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Posts posted by Luck2Wayne12


     Most bad calls go both ways and don't affect the outcome too much

    I wasn't even going to comment in this thread, until I saw this post.


    My wife is from SoCal and a Chargers fan.  I watched this entire game on Sunday Ticket.  The entire game was full of bad calls, and they went both ways.


    Tha's the NFL.  I wish folks would deal with it. (however I must say, that was an AWFUL call! lol)

  2. What are the first half stats? Bob has faves a bunch of prevent in the second half this season. Much easier to move the ball down the field against a prevent defense

    So that's Griffin's fault?  It has already been acknowledged in this thread that RG3 and the Redskins literally have one of the worst defenses in the league.  Just last week, the Redskins defense gave up 41 points to the Bears BACKUP quarterback.

  3. Some of you guys are really weird.  Putting so much time into not liking somebody isn't healthy...LOL.


    all kidding aside, its all good.  Some Colts fans hate RG3.  hell, I'm sure some Redskins fans hate Luck.  It is what it is.  Both are great talents and will only improve with time. 


    Go Indy!  :td: 

  4. Geez Louise folks....we get it.  Some Colts fans absolutely HATE robert griffin, for whatever reason, and will argue until they're blue in the face as to why he's not a good quarterback.


    I like all the young QBs.  Newton, Wilson, Griffin, Tannehill, Kaepernick, Dalton....hell even Geno Smith is showing flashes of one day being a good QB in the NFL.  I just wish some of you guys would just give it a rest already.

  5. What is with some of you people and your fascination with Griffin?  yes, Andrew Luck is a much better quarterback, and yes Griffin has struggled this year.  But he's not in a sophomore slump, he's in a "my knee ligaments were shredded 9 months ago" slump.


    Anybody that knows anything about football clearly knows that we made the right choice with Andrew, as he's got much more upside than RG3.  But my goodness, its borderline embarrassing the way some of you guys keep trying to say anything negative about Griffin.  Wilson, Griffin, Tannehill, Kaep...they're all good QBs.  they're young and will only get better. 


    Give the hate a rest people....jesus.

  6. Watched some of both games as they were the two best. RG3 did look good but the stats would be a bit different if the Tillman and Major Wright both didn't misplay the 45 yard TD pass. Tillman badly mistimes his jump and Wright tripped over his own feet. Robinson was covered like a blanket in the end zone and it was a horrible decision to throw that ball. QB rating goes down about 40 points if intercepted as should have been. 

    I think you hate RG3..

  7. Also, I saw this on the comments section under one of the ESPN articles on the name.. not sure if it holds any validity:


    Wellpinit (Wash.) High School -- where the student body is 91.2 percent Native American use the nickname the Redskins. I wonder if the Oneida Indian Nation knows this high school is using a name that is so offensive? I wonder if the Oneida Indian Nation knows the school response to the nickname is "I'd like to see somebody come up here and try to change it.".


  8. Can you imagine any other race of people being called the color of their skin? The brown skins, pale skins, yellow skins, ect wouldnt fly.

    Its really quite demeaning.

    I see it all the time, everytime I've applied for a job or participated in census, I'm usually asked to select my race. Among the choices are: "White, Black, etc etc"


    So its ok for people to be labeled as white or black... but red is completely offensive?


    Just playing devil's advocate for a bit  :thmup:

  9. Lol...nobody even brought up commercials or awards. I love the way the Griffin fans act like it just this forum, when it's been multiple sports personalities saying similar things...from mcnabb to Wilbon to griffin's biggest fan, skip bayless. Just a bunch of haters I guess.

    Bottom line is that a large number of Colts fans hate RG3 because he has taken a lot of shine and national recognition away from Andrew Luck. It's just that simple, and if you can't recognize that fact, then you are in deep denial. 


    This forum just magnifies the point. The Redskins are a bad team, and RG3 didnt look confident in his knee in Week 1. Aside from those two facts, RG3 has played mediocre at worse...certainly not "terrible" as many posters on this forum seem to think.


    A lot of people keep comparing RG3 to Adrian Peterson, and although I hate the comparison, even Adrian Peterson had a lackluster first 4-5 games last season before he went on a historic stretch of games. Just by watching the highlights of the Redskins latest game against the Lions, I can already see vast improvements in Griffin from Week 1 to Week 3. Just look at the perfect 60 yard strike he threw to the Redskin receiver who ended up dropping the ball in the end zone. His legs even looked 10x better when he scrambled 30 yards before eventually fumbling.


    RG3 will be perfectly fine, I can't say the same for the Redskins team or defense though..

  10. Another topic full of "we hate RG3 solely because he has more commercials and awards than Luck" banter.




    RG3 hasn't played all too terrible considering the lack of training camp and preseason action. 


    Also considering his defense right now is the worst ever in NFL history through three games, which has forced him to throw almost 40 times a game.


    I think it's evident that he's getting better and better each week as he gets his legs back under him. I'd definitely take Griffin over Kaepernick and Russel Wilson if Luck wasn't available.

  11. I've lost track of this thread but my HONEST opinion....the dislike on this thread is more a "our guy is better so why aren't we getting bragged about more" kind of thing to me. The dislike started before the draft and has carried over with "most".....please I'm not lumping one person or everyone....everyone has their reasons but I think if they did some searching inside and be honest it is mostly JEALOUSY. When RG had an OUTSTANDING season at Baylor and people started throwing out the notion he may should go #1 people got all riled up on here. It was an endless debate with some. I think a lot of us are a little biased on here to just look at this objectively. We get uptight if someone is mentioned as better than our guy or gets the limelight. For a long time it was Brady over Manning and now I can see it.....RG will have his own little icon too lol. Facts being as they are he is EXTREMELY popular amongst viewers across the board. He is very charismatic...you have to admit...and REALLY FUN TO WATCH. There is no doubt about that....and being successful in his first season and on top of all that a polite and well mannered young man who is well spoken WHY wouldn't people like him. I've got no reason to support or like the guy based on his team or anything but I DO. He plays the right way...and handles himself the right way. The worst thing anyone can say is that he wears crazy socks and wants to get back on the field.....if there was a rift....he would be calling his coach out for leaving him out there....there isn't...he made a mistake speaking his heart on the matter instead of thinking it through and he will learn to be a little more political next time. I just see a lot of people that want to tear someone down for no good reason other than he isn't OUR guy. I could be wrong...and I know there are a lot that don't....but I've yet to read a legit...reasonable reason to dislike the guy yet. Other than he plays on another team I don't get it. I still 100% believe Luck will be the better long term qb and glad we took him...but I believe RG is the real deal in Washington...and if he can avoid the injuires (a big if I know ) he will lead them to something special.

    well said


    and now we can close this thread.

  12. Seems like a lot of people on this forum are just biased fans with a dislike for RG3 solely due to the fact we chose Andrew Luck over him.


    Some of the comments in this thread are just laughable... 


    Some of us hate the kids just because he gets more shine than our own... and thats sad.

  13. Brady may move smarter, but not better. It's not even close.

    nope.  I remember watching this game with my bro-in-law live, as it happened.  It was 4th and 10 with less than 2 minutes left in the game and Washington was down 4.  Got to be one of the top 10 most clutch plays of the 2012 NFL season. 






    and then later on that same drive, he made this throw:




  14. The schedule argument is the dumbest one ever.

    i somewhat agree...but come on.  The AFC East is a joke.  How would you like it if the Colts got to play the Bills, Dolphins, and jaguars twice a year, every year?  LOL  :thmup:


    Must be nice for Tom Brady.

  15. RG3 wore a knee brace for an entire season at Baylor and he was just fine.  I do agree that he'll need to tone down on the running some, but don't be surprised if they still dial up the read option several times a game, just to keep defenses honest.


    That guy is so friggin' athletic, he made so many people look silly last year as he literally juked them into falling on their faces.  I'd still prefer Luck over RG3 any day, but Griffin is a very smart kid, and I believe he has learned his lesson about running so often.


    And as far as the comparisons to Michael Vick, RG3 is already better than Vick was in his best year. 

  16. stat..


    what you state elequently assumes that defense wont figure out the read option...which Robert G. runs while Wilson and Luck dont...


    Lots of people WANT to believe that the read-option will revolutionize football...


    ...but defensive co-ordinators have had 5-6 months to defense it now..


    Wilson's composure, accuracy and scrambling ability and Luck's strength, mobility  and game leadership will prove more difficult to defense..  



    Wilson runs the Read Option offense. 

  17. Assuming Garcon is healthy, the Redskins could be dangerous. 


    RG3 never had any good targets to throw the ball to last season, considering Fred Davis missed the majority of the year and Garcon was playing at 70% or so effectiveness in the 9 or 10 games he fully played in. From what I understand, the Redskins went out and drafted the best pass catching TE in the draft, a guy from Florida. I'm close with a die-hard Skins fan and he said Alfred Morris is horrible as a receiving back, so they also went out and drafted one of the best speedster/receiving running backs in the draft, kid from Florida State. Granted, my info is coming from a Redskin fan so it's probably heavily exaggerated. In any case, I think even without the added pieces, the Redskins will have an extremely potent offense. They were dangerous as heck last year when half of their starters were on IR. Everything falls on RG3 and his glass knee if that team will realize its potential. 


    I think the Redskins will be solid this year, not great... assuming RG3 holds up. Next season is when they will be a team to watch out for. Due to the salary cap penalties they have endured for the past couple of seasons, they are expected to have over $35million in cap space next year... and I'm quite sure their owner won't hesitate to spend every last dime. I'm not sure which marquee free agents will be pending next summer... but I'm pretty sure a handful of names will land in Washington. 

  18. My brother-in-law, who is a diehard redskins fans (which is why I know so much about the Skins LOL) sent me this article today.




    Turns out all the rumors about RG3 and some side chick are 100% false.  This thread can be locked and deleted now...






    As usual, people take a "rumor" and run with it, turns out the entire story was bogus. 

  19. My goodness Colts fans...is this really what we've become?


    I'm born and bred, Indiana raised.  I love me some Colts and Andrew Luck.  But when I log into this website about once a week, all I see is questions about all the other young QBs.  Kaep is a good QB, and though he's lost Crabtree, will be just fine.  RG3 just tweeted last night that he was cleared to play by the team doctor, and will probably be under center week 1.  Russell Wilson is a fine young man and a QB i wouldn't mind having if we didn't have Luck. 


    And our beloved Andrew Luck played the 2nd easiest schedule in the NFL last year, and this year we play a much tougher 2nd place schedule.  I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but some (not all of course) Colts fans on here seem to always post with their blue and white colored glasses on.  Andrew Luck is a beast, and probably the best QB out of last year's rookie class.  But RG3, Wilson, and Kaep (i know he wans't a rookie) will also probably have great seasons this year as well.  I don't see any of them regressing.

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