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Posts posted by TennEngr

  1. QB: Aaron Rodgers ... (tiny gap) ... Tom Brady-Drew Brees ... (gap) ... Eli Manning-Phillip Rivers-Matt Schaub-Ben Rothlesberger ... (gap) ... Tony Romo-Matthew Stafford-Matt Ryan ... (tiny gap) ... Jay cutler.

    I would place Peyton Manning right now with Eli, Phillip, Matt and Ben until I see his first game.


  2. I am starting to see a trend here with the free agents............

    So we have resigned two Colts (Irsay)..............Wayne and Mathis

    We have signed two Ravens (Pagano)...............Zbikowski and Redding

    We have signed two Eagles (Grigson)...............Justice and McGlynn

    We have signed one Steeler (Arians).............A.Q. Shipley...........

    So by my count we are due to sign one more Steeler and two former Chargers (Manusky)..............the question is, what former Steelers or Chargers would help us out the most?

    Antonio Garay - NT (Chargers)

    Marcus McNeill - OT (Chargers)

    Luis Castillo - DE (Chargers)

    Tommie Harris - DE (Chargers)

    Max Starks - OT (Steelers)

    Bryant McFadden - CB (Steelers)

    I hope it is Garay and then re-sign Wheeler and Tamme.
  3. Frankly, I say we should just sign a cheap backup QB with some upside. I know we'd be repeating Bill Polian's mistake if our starter gets knocked out, but we're lucky if we even stand the chance of making the playoffs WITH Andrew Luck, let alone without him. Let's not break the bank.

    I don't know how cheap Josh Johnson would be but I woud prefer him because he would actually want to compete. I don't think Volek would be another Kerry Collins but you never know.
  4. Everyone is allowed to do what they believe they have or feel like doing. I'm glad you are still a Colt fan. I am optimistic about the future, although I suspect that it will take longer than a couple of years for us to be good again. We will just have to wait and see. GO COLTS!

  5. It has been a few years since Jacobs was a bruising running back; we should look elsewhere. I might take a chance on Hillis "for cheap" but would rather have Michael Bush. Mike Tolbert would be another I would be interested in for a reasonable salary. All 3 can catch the ball fairly well. GO COLTS!

  6. And what would the Colts have then? They would have a 36 year old QB. One whose neck is damaged. Recovery was only a remote possibility. I predict he'll never be great again. And his sad, final days won't be at Lucas Oil. Be thankful for that!

    Well ... since you are only predicting let me give it a shot. His sad final days might include a Super Bowl win for either the Dolphins, Broncos or Cardinals; 2 or 3 playoff years with the Dolphins, Broncos or Cardinals; 2 or 3 12+ win seasons with the Dolphins, Broncos or Cardinals or any number of scenarios that would not be called "SAD" and none of them would be in Lucas Oil stadum. GO COLTS!
  7. I've never taken a WR in the first round and certainly would not pick Fitzgerald in the first round. Randy Moss was the only WR that I might have picked in the first round when he was the top WR but I wasn't a fan so it would not have happened.

    As with most I started out strictly an RB-RB drafter many years ago but soon realized that a top QB got you fairly steady points. I am an RB-QB or QB-RB drafter depending upon who's available. I don't expect to change any time soon unless the WR talent drops off quite a bit. WR value has always been available in the 3rd round for me.

  8. I honestly could care less about Luck. I could care less about the Colts either. They will not be fun to watch. Well maybe if you want to watch them lose. Regardless, I have generally lived in the Indy area most of my life. I became a Colts fan b/c of #18 and #88. I enjoyed watching them work together which was magic. Now they have nothing but a "prospect". I also have never respected either Irsay and I hope that Luck does not want to come here or that he falls incredibly short of expectations. I just want Jim Irsay to live with the worst "business" decision of his life. Peyton wanted to remain a Colt and retire a Colt and Irsay f'ed him on that. I hope Peyton goes to another team and thrives. Then I hope that he retires as that team member and I hope he disses the Colts and Irsay and enters the HOF as a member of another team. That would be befitting and I would have a smile from ear to ear. Now all you lifetime colts fans can criticize my comment all you want but I believe I have my own right to speak. I guess I wish them well for all you out there but they lost myself and a number of others. Also, the Colts national, and for that fact, international fan base is now gone. They will only follow Peyton and not the Colts. To them, he was the Colts. And in all honesty, he was, no denying that. I know, I know, he is only one player but you are then only kidding yourselves if you think there is any other player from his team that brought this team to national prominence. TV and fan base revenue for the Colts I believe will probably fall 50% from Manning era. Good luck Colts, hope you enjoy sweeping up the AFC South basement for the rest of your existence, ala 80's and 90's. Oh the excitement as some of you have put it watching a team rebuild. Yeah, well they said that about the Colts up until they drafted #18. And it never happened did it. Thank goodness for smart phones now, I can see a lot of angry birds being played during Colts home games.

    So why did you decide to be a member on the COLTS website?
  9. Andrew Luck 3,500 yards

    Marques Colston 1,100 yards

    Donald Brown 1,000 yards

    Robert Mathis 10.5 sacks

    Pat Angerer 115 tackles

    Antonie Bethea 4 INTs


    Marques Colston makes since. He won't command as much money as some of the other Free Agents.

    Luck - 3,200 yards

    Colston - 1,100 yards

    Brown - 1,000 yards

    Mathis - 7 sacks (new defense?)

    Angerer - 115 tackles

    Bethea - 2 intereceptions

    Run Defense - Better than 15 other teams

    Run Offense - Less than 15 other teams

    Colts record at 4 - 12

  10. Was the title " ... It Was Not About Money" from the Colts perspective or Peyton Manning's perspective? On both sides it was about money and circumstances (see Malakai432). Circumstances provided the Colts an opportunity to get Andrew Luck and get rid of paying a lot of money to a "hurt" Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning would most likely have to take a severe pay cut to be resigned by the Colts and why would he do this if he could still play. Peyton now has the opportunity to play for a team that may be able to win a Super Bowl.

    It will be hard not seeing Peyton in a Colts uniform but the opportunity was their for both the Colts and Peyton. They BOTH took it!

  11. As mentioned by many others, there are many factors yet to be seen affecting our win loss predictions. I have mine listed below with some comments:

    Texans - 2 losses (they have been on the rise and still have Foster and Johnson AND many others)

    Titans - 1-1 (They win at home but our defense begins to shut down the run which shows up in front of the Colts crowd)

    Jaguars - 1 - 1 (Same as with the Titans)

    Bills - Win at home (This team just doesn't have it.)

    Miami - Home loss (We may get to see Peyton again but this will be a home loss either way.)

    Minnesota - Home loss (They still have defensive pieces that can be scary.)

    Packers - BIG home loss ('nuff said)

    Browns - Win at home (See Bills - although RG3 may be for real.)

    Patriots - BIG loss away (I just wish ... nah ... won't happen. Too much Tom Brady.)

    Jets - Loss away

    Bears - Loss away

    Lions - BIG loss away (Lions are on their way to being scary with Suh and Megatron.)

    Chiefs - Loss away

    If I calculate correctly, that's 4 and 12 which will be one game better than Peyton's first season record. I am hopeful for more ... GO COLTS!

  12. I'd actually prefer Jeff gone too. I say start fresh -- give Luck a new Center he can build chemistry with immediately. Plus, Jeff is obviously old and his ability to run block effectively is under question. Let's keep getting younger at the o-line.

    I agree with you about Jeff Saturday. Andrew needs to be under the "long term" Center of the future from day one. If we are ever going to have a run game of consequence, then we have to have an O-line that motivated to run block.
  13. Thank you for taking the time to post this

    Fans have been venting and some of that is normal. The personal attacks on each other though, is not ok.

    And some of the things that have been said about our owner.....have been way way over the line.

    It is exhausting to read and I feel my energy and spirit waning as I take it in. Then I need to do something to adjust my own spirit....music, comedy.....my cats, exercise. anything to return to peace.

    I think hate is the proper word for some of what has been posted here. It is not good for your own health and not good for anyone else's.

    I hope that time heals most. But I have seen people resurrect past things that made them angry. And that is disappointing

    I've seen people twist words in order to further justify their wrath. Anything to make the target more hateable

    Overall though, I've been impressed with the care that most fans here have taken with each other. There's been a lot of understanding as well.

    It is tough to let Peyton go and goes against a fans nature to want his new team to do well. But that's where we are.

    Life has asked more difficult things of me, I can do this.

    Maureen ... I agree with you that there has been some hate (or appeared to be because we really don't know) here but by an large there was mostly good open and honest feelings expressed. I know that I felt like responding to some horrible comments in a drastic way but restrained myself. As the draft gets closer I believe the site will get more excited about whats to come. GO COLTS!
  14. I thought Jim Irsay and Peyton made they best they could of a difficult situation. That probably leaves me in the minority. IMO, the press conference, both standing side by side and parting ways, showed a lot of class on both parts. I would love to see Peyton end up in a 49ers uniform with Jim Harbaugh as his head coach. Wouldn't that be something? Cap'n Comeback leading the charge from the bench and Peyton leading the charge on the field. Boy Howdy, that would be a sight for sore eyes.

    I think the 49ers are the most Super Bowl ready of all the suitors so far. I too am hoping Peyton goes to the 49ers.
  15. Peyton signing with the 49ers could guarantee another ring on his finger before he retires that's where I want him to go some place were he can continue his greatness and win another superbowl at least while the colts work through this rebuild, but could you image the headlights if Superbowl Luck vs Manning happened Luck's chance to beat the savior of Indy or Petyon's revenge haha I clearly have to much time on my hands

    Luck vs Manning is unlikely but if it did, then Colts fans would get to see Peyton in the Superbowl once again AND know that the Colts team did great with the changes.
  16. Andrew Luck will need a solid #1 Wide Receiver. Reggie Wayne will need to be resigned or franchised. Reggie may not like this but the Colts and Luck need him. Hopefully, Reggie won't be so upset that he quits on us and I don't think he would.

    I would prefer Luck to start right away with the Center that is going to be with him for years to come and I don't know who that would be.

    As for the rest of the article, I don't know how our cap would be affected. I have seen several scenarios and not to many looked good for the Colts. GO COLTS!

  17. where colts went wrong is paying Peyton that an obscene amount of money forget the exact numbers didnt look it up before came to the boards BUT He is ONE man, ya cant invest like 100 million in one man thats stupid I dont care if hes the best of all time, he will only take you so far if the team dont have balance on offense an defense, ok he won ONE superbowl but that wasnt exactly against a juggernaught of a offense in the bears if anything Bears were offensively challenged lol, the colts have been defensively challenged for years, I think why the corners were so bad last year had alot to do with scheme, not saying they will get a whole lot better although lets hope with the new scheme they do, but after Luck I say BRING ON SOME HOGS AT DEFENSIVE TACKLE clog things up make the offensive line double team, less silly butt finesse undersized lineman its football NOT ballet and then in later rounds go for a corner and offensive line guard or LT, Im not sold on Costonzo he struggled mightily last year at times with pass protection but remember our line was out of whack most of the year do to injuries I dont think were in terrible shape there with better coaching they need to be more physical though, do to poor management with money this will be a long term project all the pieces are certainly not in place so I just look forward to watching the colts no matter what win or lose and seeing players grow and Pagano changing this team into a tough minded physical force he gets a pass as far as wins and losses go until his first contract is up and then go from their....FACE FULL OF COLTS, ENOUGH SAID thats the most intensity we have heard in a coach ever here in indy as far as colts go, I support Pagano 100 percent

    I assume that it is the length of Peyton's contract that gives you a problem. 18 mil per year is what you are going to have to pay for a top QB. Drew Brees will probably get close to this and Aaron Rodgers may get a new contract to make him highly paid. QB's get obscene amounts of money anyway, we are fortunate to have had one of the greats. I don't think the Patriots are currently upset with paying Brady 18 mil.
  18. 4 or 5 years? I believe the Colts went from 3-13 to 13-3 in one off season when Peyton was drafted. If it takes 5 years then Grigson is not doing his job.

    "perrenial post season team" was the key phrase in my statement. Peyton Manning was able to do this for the Colts. If Andrew Luck turns out not to be a great quarterback, then it will certainly take a team effort to consistently go to the post season of which we are accustomed to. You are correct, if it takes 4 or 5 years, then the rebuilding has probably failed in many eyes. GO COLTS!
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