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Posts posted by Thewholefnshow28

  1. We all know the outstanding season he had, perfect until he missed a field goal in the last game of the regular season. However, ever since that game (which happened to he his 42nd birthday), he has been very inconsistent. He was perfect against Cincy, but against Denver he was 1/2. Against New England, he was 0/1. And this week at the Pro Bowl, he was 2/3 on FGs and 1/3 on PATs (although the distances and size of the goalposts were altered). Is this nothing to worry about? Or should we keep an extra kicker in for training camp?


    The Patriots miss was a horrible call by our coach given the weather conditions.  I doubt many kickers in the league would have nailed that kick.  Using the pro bowl misses is a joke as well since they made rule changes for just that game.


    It would be like pointing out a DB did not have a good game in the Pro Bowl since the rules are so slanted for offense or pass rusher not getting a sack since they can barely breath on a QB in the regular season let alone the Pro Bowl.


    The guy was great all season and there will be some misses near the end of the season.

  2. Wish he did not go.  It is such a waste of time and a joke of a game.  No reason to put yourself in harms way if you do not have to.  I would not have blamed him if he skipped on it after the beating he took this season.  Enjoy your vacation and not waste your time on a meaningless game.


    After a long grind for fans to continue to expect these guys to come out one last time is crazy.  They put their bodies through hell and earned a vacation.


    Then again I would do away with the entire game and just vote an all pro team for the league and be done with it.

  3. I agree SW. No one can argue that he is a great coach and has been for the niners since he got there. But his personality seems to grate on people after a few years. I sure hope he does not go to the Jets. There are rumors that they want him and will give up a lot to get him.


    I think Jim Harbaugh is going to end up the Larry Brown of the NFL.  Great coach, but eventually his style just wears out his welcome and he moves onto another team.  

  4. From the article:


    The players explained the decision to reporters after the game, saying it was meant as a sign of support for the community, not an indictment of Wilson.


    "We wanted to show that we are organized for a great cause and something positive comes out of it," Britt told ESPN's Nick Wagoner. "That's what we hope we can make happen. That's our community. We wanted to let the community know that we support the community."


    I don't see the problem. I also think it's pretty inappropriate that a police association would lobby for NFL players to be punished by the league for a non violent demonstration of support.


    People are all for free speech and public demonstration when they agree with it.  It was sickening to hear a police association calling for the league to punish them for doing a non violent demonstration.  You may not agree with why they did it or what they say, but they have that right and that is what makes America great.  The police association was not calling for them to be punished because it violated some rule the NFL has in place.  They wanted their view squashed as they did not agree with it.

  5. When it comes to his interceptions I would really like to see them broken down by how many were actually tipped and where the LOS was when he threw it.  I forget who brought this up but throwing a pick when you are in the redzone and within your 20 yard line is a heck of a lot different then throwing a deep ball to the endzone when you are at the 50.  Some interceptions just hurt more than others.  


    Also, he does face a heck of a lot of pressure behind our offensive line.


    Now if he was throwing 20 touchdowns with 15 picks every year I would be worried, but the guy makes plays and is leading the league in yards and second in touchdowns behind a lackluster offensive line and little production from the running game.

  6. No, his bump in performance will not be worth the negative media attention that the signing would bring on.


    He may have gone through and not been charged by the legal system, but he was found guilty in the court of public opinion the moment the videos came out.  He is an aging RB who has lost a step and who would struggle behind a bad offensive line just like he did in Baltimore. He may be a little better than Trent and Boom, but the media circus would come to town and it is just something this team does not need during our playoff run.


    Personally, I hope he just sits at home and nobody signs him.  

  7. The latest "point of emphasis" has had a severely negative impact, in my opinion. 


    Ask yourself what you do when you're watching a game and your team comes up with a big 3rd down stop on an incomplete pass. You wait, right? Hold your breath for a sec, making sure you don't start celebrating before you see a flag come flying in, right? That, quite frankly, sucks. 


    PI and defensive holding calls are subjective, so there will never be consistency from crew to crew, or even from play to play. I've seen ridiculous calls all season long, both in the Patriots' favor and against it. 


    It's nearly impossible to cover today's NFL receivers without contact. I'm not sure what was so "broken" that the NFL felt they needed to fix it. Personally I think this is all about feeding the multi-billion-dollar fantasy football world. 


    There was nothing that needed to be fixed.  The NFL just wants to encourage more offense and more scoring because fans eat up offense.  Fans do not like defense and sadly the Seahawks winning with great defense and a physical defense probably did more harm than good to the defense in the NFL.


    I hate the rule because it is exactly what you said.  Every time the Colts make a stop I hold my breath waiting for some ticky tack call to come in.  I understand calling it if they are being mugged out there because we do not want to go back to the 70's, but let them play out there. 


    Sadly, we are never going back so I just have to get use to seeing all that yellow.

  8. Our biggest weakness was exploited and we knew going into this season that our pass rush was going to struggle without Mathis.  We have nobody that could replace Mathis' production and Werner is not ready to be a consistent pass rusher.  Pittsburgh's offensive line man handled us out there and when you cannot get after the QB you are going to get ripped to shreds.  Even if Davis was out there we would have still got ripped.  DBs cannot guard these WRs forever and Brown's second TD was an example.  


    Our DB did a good job covering him, but because he had almost six seconds to sit back there Brown was able to improvise and get open for an easy touchdown.  


    We are not as bad as we were last night, but I do not think we are as great as we thought we were during our win streak. 

  9. I have no problem with it because the rule is black and white. Touch the ref like that and you are gone. This was not the situation Kuechly was in where the ref was in a blind spot of his and came up. The ref was standing right in front of Walden and he knows the rules.

    I do think Gresham should have been flagged for the taunting though.

  10. Lets slow the game down even longer having every penalty reviewed by the NFL itself.  It is annoying as a fan to have every scoring play reviewed when most are obviously touchdowns. Can you imagine if we had to take a few minutes on every single holding call or pass interference.  Sometimes we have to just accept that there will be human error.  These guys are not robots and even if we had someone at the NFL HQ reviewing I am sure there would be a mess up from time to time as we are all human.


    The refs flagged him because he slid on his knees not because of the actual prayer.  Based on the rule the refs had to call that play.  The NFL is just changing their mind because people are not seeing the slide, but instead assume he was being flagged for the prayer.  If the guy stopped and then did the prayer and got flagged then yeah the NFL should be ripped a new one for allowing Christian prayer to be used, but not allowing an Islamic prayer, but in this case he went to the ground sliding on his knees.

  11. The real question is, why is a guy with his sketchy background driving around at 3:30 am after having anything to drink? I get that he's young, but when I was his age, the only place I was going at 3:30 in the morning was back from lunch during my 3rd shift grocery night manager job. 


    Some people are dumb.  The guy has to have a friend that is wanting to latch onto him since he is a pro athlete.  Might as well make him earn his keep and say we are going out celebrating our big win and you are the DD.  Simple as that. 


    Heck one of my friends drives on the weekend and he is basically high classed taxi.  Tells me all about the drunks he picks up, but at least they are smart enough to have someone drive them.

  12. I am trying to hold my judgement on Werner because we are asking him to transition to a new position.  We drafted a guy who was a great 4-3 DE in college and now are expecting big things from him as an OLB.  Sometimes guys take longer to transition than others.  It was disappointing to see him not get some today against the Jags.  I was really hoping to see Werner have a nice break out game against the putrid Jags OL.  


    The problem is we are getting a bit impatient because Mathis has gone down for the year and Werner is the heir apparent and we are not seeing much from him.  


    I am not ready to call him a bust, but if we are seeing a lack of production from near playoff time it might be time to worry.

  13. I don't blame the refs for the loss but for you to say get off the refs is wrong. Fans have a right to complain when obvious mistakes are made. That was defensive holding and a bogus horse collar no matter what your opinion is.


    The problem with fans whining about the ref is because they stop whining when the calls go our way.  If the rolls were reversed the same fans who are bashing the refs now would be applauding the horse caller call and the non pass interference call.  Sure some level headed people would admit they were bad calls, but a majority of fans on here would say they were good calls.


    The bottom line is we had our chances to win this game and we blew it.  We could not get pressure on Foles.  We could not tackle worth a lick out there and our offense had the ball with three minutes and a time ball game.


    Our team must play better to not allow one or two bad calls to determine the game.

  14. This guy is a piece of **** plain and simple.

    Either that or he is to freaking stupid to realize he is 6'1" and 215 lb of professional athlete.

    I'm sure he will wrap himself in the whole that is how I was raised blanket to try and make himself look like the victim. This guy is just an abuser plain and simple.

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