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Posts posted by Mustang82

  1. If you guys have ever watched Miami play here recently you would see Tannehill is playing behind a line that's the strength of tissue paper. He is on pace to set the record for the most times a QB has been sacked in a single season. After so much of being put on your back you begin to lose the feeling of security. I'm not worried because I think he will be even better once the line is further established. The other two however are mobile QBs and for the most part I'm not suprised they are on the list...

  2. Whats the deal with Tannehill being a receiver in college??!!


    He was mainly a WR for his first 2 years at Texas A&M, he continuously tried for the QB spot and won the job finally after loosing it the first few years. He has actually only been playing the QB spot for a few years, probably accumulating to 3 total as an actual spot, which only makes what he has done so far even more amazing. I also think it adds a new element to his playing ability having been a WR and knowing how to relate and place throws a bit better.

  3. In being both a Dolphins and Colts fan, Dolphins get the tilt when the two play so maybe I'm biased. However, to think that all the whinning about it is starting to get sad. Dolphins got shafted a few times that are just as arguable. The play that was supposedly a fumble was nonsense. The ball didn't flip and bobble 2 or even 5 yards down field, it had enough force behind it to get the nod as forward motion and an incomplete pass. Only when they saw fit and the play was dead did they rule it a fumble. Then the call on 4th down where Tannehill snuck it we got shafted. They ruled they couldn't determine where the ball was yet they moved it back to where his knee was, not the ball when the knee was down and remeasured AFTER they already ruled it a first down. How can you say it's a first down based on one placement, go back and look at it only to determine that you can't see where it is exactly yet replace the ball in a new spot different than the first that was measured? There's no reason the ball should have been replaced if you can't determine it wasn't where it was the first place it was measured from. The refs were terrible on both sides of the ball. I understand this is a Colts forum and everything but serioulsy most of you are making it sound like the Packers/Seahawks "Failmary" call. If you are ever in the situation to where you have to blame the refs for a loss the game was never in your control anyways. The way most of the predictions read that I saw stated that the Dolphins would get manhandled by the Colts and the fact that they weren't is somewhat adding fuel to this fire I think. And what bothers me more is the stuff I had said to my face as I left the stadium just because I was wearing a Dolphins jersey. I'm 22 and just in sitting with my girlfriend  (who was wearing Colts stuff) on a bench waiting to be picked up had a man blatantly call me names, tell me how bad my team sucked, and say other vulgar things. I know a a bad apple isn't a reason to name the whole crowd but never, even last year when the Dolphins lost, did I feel the need to do such a thing. I've been a split Colts/Dolphins fan my entire life but if the Colts were the ones who went an entire game without drawwing a flag, missed calls or not, how many threads would be created about the refs and their performance on Sunday?

  4. First 3 yes the 4th blown call I agree but it was not conclusive on the replay. I saw a lot of grabbing & pulling on our receivers all day, but all in all we need to play better really!


    If you watched the supposed "late hit" you would see that their feet got tangled causing the Miami player to fall and therefor take the Colts player doen with him. No late hit, just legs getting tangled...

  5. Some of you I think are underestimating the Dolphins here. Miami went into Cleveland, yes I know Cleveland, but still put up 23 points barely passed to Mike Wallace at all and had zero run game. Miami's strength is defense. Tannehill is a smart player and can find ways to win just as Luck does. Miami is gonna be bitter from last year. Don't take them so lightly....

  6. Dolphins lost to a Colts team who played better than they did. It's true I am sore about it but it is how it is. Tannehill played a good game still and Luck just played better. I said they would have to win by Lucks arm and they did so I'm not suprised by anymeans. Colts and Dolphins are both uprising and rebuilding and I think both of us have the QB we were looking for to do so. Wasn't the Dolphins day but next week I will go back to pulling for both teams. So well done Colts you were the better team today!

  7. That is why he never replied back to me about that comment. He replied to me about the second half of it though.

    Non running? Last time I checked Tannehill is just as mobile as Luck but never has to run. Tannehill spent most of his years playing football as a WR. Guess that wouldn't enable him to be a running QB would it?

    Hey, Dolphin fans.. Happy Anniversary. It's been almost 30 years since you went to a Super Bowl. 1984 Marino vs Montanna. Yep, you lost. The average Dolphin fan has never even witnessed it's team win a Super Bowl. Meanwhile, our current Colts team has players on it that have actually WON a Super Bowl in this decade. So, I am predicting that our winning mentality and experience will put us ahead of you for the wildcard spot when it comes down to it. I apologize in advance. Oh, yeah...and the fact that our QB is way better.

    And you guys get on us for seeming cocky? Being the fact that if it wasn't for Manning, a player who isn't even currently a Colt, you as well would be most irrelevant in Super bowl conversations. I respect Manning to the highest level for his playing ability and overall actions on and off the field. However, being that you all have had a franchise QB for a while now and Miami hasn't had one since Marino is probably the main difference. Need I remind you of a perfect season? Sure it was 1972 but let's see your franchise go out and chase that statistic...

    does anyone feels that phins fans are acting like their team is a superbowl contender?

    Actually to say that about us is practically just the same as saying it about yourselves. Dolphins fans hopes, or atleast mine, reach no further than a Wild Card spot. But frankly no team is a super bowl contender till the playoffs start. Everyone right now should be considered a playoff contender at best.

  8. luck is being asked to do much more then tannehill. the colts are winning games because of luck, 3 game winning drives and he's doing it for the most part without a running game and a bad offensive line. the dolphins are winning because of reggie bush,great offensive line and the defense.

    I agree. There's no comparrision despite my fanship towards the Phins it's not hard to see that Luck is the better and more superior QB. I was actually hoping the Phins to snag him but if they couldn't I wanted the Colts to do so. Miami has always been a team who just needs a solid QB who won't cost you the game. Tannehill fits the role pretty good so far and time will tell. Miami taking Tannehill was a risk I mean the guy had hardly any mainstream experience at QB and actually spent most of his football career at WR. Luck is the superior QB and exactly what the Colts needed, no question..

  9. Would Tannyhill getting his knee drained today twice and being called 50-50 (roto news) qualify as being dramatic enough to put his availability in question ?

    Pleas enote that I said this before word was released but yes it would lol. Either way, Moore or Tannehill, I don't really see it changing things up a whole lot...

  10. Even the part about Luck not throwing 45 times is a bit off. It's gotten almost normal for Luck to throw around 40 times in most games until recently when the running game has been functioning. If you're saying we won't be able to run the ball(which I think we will do a decent job) then I definitely would expect about 40 to 45 throws. What else would there be to do if the running game is out of commission?

    Actually the 45 in which I was referencing was in someones previous post about Tannehill throwing the ball 45 times. Luck will throw closer to 40 than Tannehill will. And now I guess word is being circled around that Tannehill had his knee drained twice today before and after practice. It would appear that Moore is being lead on to be the starter Sunday. Either way I don't see it changing things up that much...

  11. I agree with you to an extent haha. This is a very winnable game for both teams depending on who shows up n who doesn't. If the Colts play like they did in all of their wins or even play average ball for 4 whole quarters we walk away with a 1 possession win. If we don't it will get ugly n they will walk away with as much as a 2 possession W. It could go either way but naturally I'm rootin for my Colts.

    This is how I feel lol. It's just funny and too much for me to handle to read someone say "AWWWW YEEAAAAHHH BOOOOIIII!!!!!! MY COLTS GOT THIS ONE 57 TO 3 MANNN!!! GOOOO COLLLLTTTTSSSS!!!!" lol

  12. Then as of this week you are currently NOT a Colts fan at all. You have absolutely zero wish for the Colts to win this week.

    You don't get to play the Colts card this week. You're a Dolphins fan all the way.

    I just wanted to get you identified properly so my trash talking is aimed the right place!

    If that's how you feel then take your best shot good sir. As of next week I will go back to being the partial Colts fan in which I am. However, I think that some Colts fans should seriously think about what they say and be rational about it. I am a Colts and Dolphins fan but by no means do I ever try to build my team up to such a level of hype that there is no way at all that they will come close to meeting that standard...

  13. Would it be shocking to see Luck win the game with his arm? What a statement! I don't think it would be shocking to Colts fans if we could not run the ball in this game. The thing is we would still feel like we could win through the air against your defense.

    And that's the great thing about a forum being able to share this thought with others! However, I don't think the Colts will be able to lol

    Miami is scoring 21.4 PPG (19) while Indianapolis is scoring 19.4 PPG (24). Meanwhile Miami is allowing 18 PPG (5) and Indianapolis is giving up 24.4 PPG (22). The Dolphins also have the lowest third down completion percentage on defense. You guys are vastly underestimating how tough this Miami defense is. Luck may throw close to 300 yards on their defense but he surely isn't throwing more than two touchdowns.

    Most rational thing I have read all day. Some people should look into this stuff before they start throwing out a Colts win with the score of 40 to 10 or something....

  14. we haven't blown anyone out yet this could be the week especially since were at home.

    luck 27-43 275 yards 3td's 1int

    tannehill 22-42 260 yards 1td 3int's 1 fumble

    colts win 38-13

    Man these rose colored glasses are getting passed around like crazy lol. 3 interceptions? Coming from a team that has 2 all year thus far and 2 forced fumbles? I know that I'm a minority in this case being a bigger Dolphins fan than Colts fan but think rationally people. 38-13? Seriously? I have a strong feeling that there are going to be a lot of upset and confused Colts fans come about 6 PM on Sunday...

  15. And that matters how? You don't need to score booku points to win games in the NFL. Colts are 4-3 and are ranked 12th in points scored and the Dolphins are ranked like 30th and are still 4-3. Colts score more because they have to score more to win because of their defense. Miami has a better defense which limits points and it practically balances out.

  16. As I've stated Tannehill won't have to do much this game as it will be primarily a run dominated offense for the Dolphins. Tannehill will have to throw sure but I don't see the Colts doing much to stop the run. I could be wrong but Tannehill is highly underated so in saying that...Please continue to think that he isn't that great or can make teams pay for underestimating him...lol

  17. Miami will win Sunday. There's a lot of wishful thinking going on these forums about what's going to happen but I think to say that this is going to be a blow out by the Colts is not only a far fetched idea but one that should be given a straight-jacket upon even thinking it.

    Tannehill is practicing and is looking good according to the Phin forums I frequently check out. Sources say that something dramatic would have to happen for him not to play. I look for Bush to have a big game this week, close to if not over 100 yards.

    Colts are good at home but as it was pointed out, the Dolphins are good where the Colts are not. This game for Tannehill should be one where all he has to do is play smart and conservative and let the run game do 90% of the work. He's got one of the best QB ratings against the blitz so far this year. Tannehill is just as capable at giving his team the chance to win as Luck is.

  18. And when you come back to reality I'd love to borrow those rose-colored glasses you seem to be looking through. Miami has a strong defensive line and offensive line and there is no way he gets sacked 5 times! Are you crazy? I say he doesn't get sacked once this entire game! And he isn't going to throw anywhere near 45 times this game. The Colts can't stop the run and that's been proven mutiple times this season. Therefor Miami's game will be dominated by the run! Sorry guys I know ignorance is bliss but sometimes you have to think rationally....

  19. ranks don't matter its all about execution with that being said it depend on our run game. Luck 24 of 31 250yds 2tds 1 int if running game doesn't show up Luck 33 of 45 340 yards 3tds 1 ints

    If the Colts have to rely on their run game then the Colts are in trouble. Miami has one of the best run defenses in the league and is no joke. If the Colts win this game they will have to rely on Lucks arm to get the job done

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