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Posts posted by Callie

  1. My family loves Peyton, but we also love the Colts.


    My aunt was mainly a Peyton fan, but she went to the Colts/Rams game (terrible game to end up attending), and ended up a big Andrew Luck fan...said he was so much more exciting to watch than Peyton. I think more fans are warming up. Its still a big change, and something you didn't see coming before 2011.

  2. Right, he did look shocked & bit choked up, but it's hard to feel that bad for a guy who makes millions of dollars for playing a game, but I realize these guys do have emotions & they do put their bodies on the line for our entertainment...


    but just the way he immediately said "I want to call Grandma", sorry if this makes me a horrible person but I find it funny, a pro athelete a guy who plays a violent sport where it's his job to slam other grown men to the ground has that first reaction, sorry, but it makes me laugh...

    If it makes any consolation, Vontae has now gone from a player that I liked, to now being one of my favorite players!!!

    I shared a very close relationship with my grandmother. He could have said that because maybe she lived in Miami, and he helped take care of her? Or something to that effect.

  3. That is pretty cool that Patty Mac came to your workplace!


    Seems like a cool guy and someone who likes to party with fans.

    Well, I work at the track, but the Food Festival was on Mass Ave. We just do various events throughout the city for promo!


    Its a good thing there was no picture of me. I was a mess after working a 12hr shift!

  4. I was working at the Food Truck Festival for the track last night, and was joking with my co-worker about how Andrew Luck needed to show up.


    About 15 minutes later, I look over, and who else? Pat Mcafee! Finally about 20 minutes later, when I had decided to walk around snapping pictures of groups, next to the group I was taking a picture of was Pat, his gf, another guy (who I assume is a player), and his lady. They posed for a lovely picture.


    Sadly, since I was working I couldn't get a picture with him, or an autograph, but the guy was nice as can be! He played cornhole for a good while, and acted like a normal guy. Posed for pictures with fans, etc!


    Also, Friday happened to be my first full day living here!

    :blueshoe: :clap:

  5. Nothing wrong with that. That's awesome. I have tried to get my daughter to love football as much as I do so she'll sit down and watch the games with me. I've taken her to Colts camp the last few yrs. and she loves that, but she loses interest after a while watching them on TV.

    Since I'm going to be in Indy this summer, I will for sure hit training camp. Andrew Luck stalking for sure. ;) :highfive2:

  6. Your husband/boyfriend is a lucky man. I've never found a good woman that gets into football like I do.

    haha, I am single!

    My mother calls me obsessed. I love the NFL channel, and always want to watch it. She also makes fun of me for demanding her to DVR the football games if I have to miss them.

  7. Nicely put lass. Well, time to fire up my Game Pass and watch that ending again........this has got me in the mood to see it again....


    I get REALLY into football. When Reggie almost had that last TD I got up and then ah.

    So I started pacing. I jumped up and down so badly when we scored.

  8. Anyone who watched the last 4 minutes of the Lions game and never saw 'greatness' is either blind, stupid or has a hidden agenda.


    That is when I realized he really has the "it" factor. He'd shown he could comeback with Green Bay, and this just proved it. I even had given up on that game, which I never do. Then bam. I was like OMG OMG, jumping up and down.

  9. Which, out of the above three, would you say is the most exciting memory as a colts fans?

    4th and 2, 2009 game vs Pats

    Monday Night Football comeback in Tampa Bay in 2003,

    or this past season vs the lions?



    Its hard for me to pick between 4th and 2 (because we were unbeaten, and its the pats), or this past year vs the Lions....I had honestly given up any chance, and it showed me Luck and be clutch

  10. We all have our innate natural gifts Callie. Book Smart vs. Street Smart. Believe me, you are not alone in that regard. As long as you are comfortable with who you are & can laugh at yourself, that tends to disarm people, put them at ease, & endear yourself to a multitude of people. That's been my experience anyway. I think Andrew Luck subscribes to that same philosophy and mindset. 


    The cool thing about "dorks" is that they usually work that tails off to compensate for any perceived weaknesses they think they possess. A tremendous work ethic typically leads to accomplishing remarkable things in life professionally & personally speaking. I like you Callie. What you may call "a dumb blond" syndrome, I call being comfortable in your own skin.  :thmup:  :dancing:

    Thanks. I justr realize I have a lot of "moments". Quite a few awkward, and I'm fine with that! Working on those social skills. But I'd rather be smart than cool, and I'm pretty sure that is why Mr. Luck here has gotten as far as he has. I look up to those type of people!

  11. Good for him. 


    I refuse to get a smartphone either. I need my cellphone to do two things, make calls and receive calls. I'm getting pretty sick of trying to hang out with friends while the whole time they're tinkering with that Myface or Facespace or whatever the heck you weirdos are doing. 


    People are becoming slaves to technology. I've started to notice more and more friends spending most of our time together staring down at their little screens and "socializing" over the internet when they should be socializing with the real person sitting right in front of them. 

    I don't have a smartphone either. Its an in between phone! It has a slide out keyboard, and I can get on facebook and twitter via the web browser. But I do carry my ipod touch everywhere to play games on while I"m waiting for someone.

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