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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. who said Pep can't be questioned or that his offense is amazing?  Good god...it does not have to be one extreme or the other.  there are more options than just "he's the best OC in the NFL" and "FIRE HIM!".    He's working with a sub-par (to be nice) Offensive line and working through numerous injuries to key personnel.  Much like the rest of the young Colts team, he's a work in progress.  

    I am just sick and tired of folks here labeling people as traitors because they aren't drinking the Koolaide.  This team has issues, some player based, some coaching based.  Can they be fixed?  I hope so.  But pretending there is not an 800,000 lb elephant in the room is foolish.  We have problems, and there has been no improvement to be seen.  That is the reality where we find ourselves now.


    Hopefully things will change in the future.


    (not to say you are guilty of this Jason, but just in general)

  2. You talking about like the Texans do with their savior Case Keenum? That is winless now that other teams see what he does when you blitz him? That kind of plays?


    Draw up a play and send it to Pep....

    Obviously Pep can't be questioned, his offense is amazing!!! (not)  But let's stick with it, it's bound to work eventually!!!!

  3. We didn't get a stop and the Cards kicked a field goal. Had we taken a TO there they might have scored a TD and then the whole forum would be blasting him for taking a TO and giving them more time. What's getting lost is the guys on defense couldn't even make a play to get the other team off the field on third and 13 which made what Pagano did right in terms of the TO. This defense has lost its mojo and it's not just because Toler is out either.

    So, to put it another way, the Colts were planning to fail.

  4. Unless the whole fan forum sells their souls t


    We're still 7-4 and in first place within our division. Yes, we've played like garbage...this i fully agree. But if you just get into the playoffs...anything can happen. Just ask joey and the ravens. We just got to hang tough in trying times. We're a scary team for anybody to face come playoff time. THEY JUST DON'T KNOW WHOM WILL SHOW UP.

    Unless the whole fan forum collectively sells their souls to the devil, I don't think the other team has much to fear if we make it to the playoffs.

  5. I think in a different game under different circumstances he would have called the time out.  Yesterday, however, at that point, pass protection was non existent and the colts hadn't moved the ball hardly at all the entire half.  I too thought they would call a timeout but at the same time can see why they would have just wanted to get the half over and get to the locker room to try to sort things out instead of trying to force something that hadn't been working at all up to that point against a very good and aggressive Cardinals defense.

    While that's all true, part of deferring is being the last one to score in the first half, and the first one to score in the second half.  A two-fer so to speak.  Only we seem to prefer to be the gopher.  (burying ourselves)

  6. So you guys want to go back to Arians scheme of throwing the ball down the field. Isnt that what almost got Luck killed last year?


     We have no #1 receiver a young #2 receiver 1 TE that is getting better at route running. We have a DHB whatever you wanna call him and practice squad receivers that cant get separated from a piece of toilet paper.


    And a Oline that cant pass block for more than 1.5 seconds before Luck has to run for his life. Yet you all want him to throw the ball all over the field. Why do you think we have so many TEs in to block?


    Like it or not we have to try to run the ball to keep Luck around till we get 2 or 3 more pieces on this Oline.


    Coach does good with what few pieces we have left on this injury depleted squad. Remember we are rebuilding?


    And I will PUKE the next time some kid says DaRick Rogers is the Colts savior. If he was that freaking good he would have started as soon as Reggie went down, not be behind Whalen, Brazil, Reed on the depth chart.

    I think Luck has taken plenty of shots this year too....Did you notice that stuff on his Jersey yesterday?  At least if we design plays for him to get out the pocket, he might have a fighting chance.

  7. Okay.....I feel much better now.  I have to disagree, we are not fine.  We are far from fine.  Fine teams do not get out scored, what is it now, 93 to 13 or something like that, in the first half of games.  Fine teams do not start slow week after week, allowing themselves to be dominated in every phase of the game.  


    Yes, we have injuries, so does every other team in the NFL.  We are not fine, we are a team that is struggling, and unless something drastic changes, a team that will be the laughing stock of the playoffs.  (assuming we make it, which is in doubt)

  8. I figured 2011 would have taught Colts fans the value of a back up QB.  Fans kill the GM for having a good one and paying for it but if he didn't have one and something happened to the starting QB they would say the GM failed in his job for not being prepared for something happening to the starting QB like they did with Polian. 

    I wonder what would happen if the Colts kept Andrew Luck in during a game that was hopeless by the start of the fourth quarter, and he were injured while Hasslebeck sat on the sideline.  But Pagano would never let that happen......

  9. The main reason the fans wanted to move on from Arians, was that he was going to get Luck killed.


    I just wanna point out, that Arians had never had any of his big name players land on IR in any of the past 3 seasons ( Including this season & that's as far back as I looked) meanwhile we have lost 5 starters on offense this season. The grass isn't always greener indeed.

    Yes, but keeping Andrew in the whole game today was not exactly smart in terms of not getting him killed, wouldn't you agree?

  10. I agree, but what do you do?  To keep him we have to offer him the HC job and Pagano really had not coached enough to know what he could do as HC; so would we come off looking like total jerks firing the guy after he survives cancer.  On top of that I don't know if Arians would have picked us over Arizona and screwed over Pagano even if we had offered the HC job to him.

    I agree, it was a no win situation.  We couldn't promote Arians without looking like heathens....but unfortunately, here we are.  So, the question then becomes, what do we do if the Colts continue to be unprepared to play on Sunday.  Andrew Luck's talent is wasted in our current situation.

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