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Posts posted by Luck2Wayne12

  1. 7-9 team?


    Did you forget that we play in the worst division in football? We'll probably go 6-0 or 5-1 against this lousy division and only need to win 3 or 4 non-divisional games (out of 8 left) in order to win the division.

  2. Everything I've found said that they converted these option bonuses into signing bonuses. Here's a paragraph from a footballoutsiders write-up on the issue:



    In his infamous $100 million contract of 2009, Haynesworth had a $21-million option bonus. As part of the deal, the Redskins reserved the right to convert that option bonus to a signing bonus, and that’s exactly what they did. But they converted it with a slight twist. Not only did they convert the option bonus to a $21-million signing bonus, but they also added a voidable provision. In the provision, if Haynesworth pays back $26 million of his signing bonuses, then the 2011-2014 contract years void away. From a team salary accounting standpoint -- because the voidable is solely in the player’s control -- the proration of the signing bonus does not go into 2011-2014. That means all of the $21 million signing bonus counts in the uncapped year of 2010. As a result, Haynesworth’s team salary number in 2010 went from $8.8 million to a whopping $25.6 million. His subsequent team salary numbers are $6.4 million, $8.2 million, $10 million, $10.8 million, and $12.8 million, respectively.


    Similarly, Hall had a $15 million option bonus in his contract 2009 contract. The Redskins converted this $15 million to a signing bonus and provided Hall with the voidable clause, whereby the entire $15 million, from a team salary accounting standpoint, stays in 2010. As a result of this maneuver, Hall’s team salary number went from $6.8 million to $18.3 million in 2010. His subsequent manageable team salary numbers are $5.3 million, $6.8 million, $8.3 million, and $9.5 million, respectively.




    To me, it seems like the Cowboys and Redskins found a legal loophole and exploited it. It even seems like they were planning for this legal loophole a year in advance.

  3. I don't think you understand the 30% rule, or you don't understand what Washington and Dallas did with those contracts.


    The 30% rule prohibited anything more than a 30% increase in salary (which includes base salary, roster bonus, workout bonus, and incentives) from 2009 to 2010. What Washington did with Hall and Haynesworth was converting bonus, which would have been amortized evenly over the remainder of the contract, into salary, all of which was accounted for in 2010. What Dallas did with Miles Austin is extend his contract, which increased his salary from less than $2m in 2009 to over $17m in 2010.


    That's the opposite of what you're saying they did, which is just a standard restructure like teams do all the time.

    The 30% rule stated that a players salary could not be more than 30% higher in 2010 than it was in 2009. This deals with actual annual salaries, not signing bonuses, the link you previously provided confirms this. The Redskins converted previously existing option bonuses into signing bonuses.


    The Redskins took already existing option bonuses in both players original contracts and turned them into sigining bonuses.  Based on the link you posted referencing the 30% rule, there is no foul there:


    But there’s a loophole.  NFL director of corporate communications Dan Masonson has confirmed for us that signing bonuses won’t count toward the 30 percent rule.  Still, it means that the bulk of a player’s compensation would have to be funneled to him via a signing bonus, with limited base salaries in future years.  While the player might be fine with that in 2010, the player might feel a lot differently in the out years of the deal.


    Furthermore, every move or restructuring in the NFL must be approved by the NFL's league office before it goes into effect. So essentially, the Redskins made a legal restructuring maneuver which was subsequently approved by the NFL. Only for the NFL to come back a year later and accuse them of breaking rules. Interesting?

  4. Yes, there were rules against dumping salary in the uncapped year. They were clearly stated. I posted links about the 30% rule up above. What they did with Haynesworth and Hall, and Miles, is exactly what the rules were prohibiting.


    There was a CBA; it was extended for one, uncapped year. The CBA didn't cease to exist just because there was no salary cap.


    The penalties levied against those two teams were not because they went over an artificial cap. Washington wasn't even over what the so-called secret cap was. The Raiders had the highest payroll in the league that year, at $152m, but they weren't penalized.


    It's two separate issues. There may have been a secret cap, but the rules about salary dumping contracts weren't secret. 

    The 30% rule had nothing to do with what the Redskins did. The Redskins took large amounts of money from the contracts of DeAngelo Hall and Albert Haynesworth that was set to be due in future years, and converted them to immediately payable signing bonuses... thus lowering their annual salaries that year and the upcoming years. The 30% rule does not prohibit this.


    What written rule, please clarify, did Washington or Dallas break during the uncapped season of 2010?

  5. At the end of the day, the NFL is not going to win this battle. 


    The NFL punished two franchises for dumping salary (Redskins with Haynesworth and DeAngelo Hall, Cowboys with Miles Austin) during an uncapped year. There were no rules in place to prevent them from doing this. The Redskins basically just restructured the deals of Hall and Haynesworth in order to pay them large signing bonuses up front in effort to clear cap for future years. Since there was no CBA and no salary cap, there was no league literature that prohibited them from doing this.


    This clearly screams collusion, league owners having a secret pact to prevent their employees (NFL players) from benefiting in the form of higher wages during a labor lockout. 


    The basis of the article is basically saying that the NFL can't win both of these wars. Either they need to admit that collusion occurred and face the legal ramifications, or say "sorry" to the Cowboys and Redskins organizations and try to make up for their unfounded penalties. You can't penalize teams for doing nothing that was illegal, yet at the same time say that you didn't have some sort of under the table agreement internally among the rest of the NFL owners. 


    Also the fact that Dallas and Washington are two of the marquee franchises (in terms of money, power, and marketing... not wins and losses obviously) that this league has to offer I think hurts the NFL. This case won't go away... not with strong willed owners like Jerruh and Moneybags Snyder fighting this. 

  6. I think the NFL wants RG3 to be the face of the league. I don't recall someone ever getting as much attention and media coverage as RG3. 


    The guy could go to a nightclub with his buddies and it would most likely be front page of ESPN or NFL.com ...


    I know he plays in one of the largest markets in the country... but it sometimes is just annoying that the media acts like paparazzi around that guy... you almost feel sorry for him. 

  7. Sure he's lucky. He was only drafted in the second round and then beat out Matt Flynn for the starting job who Seattle traded a 2 for and paid a boat load of money. Wilson has earned his position on this team and has them 60 minutes from the Lombardi ...


    Huh?  I'm aware of what he has done to earn his starting job, and that's impressive.  Point I was trying to make is that not many rookie QBs take over a team that's already built for a superbowl.

  8. Give Luck Seattle's defense, and we don't lose a game for a decade. (Slight exaggeration)


    Exactly.  Wilson is one of the luckiest rookie QBs in NFL history, being drafted onto a team that's stacked. 

  9. i agree with the wr but u got to remember when you have a good running game it makes it so much easier for you thats where the play action comes in. i think wilson is good but i dont think he should get that muc credit with the defense they have lets take away his best wr and that running game and see how he does i dont think they would lose many still cause of that defense


    Agree with this.  I didnt' mean to come off too harsh in my earlier posts, but I was simply trying to make the point bolded.


    Wilson is good.  But if you plug any other young QB into a team that literally has the best defense in the NFL and one of the best running backs in the league, they'd succeed.  Take Luck, Kaep, Tannehill, hell even RG3...and plug them in for Wilson.  Probably be a similar result.

  10. Do you realize Wilson has 10 fourth quarter comebacks/GW drives in his career already and two of those have been in the post-season with the most recent Sunday night vs the niners? While I agree not as much is asked of him given the team, he also is clutch and very good situationally and does not turn the ball over which puts his defense in favorable positions. He has propelled the Seahawks to the brink of a championship as much as the D and run game.


    Agree to a point.  Yes, Wilson led a comeback drive.  However, just like they have most of the season, Seattle's defense created HUGE turnovers to create short fields for Wilson.  Seattle's defense led the entire NFL in turnovers with 39 turnovers, often times giving Wilson the ball deep in opponent territory.


    Kaep nearly led his team to a miraculous comeback, but threw a bonehead INT in the endzone.

  11. all i know is the seahawks are so lucky to have a defense like that and lynch


    Exactly.  Has any rookie QB ever walked into such a good situation?!


    That team was already stacked when Wilson arrived for training camp his rookie year.  Best defense in the NFL, top 5 running back.

  12. Do football fans not realize how little is asked of Russell Wilson?  I agree with the OP.


    Everybody knows about his personality.  He's humble, quiet, good head on his shoulders, smart, etc. Wilson is a nice guy.


    But honestly, Russell Wilson is really nothing more than a game manager.  Seahawks are a defense first team.  Wilson benefits from having the #1 D in the entire NFL, only giving up 14 PPG, so the offense doesn't have to do much to win. 


    Secondly, the Seahawks are a "run first" team.  Wilson hands it off to beastmode most of the time, and the stats support that.  Seahawks (Wilson) are ranked 44th in pass attempts per game.  There are 43 QBs in the league who throw more passes per game than Russell Wilson.  can check the stats yourself here:  http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?seasonType=REG&d-447263-n=1&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-p=1&d-447263-s=PASSING_ATTEMPTS_PER_GAME_AVG&tabSeq=0&season=2013&experience=&Submit=Go&archive=false&conference=null&statisticCategory=PASSING&qualified=false


    Wilson is a young, mature, intellegent quarterback.  But now much is asked of him.  Hand it off to Marshawn Lynch, and make smart, safe throws when we need you to, and let the defense do its job.  That's a fact, not an opinion.  Wilson is not asked to put his team on his back like Andrew Luck, Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, etc.  Wilson is more of a game manager, like Alex Smith, Joe Flacco, etc.

  13. I dont think anyone is bashing Luck.


    I think we can all admit he had a bad game, but I dont think anyone is truly selling him out. 


    exactly.  Luck had a great sophomore.


     Andrew crushed RG3 and Wilson this year, though RG3 only had one leg and Wilson benefits greatly from the #1 defense in the NFL.

  14. well, until somebody steps forward and claims these "unnamed sources," the negative reports will continue to carry little to no credibility.


    So far, London Fletcher, Santana Moss, Trent Williams, and D'angelo Hall (several of those guys are team captains) have spoken out and said RG3 was not the problem in the locker room. 


    Skip Bayless, Sally Jenkins, and Mike Shanahan (aka "Redskins sources") can say what they want, but for now I'll take the word of guys who are actually in the locker room, and they've all vouched for Griffin. 

  15. So many "leaks" coming out lately from Shanahan, trying to make RG3 and the organization look bad.  People are so quick to be critical, when nobody really knows what's going on in the locker room besides the players, and D.Hall basically verifies RG3 isn't a diva and wasn't the problem in Washington this year.  He says the locker room supported RG3 and the players did not want him benched.


    "All he wanted to do was show us he was willing to do anything to win games. Robert never tried to make it about him.  The media circus revoles around Griffin because he's the face of the franchise, but it was never about him in the locker room" -- D'angelo Hall




    Guess we'll see what he does next year with a new head coach, offensive coordinator, and some free agent offensive lineman that can actually block, and a full off-season to work.  Hopefully for Washington, this year's epic failure of a season will be a slice of humble pie for Robert.

  16. We beat them pretty easily at their house, so I don't see KC being much of a problem next week.  


    Now don't go all homer on me fellas, put your "realistic" caps on.  I do not feel good at all about going into Denver.  I'm not very sure we win that game.


    However, if we do manage a win in Denver, I feel confident we could beat either the Patriots or the Bengals though.

  17. I agree with everything you said about RG3 and a lot of it is the same for Wilson.

    People never seem to want to recognize that Russel Wilson not only has had a top 3 defense in Seattle he also has the 2nd best running back in the league.  Im not saying he wont be good but lets see what happens in two years when they cant afford the current roster. Hes a QB driving a Ferrari of a team - but he is driving it pretty well.


    Finally, a voice of reason.  People seem to forget that.  Everybody annoints Wilson as the 2nd best young QB after Luck.  Wilson benefits from the #1 defense in the NFL, and the #2 running back. 


    RG3 LITERALLY has the worst defense in the NFL.  look it up yourselves here:  http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=2&season=2013&seasonType=REG&role=OPP&d-447263-n=1&d-447263-o=2&d-447263-p=1&statisticCategory=GAME_STATS&conference=ALL&d-447263-s=TOTAL_POINTS_GAME_AVG


    Russell Wilson's defense is 2nd in PPG

    Colin Kaepernick's defense is 4th in PPG

    Andrew Luck's defense is 16th in PPG

    RG3's defense is 31st in PPG


    Griffin's defense SUCKS.  Are you guys ready for this stat??  7 out of the 11 games this season, the Redskins defense has given up 14 points or more in the 1st quarter.  Griffin and the Redskins offense has constantly been pulled out of their gameplan in order to play catch up football.  The Redskins defense gives up more points per game than any other team in the eintire NFL, except for the Vikings.

  18. Its just fascinating is all. The Redskins are a high profile team that leveraged their entire future on one draft pick, and hes floundering. Its potentially one of the greatest blunders in the history of the draft.



    People said that about Cam Newton after his awful sophomore year slump.  Look at him now...Carolina is the hottest team in the NFL right now, winners of 6 straight. 


    How can you say Griffin will go down as one of the greatest blunders in the history of the NFL draft, when he's only in his second year?  Look man, I know a lot of us Colts fans were a little salty that they gave Griffin ROtY over Luck because his team just happened to get lucky down the stretch and barely make the playoffs....but some folks refuse to give this guy any leeway.


    Its obvious RG3 will probably never be as good as Luck.  But with a better o-line, better receivers, and a better defense that doesn't have him down 14-0 in the first quarter most of the time, he'll turn out to be a decent QB.  Russell Wilson isn't exactly lighting it up this year out there in Seattle, but he's got the #1 defense in the NFL to back him up.  Same with Kaepernick.

  19. Mike Tirico said on the broadcast last night that the Washington Redskins have the smallest offensive line in the NFL.  That's because they need quick, athleticlineman to run Shanny's zone running game, and it works pretty well.


    However, when in pass protection, those small lineman get bullied off the line by bigger, stronger defensive tackles.  NFL Network said that, inside the pocket alone (not when he's running around), RG3 has taken more his this season than any other QB in the league.  His offensive line this year is like what Andrew Luck had last year, pathetic.


    I respect Griffin's will to win, and his aggression, but he needs to stop being so stupid and running all the time and getting lit up.  You'd think he learned his lesson last year, but apparently not.


    Add to that the fact that the Redskins are 3rd in the NFL in drops, and outside of Pierre Garcon, Griffin has nobody to throw to.  Oh, and the Redskins defense is the worst in the NFL.  Literally.  Dead last at 32nd.

  20. He's been awful this year, but I think he'll be better next year.  his knee might be back to almost 100%, but his head isn't.  he's looked lost this year, poor accuracy, and a bad attitude.  He had none of those problems last year.  I believe Griffin led the NFL in completion percentage through the first 13 weeks of 2012 season.


    He definitely ain't no Andrew Luck or Russell Wilson, but maybe being able to work on his game this off-season (he didn't work out at all this past off-season) will help him some.

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