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Tim Neloff

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Posts posted by Tim Neloff

  1. Reggie Wayne is an average WR who had the luck to work with the greatest. He will not be missed.

    Ummm Wayne is widely regarded in the top 25-30 recievers of all time. I'm sorry but anyone who says he's an average WR has either never played the game or really sucked at it if they did. Now on the other hand comparing him to Harrison is just plain dumb. Now you're talking about the the #3 Receiver of all time behind Moss and Rice.
  2. Yes, I tried explaining this to my son today. Peyton is his hero. He saw Peyton cry on TV. Out of the words of a kid, "How could Mr. Irsay just throw him away like that? What about respect, Mom? You told me that the Colts are all about respect." Then he storms off in tears.

    I was embarrassed to call myself a Colts fan at that point. Truly embarrassed. This is NOT the organization I thought I loved.

    People want to talk about loyalty and that "real" fans will support their team. Yeah, well loyalty is a 2-way street.

    My 9 year old woudn't even come out of his room that night. He asked if he goes to the NFL with they just throw him away too? Way to go JIM!

  3. I usually just read but thought this warranted posting. I agree with most of what Zebra is saying. Don't give me the I'm just a Peyton fan garbage cause I've been here since Trudeau and the first Jersey i ever bought was Harbaugh. My only problem with this opinion is it kinda baffles me that anyone thought that Jim Irsay was loyal,respectful,honorable or anything remotely close. The Irsay's have and always will be corporate scum. Look at the track record, wrapped the team up in the middle of the night like a bunch of theives. Then look at the players they've steamrolled, Unitas,Harbaugh,Faulk,James, and the list goes on. However the Harrison argument is dumb, a guy was murdered with his hangun and he's still being investigated to this day. Colts didn't have a choice. I will still continue to watch and even root for them, their just not getting another dime from me for this. If you don't like what has happened, you should do the same. Then Irsay can sit back and think about 28 million bonus compared to the hundreds of millions of dollars that manning made for him.

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