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The Motto

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Posts posted by The Motto

  1. I see no reason to cut GC or Walden.  Walden will be even better this year at his normal position with Mathis back.  And like its been noted he doesn't get paid THAT much.  GC is a good player when healthy and we have other needs who is going to play RT if we cut him? I want to be able to go mostly D in the draft.

  2. Going big in FA being a bad thing is somewhat of a myth.  Seattle, Denever, and the Pats have spent a lot recently in FA seems to have worked out ok...


    Aslo you are going to over pay in FA thats just the nature of the beast.  I don't worry about over paying much at all though it's not my money and it's not like Grigson has ever had us in bad cap position.  FA also have to want to come here.

  3. Seems a little patience was all that was needed.  FA signings take some time to get use to a new team, new systems take time to get the kinks out and most of all a brand new culture doesn't happen overnight. Seems all these are coming together well right now.  The whole obsession with what we paid players has always intrigued me.  I know over paying can sometimes hurt the team but we are fine in cap space and it's not my money we are spending.  Plus over paying for FA's is just the nature of the beast it happens.  Our past 2 drafts are also looking much better with how Thornton and Mewhort have improved the OL and Moncrief looks like a future star.  On defense the improvement of Werner this year ,as well as, Hughes has been huge for this defense and Newsome is playing better every game and just from an eye test his game  (not to the same level yet) looks like Mathis’. This doesn’t even mention our UDFA success Kerr, Purifoy, Whalen and Harrison all are contributors.  Our defense has also been rebuilt by FA signings and Walden, Jackson, RJF and Toler are only getting better and where would we be without the trade for Vontae or Cory Redding?  Obviously some of the signings haven’t worked as well as others (Landry and one year WR’s) but that’s to be expected.  Pagano was a first time HC and I am sure it took some time to learn the ways of being a HC (not to mention he missed most all of his first season) but he has done a masterful job this year.   I think his knowledge and philosophy is one of the biggest reasons our Special Teams is so improved. Pep is straight owning people this year and it’s not hard to see.  Overall I am very excited about this time and think the future is very bright. 

  4. They are on twitter calling Pagano's coaching style dinosaur coaching calling for his head and saying the only reason we win games is because of AL12.  I am sick and tired of these people "representing the Colts on social media and the internet."  It's so obvious they have an agenda and it is sickening.  So I know Brad or one of his cronies are reading this.  Heres your chance to man up tell us all what your credentials are to be any kind of Colt's "media?"  My guess is your credentials consist of playing Madden in your parents basement.  I also will bet you won't come on here and man up at all. 

  5. You can throw Andrew Mishler in the same boat as Brad Wells.  Both negative about anything and everything Colts, yet clueless about the game of football.  My dog has more knowledge than those two combined.  The only football either of them have played is with a Play Station controller in their hands.  I hate they represent the Colts in any fashion and wish it was a way to get both of them off the internet.  I hope both of them read this, you're both bums who live in your parents basements. 

  6. I have serious concerns about Arians' offensive philosophy. He was run out of Pitt for not protecting Ben and being to pass happy and it has continued here. Look how the other teams Sea and Wash are setting their Rookie QB's up for success. RGIII has WR's running wide open on a consistent basis. Luck is throwing 15-20 yard passes into small pockets. Luck was a magician in the West Coast offense in college and his completion percentage his last 2 years at Stanford was over 70%. So he has it in him but our OC is not setting him up to be efficient. I have a lot of respect for what Arians has done as Interim HC and I thank him for that but I worry about his offense.

  7. Exact words from one of my good friends who played for Pagano "He's def a player's coach. Everyone loved him and loved playing for him. He as an unbelievable knack for being able to see eye to eye with any player from any background. Great guy. Great coach. " solid solid hire

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