in the game, let him win.

  2. All I have heard since the 49ers game last year was the Colts have to find away to run the ball and be more balanced. Last night they did and now I am hearing people complain because the Colts were balanced with an effective run game (look at the play calls last night it was almost 50/50 pass/run which is what you want) and people complain they ran too much except for when they were aggressive late and it didn't work. Then they should have ran of course. That's just people who the coaches can't win with no matter what they do.

    The end of the game sure that's very fair to argue they should have been throwing no matter how well the run had worked to that point. So no Pep wasn't perfect in his play calling. Still ripping him for sticking with the run until the Eagles stopped it is silly.

    But it's like Pep will run our offense into the ground before he realizes something is being stopped. In the 2nd half I knew when the Colts were running the ball before Luck snapped it, and so did Philly. How many times does Trent have to fumble for Pep to stop giving him the ball? How many times did we get blown up BEHIND the LOS before we stop running up the gut? I could tell it was going to be stopped before The Eagles stopped it. It doesn't have to get to that point.

    At the end of the game Luck had ZERO rhythm. He was out of it after that pick. We did nothing all game to get him in a down field rhythm. Pep has arguably the best young QB in the league at his disposal, make him the focus of the offense. Let's establish Luck not Trent.

  3. and yet up until late in the game it was still working for the Colts. It got stuffed one time in the fourth quarter and then they didn't go back to it. The ironic thing here is the play that really hurt the Colts was the INT which people are screaming should have been a run and now here people are ripping Pep for not throwing it more. People can't have it both ways.

    I didn't like the play calling on the first series or the last but other than that I don't think the play calling was as awful as some want it to be. The ground game was effective tonight something we have been waiting forever to see I had no issue with running it until the Eagles stopped which to their credit they did late which is why I didn't like the play calling on the last drive that seamed more like playing not to lose.



    I swear at times this team could have Vince Lombardi coaching them with Don Shula running the defense and Bill Walsh running the offense and fans would still complain about the coaching.

    No it wasn't a perfectly called game but it was far from a perfectly played game either. If we held our players to the same standard we seam to hold the coaches too Andrew Luck would be on the chopping block right now for his lack of performance in his last three outings.

    This a flawed team but not as flawed as I think some want it to be and it's not just the coaches fault or the players fans don't like fault alone every time we lose.

    Youre right, the run worked well last night. Thats not the problem. The problem is we didn't capitalize off the run action. In the 2nd half on first down we just sent our backs into brick walls b/c the Eagles were reading run all day. Its not college anymore, we cant just ground the other team up all game w/o them figuring out a decent way to stop it. Why carry 6 talented receivers if we don't use them.

    Again I'm so happy our run game was effective last night. But it was like Pep thought the Eagles weren't going to counter it at some point. This is the NFL, please.

    Also, now that we've run basically every play out of the Tackle Over formation, teams have the film to dissect it. I doubt it will work that well again. Why not try something else later in the game once the Eagles started selling out on the run? Save the unbalanced line for another game, don't reveal your hand too early in the season.

    Lastly I think Luck had no chance to really get into a throwing rhythm last night. How can our QB and WRs and TEs get on the same page if every playcall is run, then run, then pass on 3rd down.

  4. The thing that irks me about the pkaycalling is lack of utilizing our resources. We are loaded at skill positions. You could tell the excitement Gruden had when we finally got Moncrief on the field. Gruden went on about his athleticism, and on cue we hit the rook for an easy first down. Then we never went back to it.

    We didnt get Allen, Nicks, Fleener, or the bottom 3 receivers involved. And I'll bet that umbalanced line will be diagnosed and defeated in the future; as much as we relied on it it is simple to beat.

  5. Warren Sapp was a tight end in high school, doesn't mean he's a tight end in the NFL.

    High school and the NFL are completely different on every level.

    The biggest component about being a center is reading the defense. I'm not ruling it out a couple of years down the line, but his little experience suggests that he's not a center for the Colts in his rookie year.

    Plus, he doesn't have the right size for a center; he's too tall.

    http://www.nfl.com/videos/tampa-bay-buccaneers/0ap2000000214914/September-21-2003-Warren-Sapp-catches-a-TD-pass '> http://www.nfl.com/videos/tampa-bay-buccaneers/0ap2000000214914/September-21-2003-Warren-Sapp-catches-a-TD-pass
  6. I want to add to the protect Andrew Luck logic. I have no doubt that Grigson is looking at the developmemt of the Texans d-line and decided we need to react.

    Arguably the best defensive line prospect in 30 years is in our division. Along with a proven JJ Watt.

    We have no choice but to develop a dominant offensive line. If we dont Luck will be going the way of Sam Bradford or David Carr.

    There's a good chance this Clowney Watt thing could cause us problems.

  7. Be careful what you wish for...

    ...Cover 2 was safety first......attack style defenses get eeat for big plays..

    esepcially with limited talent on the corners.

    I hope there's a plan.

    No more 7-10 yard cushion!

    I agree but a long play and a field goal gets us on the field faster than being pick apart by 7-15 yard plays for 20 plays/10 minute drives and a field goal. At least we can give the offense time to do something.

    Its not like we never gave up huge plays anyways. I hated letting the offense dictate to our defense how the game was going to be played. It was death by paper cuts. We need to unleash our best players and attack.

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