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Posts posted by Indra

  1. For those of you who say Pagano has poor in-game adjustments, can you explain that to me?  I'm not trying to be fresh, I am just curious what adjustments exactly you're talking about, and how those correlate to Pagano (as opposed to the OC and DC.)  Specific examples, please.

  2. I think we are lucky to have Lowery this year. I don't know that he (or Adams) is the long term answer at S, but they should both be suitable this season. I really like the fact that Geathers is being used as a cover guy for now. It seems like his big build and natural ability (from just the few youtube clips I've seen of him) make him a good tackler and probably a natural fit to be a good strong safety. However, he seems to have speed and athleticism which could make him what Pagano desires from safeties, one who has the ability to be interchangeable. While there are some nice coverage plays in his highlight reels, I have a feeling he is still a bit raw there, so by training him in coverage from the get-go, I think we'll see him be a very well rounded S by the end of this year or by next year. We don't really need him to come in and light the world on fire right away, as Lowery and Adams are just fine. If he can beat one of them out by season's end, great.... if not, that's fine, he should be much better next year. Pagano said on draft day that one of the best things about Geathers was he hasn't even come close to reaching his ceiling yet, so having 2 vets to learn from should be great for him.

    I really like this post. A very thoughtful perspective :)

  3. And you know what, until he outproduces Bradshaw I wouldn't even say he's just a guy. He's a guy, who in my opinion, is getting the start and the benefit of the doubt because of his draft position but hasn't lived up to it at all. I'm not gonna go off now but I could. Ryan Grigson better hope Richardson picks it up because if he doesn't it could be his undoing.


    You think a running back is going to be the undoing of an Executive of the Year who helped turn this franchise around?  If Richardson turns out to be a swing and a miss then it's just that - a swing and a miss.  Running backs are a dime a dozen and have short careers anyway.  There will be another one right behind Richardson if he fails.


    Fans are so hyperbolic.

  4. I had the same thoughts, NCF. It was a strain...it bent too far to not be. Hopefully, it heals, but I have my concerns as well. I also agree with your earlier post on this thought line. Every point you made was what I thought as well.

    It looked worse on his knee than it actually was. I'm sure it wasn't pleasant, but that looked like more of a groin injury than a knee. I think he just did the splits too wide. He only missed one play, he's fine.

  5. Kicking in practice with no defense coming at you is a little different than kicking in a real game. Kicking long distance with no rush is a lot easier when you don't have to adjust the angle of the kick. There is a reason we still have AV on the roster.


    I keep hearing this excuse.  In the five years that Pat has been with the team has he ever given you the impression that he can't work under pressure?  Nobody knows if he's a better kicker than Adam right now, but I think there are other reasons we still have AV on the roster other than his leg.

  6. My impression is that Grigson knows lineman, so he went out and got the lineman he wanted (an obvious weakness on this team, as well).  And he's going to trust Pagano to coach up whatever DB's we have this year, since Pagano knows DB's.  I think our offensive and defensive lines are more concerning than our CB/S situation.  Teams have won super bowls with less than superstar safeties.  But you don't make the playoffs typically, let alone win a championship if you stink in the trenches.

  7. My god it must be my eyes, I see Andrew Luck running for his life on almost every play. But the Grigson/Pagano duo have said for

    TWO YEARS that priority #1 is to protect Luck. Do you see it? They made interior oline moves that they said were just great but

    I still don't see results, what could be the problem? Injuries? NFL players get hurt all the time but other teams manage to adjust.

    So whats the problem with out interior oline?????????? TRY NO TALENT.

    Sure free agents and 6th round picks like Donald Thomas make it every year and some turn out to be good, but three in a row

    and what do you have? A JAIL BREAK when you try to pass block with pretend NFL players.



    For being George Costanza you aren't very funny.  I think you should be working for Play Now rather than the Yankees based on your analysis of a roster.

  8. He definitely is a sensationalist who rarely uses facts, but I did see some validity to his comparison of Luck and Eli.  Luck does have a little bit of Eli in him, in that he can play terribly and then amaze you in the same game.  Or he can outright play terribly.  Or he can pIay great all game.  He has some of Eli's inconsistency, which I think he will grow out of.  But he's right in that Luck hasn't proven anything yet.  He's led an overachieving team farther than anyone thought two years in a row, but let's see some consistency and a championship before we even talk about GOAT.


    And I understand that context is king in both Pagano's and Grigson's comments, but Bayless isn't that far off base here.  He does make a lot of excuses for the Chiefs, though.

  9. Rogers is doing his job.  He has done nothing special as yet other than the one TD and some pretty good blocking.  


    I see some mentioning his only problem is targets....Remember who we have at QB....if number 16 is open, he WILL be 'targeted.'  I am still waiting for the play action deep.....Saturday night it will happen.... :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :td:  :td:  :td: !!!


    Ehh, I've watched Luck miss open receivers all year.  That's sometimes his biggest weakness.

  10. I blame Lamey for making Colts fans think that announcers should be unabashed Colts homers. No team is built to come from 28 points behind. That's never the gameplan when assembling a team.

    I think Mayock is incredibly knowledgeable on the X's and O's of what's happening on the field, and the strengths and weaknesses of each player. He's an excellent color man, in my opinion, because he's able to expand on what the play-by-play man just called. Is he 100% right? Nope. Is anybody? Nope.

    Madden was good because he could tell you what was happening in the huddle, what the strategy might be, what the players were thinking, etc. Mayock is good because he can instantly break down the play on the field and explain WHY we just saw what we saw. And he can explain how the players fit into the team game.

    My biggest problem with him is his lisp. And to the person trashing him because he only played in 9 games, I say so what? That's far more than any of us ever played. He was good enough to make it to the pro level and actually see the field. That's an elite fraternity and that accomplishment shouldn't be diminished.

  11. Ah just that same * writer wanting attention, He wrote an article about the Colts before, I clicked on it long enough to verify who wrote that article, Not wasting my time reading his trash after I read the first article, The dude is scum, Even bringing up Pagano having cancer in the previous article and put a negative spin on it, Quite honestly I wont cry a tear if this guy gets cancer, Yeah I know harsh but its the truth

    That's a disgusting thing to say, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

  12. Calm down. It wasn't meant as a slight and i apologize, if it offended. I was just looking at the socioeconomic backgrounds of the people/fans that usually attend our games. The majority tend to be white collar. Its just a study in human behaviour based on this.


    I'd love to see your sources for your "study in human behavior."  Show me the numbers that say that the "majority" of fans that attend games are white collar people from Avon, Geist, Nora, and Carmel.  It was absolutely meant as a slight, and now you're just making up bullcrap to backtrack.  It wasn't a human behavior study based on the socioeconomic backgrounds of anything, it was an ignorant statement meant as a jab at people who work well-paying jobs in an office setting.  How much money someone makes, or how they make it, has nothing to do with how much they yell at sporting events.

  13. I'm dubious about some of the tweets, as they may be self-serving. If Irsay didn't like the trade he wouldn't be bragging about shock and awe, or the tidal wave of deal making. He obviously liked the trade. I'm not hammering for the trade, but he always seems to leave himself an out if something goes wrong. By the way, this trade clearly showed Irsay is in win now mode, not rebuilding as some Colt's fans say.

    I think most people thought the Richardson trade was a good one at the time. A low first rounder for a top talent. Irsay was as excited as the rest of us. It hasn't panned out that way, and I think many of us blame the coaches here.

    The thing is Irsay is more a fan and hype man than an executive. He tried his hand at football operations and failed badly. Since then he's signed checks and tried to hire the best football minds to run the show. Did he make a bad hire in Grigson? Potentially. He does legitimately have an "out" in that he can't coach the team, make the trades, and make plays on the field. He put his trust in Grigson to get those people, and I think he's serving notice here that those expectations aren't being met.

    His job is to keep butts in the seats and money in his pocket. Winning is the best way to accomplish both of those. When you aren't winning you gotta give the fans hope that things are turning around. That's what he's doing.

  14. Pretty sure spiking the ball has been around for a long time

    I know spiking has been around forever, but I'm just wondering why he chose the spike. It's the only touchdown celebration I've seen him do, so either he really likes the spike, or he just can't be bothered to try another celebration out.

  15. I love that Luck gets very animated and spikes the ball after a rushing touchdown, but where did it come from?  I watched very little of him in college (a shame, since I lived in Palo Alto at the time,) but I don't recall him doing that in college, only in the pros.  Would love to see Pat McAfee ask him that on a facebook friday sometime.

  16. Short answer is yes. Yes I would punch someone in the face at my work. Maybe your post and opinion is ignorant IMO. To each his own. Guess what, I got bullied also when I was a kid. My older brother and parents made me fight him and he never messed with me ever again. I grew up in the military though. Was raised to defend myself.

    I'll ask you the same question. If you have a very good job that you loves and paid you well would you let some * bully you for 2 years straight? Or would you rather just quit the job? I'm sorry to say we're going going to run into some type if bullying and much much worse in our lives. My wife is a very strong Christian woman and doesn't believe in defending yourself and such but there's no way in gods green earth I will let my kids get bullied.


    I wouldn't let anyone bully me at my job, but I'm a different person than you or Martin.  I would never punch someone in the face in that circumstance though.  Just because you would doesn't mean Martin would.


    Foe one, we don't know the whole story yet. Teammates are claiming Martin played the voice mails for the entire locker room and laughed, understanding it was a joke. Granted, a joke that isn't for everyone, but nonetheless, a joke.
    Would I punch a co worker in the face? No, not in my work environment.....in his, I would. I couldn't imagine having ever having a situation come about in my work place, but comparing my workplace to Martin's is absurd.
    Having said that, I don't know exactly what happened and Martin may have been 100% right in walking away. We are dealing with very little info that is getting filtered by the oh so trustworthy media....best to let things play out before making a judgement.


    I agree that it's a murky situation, but it should have never gotten this far to begin with.  It's just as likely that Martin played the voicemail as an attempt to fit in ("Hey guys, I'm in on the joke, too!") while it's tearing him up inside, or that it was a cry for help.  As in, "I need someone to hear this and help me."  We don't know what type of personality Jonathan Martin is or what was going through his mind.  He very likely desperately wanted to fit in and find his place on that team, and we don't know to what lengths he would go to to find that before the stress of it got to him.


    What I do know is that Incognito's behavior is unprofessional and unacceptable in any occupation or situation, and even though it's the NFL he shouldn't assume that he can treat other people that way.  If you or I called a co-worker the N-word and threatened to kill them and slap their mother in the face we would be fired immediately.  I've seen people fired for much less than that.  As George Costanza would say, "We're living in a society!"  Let's not forget that by excusing Incognito's behavior, whether Martin brought it on himself or not.  I'm nearly positive that when Martin went to work everyday he wasn't looking to be called the things he was called, or to be treated the way he was allegedly treated.  And again, anybody who thinks it's okay, joking or otherwise, is ignorant.

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