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Posts posted by Chef-Jayson

  1. I agree with unitaswestand. We do not have the personel, imo, to run neither the 3-4 nor the tampa 2. Coyer, I believe, does not play to the strengths of the players he has on defense. The tampa 2 works, and several other teams us it, just not as a primary defense like we seem to. What I believe needs to be retired is not the tampa 2 defense...but the "bend but don't break" mentality that runs rampant through the FO and defensive coaches. Giving up ten 9 yard plays followed by a td is in no way different that one 90 yard play and a td (with the exception of time off the clock). Whoever had the idea to build a defense that is made to give up a million yards and hopefully hold them to a fg in the end needs to re-evaluate. There is absolutely no reason why our "smaller/faster" defense can't be more agressive. Especially in regards to press coverages, instead of playing a soft zone, and blitzing. Press coverage, even if you only get an extra 3 seconds before their route...that's 3 seconds Freethis has to get their job done. 10 yards off makes no sense when you rely as much as we do on pass rush.

    But in staying with the thread...Gruden is greatly overestimated as a head coach. Living in St. Pete I get to experience first hand how people here think bout him. Even though he took them to a SB...the topic is generally met with disgust for tearing their once proud defense apart so he could lose the "stigma" of Dungys team and make it his. Veto Gruden. Zimm or Spags would be a welcome addition and I thoroughly like the idea of Sanders as the DB coach. Imagining a backfield army of Bob Sanders is enough to make you light headed.

  2. Gronk I'm sure stays. He's not an amazing fb but all that means is he's there and he's cheap. They kept Gijon Robinson for years for the same reason.

    Hopefully Painter stays because that means we don't draft Luck and address the many needs on the team instead.

    Garcon will stay. He can't ask for elite money. They lowball him and he takes it. Probly with incentives on performance.

    Pollack was drafted to take Saturdays place. He stays.

    Captain false start Diem stay. Slide over to guard. Hopefully LG since they have that guard telling Saturday when to snap. Should eliminate his false starts since he'll be the one calling the snaps.

    Lacey stays. He's our best corner (complete sarcasm...he's obviously gone)

    Gotta keep one of he DTs. Probably Foster(assuming he comes back 100%) since he's made many improvements and could play end if we can't afford Mathis.

    Id love to see Wayne retire a Colt...but he's gonna want a long term contract so I'm sure he'll be let go

    Mathis will want (and should get) elite rusher money. I'm sure he's gone. Not sure why we didn't trade him for picks next draft. Love the guy though. Hope he's stays since he wasn't traded.

    McAfee goes nowhere. A punter with a big leg like his is nice to have.

    Everyone I listed won't get paid more than a couple mil a season(except maybe Diem/Pollack) but will depend on the rest of the seasons performance, talent they're looking at in the draft, available free agents, ect. So I suppose this is more of a wish list as there truely no way of knowing.

  3. While I like the way Gruden coaches (ie. He actually shows emotion/passion)...we all got to sit back while he tore the Super Bowl Bucs team to shreds. Some of it, I'm sure, was the Glazers being cheap. But still! A head coach does have say in personel decisions. Does anyone really want Gruden to come in to Indy and rip this team apart even if he was available? Hopefully not. Id take Cowher in a hot second. I'm sure that somebody with his track record isn't interested in being a bandaid coach to a team this mismanaged for so long though. Regardless...whoever we get CAN'T be worse than Caldwell. Even if all they know how to do is call timeouts correctly...its already an upgrade. Lol. GO COLTS!

  4. Completely agree. "The Colts way" only works with the greatest qb of all time. When something needs a piece like that in order to work...it is clearly flawed. I've never understood the "bend but don't break" philosophy. Honestly...who doesn't want a top 5 defense that can win a game by itself? Peyton has shown us recently that it honesty doesn't matter who's on the field as far as recievers go. He turned Blair White and Jacob Tamme into studs last year. And yet we continuously draft offense with our top picks and try to stuff undrafted FAs or late round projects into a flawed defensive scheme. Y? there are so many top draft picks on offene that 2 of them ride the bench. A season without Peyton has shown not only Colts fans, but everyone that watches football two things. 1) The Colts theories about smaller, fast players and the insanely too frequent use of the tampa 2 defense flat out doesn't not work in todays nfl. Someone needs to tell Irsay and the Polians that there are players that are both big and strong, that still possess the speed they are looking for. And 2) Peyton is the best qb in todays nfl (possibly ever?). Even if you don't pay attention to his stats and records...he took THIS team to the playoffs every year, 2 SBs, record breaking division titles, and made THIS team the winningest team over a decade in nfl history. Hopefully the coaching staff gets changed and the defense I addressed in the draft. GO COLTS!

  5. heres a guarantee for you. we will suck just like we do this year for years to come once peyton is gone unless we get someone with the same talent and intelligence as him to run our offense.

    I see. So without Peyton or his "supposed" twin...the offense flat out doesn't work? Might as well sell the franchise and build a mall in place of Lucas Oil then because there will never be another Peyton Manning. And why once Peyton retires? Surely you don believe that the offense is the reason we're losing. Also...there is this position in football...called a coach...who can simplify the offense(like Jackson did for Cambell). Its amazing how 31 other teams succeed(sometimes) without Peyton huh? You are correct in assuming that we need Peyton to run "Peytons" offense...but that's not to say that the coaching staff couldn't build the offense around a new qb either.

  6. you are wrong in so many levels. as i said before we have been drafting defensive for years maybe not in the first round, but overall draft yes. the defensives that play cover 2 like the bears and bucs dont just stick to it every down like we do. they change it and play different schemes depending on the situation unlike us where we give a cushion and leave the middle open every play. regardless what players you put in this scheme, it means nothing if the philosophy doesnt change

    I already mentioned that they don't play it every down like we do. And if you don't understand the tampa 2...let me explain. You clear your linebackers and they play deep zones with your safeties. And your corners also. This is why it is used to a prevent and not an every down play. Regardless...the middle will be open and the corners will continue to play off because that's what the defense calls for. What we ned is more talented players...and a dc that knows better than to call that crap all the time. That part we agree on. Th disagreement is that you think a defensive scheme change will be successful while I believe the talen just isn't there to make any schem work.

  7. Well as long as we keep losing at this rate and Manning keeps watching from the sidelines, you will keep hearing about him.

    Face it...It's unlikely this team is winning another ring with Manning man. Too many holes to fix in the short term. One draft of high picks isn't going to do it. You got Polian who hasn't been able to fix holes at DT, OL, and special teams for years. When he did have high draft picks he got Manning & James right but ended up also drafting guys like Jerome Pathon and E.G. Green! You trust this guy to get all of what we need to win another ring under Manning. Really? Even with high picks not named Luck there are no guarantees. We would probably just manage to miss on enough of those picks to still have the same problems that we always have year after year after year after year in the Manning era. These problems always exist and never seem to go away no matter what we do to address these areas.

    Luck is a move looking towards the future...extends the window of franchise viability beyond the Manning expiration date...thereby buying time to eventually completely remake this team in future drafts. Something that we are quickly running out of time to do in the Manning era.

    This is exactly the kind of hippity hoppity mumbo jumbo that has people blinded when it comes to Luck. You admit that there are no guarantees...and the next paragraph is you saying Luck gives "franchise viability?" Did you get out of your time machine and saw us winning with him? What guarantees are there with him? You are saying things like he is a guarantee when the truth is...you are one of the mod edit I was talking about. The leagues history is peppered with "guaranteed" busts.

  8. Wrong. If they want to continue to run this defense...and I assure you that they will...you draft players SPECIFICALLY FOR this defense. Players that fit into the scheme better. I understand fully the Colts defense... but I question whether you do. You're saying the scheme is flawed. That is wrong. The tampa 2 defense I a sound preventative defense that needs star linebackers and corners to use effectively. Guess where you get those kind of players. OH! You guessed it! Top 3 rounds of the draft! And circle gets a square. Several teams around the league use the tampa 2 style defense with success. Just not NEARLY as often and certainly not every down for 4 quarters. Coyers ineptitude and unwillingness to call a defense that plays to the strengths of the players is part of the problem yes. But the other part is the Colts insistance on the tampa 2 way too much and the idea that undersized, fast defeners is the way to go in todays nfl. If there is a flawed scheme...that is it right there. Somebody needs to sit Polian down and explain to him that there are big, strong players that are also fast. Guess where you get those players? OH! First 3 rounds of the draft! Don't sit and tell me that I don't understand the defense when you're having delusions that these players would exel in a "different scheme" and we don't need some more talented players

  9. Let me be the first to say it this week:


    But Miami may be too much fail t overcome...

    I am unbelievably tired of hearing about this kid. All of you "Suck for Luck"ers have absolutely NO idea what the needs of this team are. Andrew Luck will not be the magical savior of this Colts defense...and that IS what we need. SOMEONE ON DEFENSE! Luck would not have changed the outcome of this game. Having one more 1st round pick on our bench to keep the thing warm with Gonzo, Brown, and Hughes is the last thing in the world this team needs. If we happen to get the 1st overall...trade it away for more picks in later rounds and stack the defense with six 3rd round or higher players. Not to mention...the spread offense in a conference known for having weak defenses does not mean he's the next Peyton Manning. You are so blinded by the hype around this kid...I'm surprised you can see yourself in the mirror. (Rant over) Painful to watch this one...but I love my Colts and that won't change

  10. Total embarrassment. I say rebuild...starting with the coaching staff. Yes...ultimately Caldwell is responsible for the way the team performs. But his coaching staff isn't making it any easier on him. Christiansen calls the same 10 plays all game (hence the reason the offense seems ineffective in the 2nd half). Coyer is a complete joke of a dc. Special teams is horrible. Cornerbacks coach somehow couldn't work with Tim Jennings...who went to the Bears to be one of their strongest corners. And let's not forget that the whole defense, aside from Freeney, Angerer, and Powers is built with undrafted free agents and late round picks. Sure...sometimes you get lucky with Bethea and Mathis...but when 2 of your starting linebackers, most of your corners, your safety, and your defensive line are drafted late...all the while the offense is so stacked with top picks that some of them just warm the bench...Id say there's a problem of lopsided talent. Forget Luck...trade it away and get some draft picks to help this pathetic excuse for a defense. Even Manning, in all his greatness, wouldn't have won this game tonight.

  11. I was, the fact that I'm embarrassed to be a Colts fans was purely coincidental.

    Embarrassed to be a Colts fan? Embarrassed huh? Perhaps you didn't realize...but nobody is forcing you to be a Colts fan. I support my team win or lose and I'm NEVER embarrassed to be a Colts fan. You should take your fair weather fandom somewhere else. Indianapolis has given you countless broken records, record breaking wins over a decade, a Super Bowl championship, and record breaking playoff berths. 6 bad games based in majority to injuries and the embarrassment starts? Yeah...

  12. Come on Colts fans...where's the faith?! The Saints have not been amazing this year like they were in previous years. Brees has thrown his share of picks. Ingram is good but he's still a rook that hasn't yet seen the wrath of the Angerer, Conner, Bethea box stacking. Their defense hasn't been much better than ours. Same holes in their secondary they just have a better coordinator. They also just lost to the Bucs...who we led against for 90% of the game. I'm sure Brees will have his way with the secondary...but as long as they can hold them to fgs somtimes that shouldn't be any more of a problem than Rothlisberger was. Also...you can NEVER forget about FREETHIS! They gave him rations of mod edit in the Super Bowl! The more he drops back to pass...the more chances of a sack fumble. Painter gets better every week and continues to surprise with his timing routes. Look for Garcon to have a big game. He's clearly Painters favorite and Christiansen seems to call a lot of screen plays his way...which was one of the ways we scored in the Super Bowl. I don't see any reason we can't win this game. Defense needs to step up like they did in the Steelers game and the offense needs to keep it simple with screens, plenty of runs, short passes and leave the deep ball alone. Every seems to forget that while we might be 0-6...2 of those games were lost in the 4th quarter after leading the whole time...and 2 were lost on bad timing turnovers during the would be game winning drive. As long as Coyer steps his game up, there's absolutely no reason we can't pull off the upset. GO COLTS!!

  13. Thread should have been called "My Madden Franchise." Not only will 95% of the players you listed be resigned by their perspective teams...but half of them have the exact character issues that the Colts organization stays away from. Also they are not going to switch from a 4-3 tampa 2 based defense to a 3-4 and even if they were going to...it makes NO sense to make a dramatic defensive change and build it from free agency. Not to mention Freethis would not fit well into a 3-4 so you'd have to trade them or move them to linebacker....also never gonna happen. Do I agree that there will be changes this offseason? Yes I do. HOPEFULLY Polian realizes now that stacking your offense with top picks and your defene with bottom/undrafted picks is not the best way to go. HOPEFULLY he realizes the holes in the coaching as well. That said...he's always been the "build from the draft, not free agency" kinda guy and just because he got away from that a little this season...I certainly wouldn't get my hopes up for him to continue.

  14. The Tampa 2 (if used as a base D) requires one fundamental necessity. Stud DT's that get a push up the middle so a 4 man rush rattles the QB. If that doesn't happen....... well..........

    TB, Chicago, and yes Indy in the SB run rocked and rolled the Tampa 2 to rings.... but it takes talent.

    It also takes good linebackers that can read plays well and cover ground quickly incase they do throw under. Stud DTs and Linebackers are personel we currently do not have. Yes Angerer is looking great...but it takes 3. Not 1. Either way...as I said...the defense, or ANY defense, is not meant to be run back to back to back for 4 quarters with pauses in the monotony only for an untimely blitz. During our sb run...we had a mix of different defenses and blitzes. Oh! And a very healthy and studly Bob Sanders to play run stop. One can NEVER underestimate Sanders' role in our playoff defense that year. But again...the tampa 2 defense, while we used it plenty, was not used nonstop for the whole playoffs.

  15. I can certainly appreciate your fandom...but one thing you have not taken into account with your equation of superbowl glory is this...while Painter and the offense will continue to get better...and EVENUALLY the defense will start to jive (benching Lacey was a start in the right direction)...the defense is made up of mostly undrafted FAs and other teams throw aways. A defense comprised of this quality of player takes a good coaching staff to make work...and frankly our coaching staff (imo) is the weakest part of the team. Teams with a bottom 5 ranked defense, a horrible coaching staff, an inexperienced qb and an 0-6 starting record...don't make the playoffs. Please don't misunderstand...the fan in me would LOVE for your theory to happen...the realist in me (and my complete distrust of everything ending in "coach" on the team) has to disagree. None the less...GO COLTS!

  16. Honestly...how do one start a thread like this, and make a statement like this, and be wrong?! Lol I'm not entirely sure what offensive turnovers you are refering to. Painter has 1 int (on the 2 minute drill of last week - 112 straight passes without a pick), 1 fumble lost (a blindside blitz by Polamalu that EVERY qb in the league would have lost), and Garcons fumble while foolishly reaching for extra yards. All of these games we had a legitimate shot at winning had 1 of many things been different. Blaming 3 turnovers in 3 games that we lost in the winding minutes of the 4th quarter is a stretch to say the least. I find it funny that so many people on here blame the offense...which has been the ONLY brightside on the team since Painter took over...instead of blaming Coyer, Caldwell, special teams, and the front office.

  17. I totally agree. Somewhere along the lines the Colts coaches thought it would be a good idea to run this tampa 2 defense all the time. The tampa 2 defense is a great defense for defending the deep plays. With that said...it is not meant to be used on every down...or every other down. Its used by almost every team in the league...but they use it as a prevent...not as the basis for their defensive schemes. It protects the deep ball so well because you're putting your lbs into deep zone coverage. Which by natural response...leave the place the lbs used to be...vacant for 15 yards. Imo the defense itself is flawed merely because it has such a monstrous downside that any qb/oq will exploit without prejudice (ie...the Bucs game). It needs to be retired and a new defensive scheme...such as the one you're talking about...needs to be put into action.

  18. Punt returner/kick returner doesn't really amount to much on a team that doesn't block down the field. We drafted Brandon James as a kick returner cause he was a beast returner in college...but his strength was after he had room to move and build speed. Something we never gave him. Overall speed isn't as important as overall acceleration when it comes to returning. Until the coaches decide to show the players how to effectively block during returns...I really don't think it matters who's doing the returning since the defenders are already in their face by the time they get the ball. Lefeged has good speed...but never gets a chance to break 1 because the defense is already past the 20 by the time he gets to run. Its very aggravating to see the same problem for 6 games. Its down right ridiculous for the coaching staff to let it go on fo a decade.

  19. Thread fail. Anyone that doesn't see the spark Painter brings to the offense has either not been watching the games...or has let their disgust for Painter from previous seasons affect their judgement on him this season. Wins matter...yes. Blame Painter if you it makes you feel better. Blame the defense if that works for you. Painter knows the system and the players better than Collins. If you aren't an insanely accurate qb like Manning...what is the next most impotant thing? Timing! Out routes! In routes! Stop and go routes! All possible with Painter as he has the timing to make the throws. Collins does not. I'm tired of hearing, "the offense went three and out so the defense was tired." Who told our defense that they couldn't force a 3 and out?! Why do they have to be tired? Forcing a 3 and outs seem like a good way to keep the defene fresh doesn't it? U want to know the problems with our team? Coaching! From top to bottom...coaching! Special teams coach can't figure out how to teach the guys how to block for the returner. Christiansen is getting better but doesn't mix up the playcalling enough...which is why the offense seems ineffective in the 2nd half. Coyer is a flat joke. Get burned by the same plays for 3 quarters an still refuse to make the adjustments neccessary? And Caldwell is horrendous. Aside from his seemingly impossible way he calls a timeout as if the opposing head coach asked him to...it does fall on his shoulders to get the team ready. Regardless of the coordinators...he's the head coach...if he feels they aren't doing it right...its on him to make the adjustments (ie Rahim Morris last year). This team...with these coaches would only be marginally more successful with Peyton...and that only because his audibles hide Christiansens ineptitude and he can force throws nobody else can.

  20. Really?! Aside from his size...and aside from the fact that he is a million times better than Lacey...and aside from him being 1 of our better coverage corners...can anyone tell me another player on this team with a pick six? Kelvin has 4 I believe. I would LOVE to have him here still. Powers, Hayden, and Tryon as nickle. Lacey has no business being a starter and wouldn't even b a nickle on any other team. 1 mil towards the salary cap to make Lacey a starter? Id rather take out a loan and pay the million myself to keep Kelvin.

  21. Painter played amazing when u consider the offensive line was pieced together with practice squad and free agents. Yeah the Dallas drops hurt...but I noticed the offense struggle as soon as Addai left. Carter is a rookie that needs experience but shows a lot of promise but they decided to put in Brown for the second half...and we all know his running and blitz picking is average. The offense, imo, would have been more successful in the second half had Addai been there to help pick up blitz' and run the ball to allow for play action. Also...there was a blatant PI on the 4th down that didn't get called that put an end to the possible game winning drive. Hopefully Addai will b 100 percent next week and Clark comes out of his slump to help the offense that desperatey needs him at his best.

  22. I would like to see as much attention given to the coaching staff as the players. Larry Coyer hasn't proven himself imo. He refuses to make adjustments during the game and we hve blown leads the previous 2 weeks and a it is in part because the opposing offense figures out the defense by halftime and exploits its weaknesses in the second half. Christiansen is looking better but the offensive coordinator position becomes rather irrelevant with a healthy Peyton Manning. Special teams is yet again ineffective. I think the strength and conditioning coach needs to b looked at also. 2 years straight of the whole team being destroyed with injuries. Finally, Caldwell. Imo he shows himself to be a subpar head coach and I don't believe he got the job without Dungys recomendation. I would also very much like to see the tampa 2 defense gone after this season (or now...?)

  23. I see. Clearly dn4192 has never felt the need to express his OPINION about something he cares about. Oh wait...he did so by starting this ignorant thread. It is your OPINION that we shouldn't post our opinions...flying directly in the face of what you're saying. Unless you know each of us "professionally" ...what gives you the right to scrutinize our opinions? Id fathom a guess that you know us to a far lesser degree than most of us understand football. While I don't agree with yours opinion...I support your right to post it as I support everyones right to free speech (God bless America). That being said...if you don't understand football enough to make an intelligent (or at least halfway intelligent) observation about the game...I also support your right to shut the *^!@ up and let those of us that do talk about what we think, what we see, and what we feel. Your view that only someone that does something professionally is allowed to comment on it, might be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard in my life.

  24. I've never been a fan of the tampa 2. As far as zone defenses go...it appears to have too many weaknesses. Most of them glaringly obvious to any mediocre or better qb. I truely do not understand the idea behind leaving the middle of the field completely uncovered. Leaves open the short pass...with insane YAC potential. Also the run. Unless you have a good d-line to prevent the runners from breaking through...its bound to be good yardage. That is not the most aggrovating part of our defense recently though. Its the complete lack of caring from Coyer. I say lack of caring...because any DC that sees his defense allowing 3rd and 10+ conversions regularly...and still decides to put his LBs 20 yards off of scrimage, his CBs playing 15 yards off recievers, and his safeties in a deep zone, all the while making no real effort to do anything about it...to me clearly doesn't care. Football games by nature have an ebb and flow to them. Things change rapidly and the teams needs to change to match their opponents change. Id like to see an offense run the same stretch play or same deep pass for every offensive play the whole game like we do with the tampa 2. Sure maybe you'll complete a few passes and break a couple runs...but chances are...you're gonna lose. The solution to Mondays game was so easy my 16 year old brother knew it. Leave just 1 LB (preferably Angerer) in the middle and drop the other 2 back like the tampa 2 calls for (or just change the play calling?). Make them beat you deeper than 5-10 yards...which is what the tampa 2 is designed to prevent. How Coyer couldn't make the adjustment is beyond me.

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