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Posts posted by Tpmchris

  1. 2 hours ago, threeflight said:

    I am a big reality TV fan.


     I have a very good friend that was huge on the Bachelor and Bachelors in Paradise.  In fact his first name begins with our 3rd string QB.  I am starting a CBD reality show type company with him.


    I realize that many of you may not notice this, but Luck uses the words "journey' and 'process' a ton.  As in all of the time.


    One thing that reality stars are taught to do, and I have heard this straight from my buddy's mouth after 5 beers, is to use those words...and to fake cry and show you are vulnerable, as much as possible.


    THAT IS ONE OF THE main reasons I don't believe a lot of what Luck says.  He uses those words.  {Process.  Vulnerable.  Journey.)  He fakes emotion.


    Did we really see any tears yesterday?  I didn't.  I saw faux tears like I see on the Bachelor every week and that my bro tells me they ARE TAUGHT TO DO.



    He gives this awwwww shucks giggly I am so wonderful attitude?


    And he is at the surface a good guy.


    But deep down? He thinks of one person.  Himself.


    Hence why he quit 2 weeks before a season starts.


    Stop being fooled.


    You seem to have a strange obsession with Luck; did he harm you in someway? 


    I’m not Colts fan. Hell, i’m not even really a fan of the local team here in Houston, but if JJ Watt stepped away from the game with bags full of money, I’d say - good for JJ. There is no loyalty in the NFL. Get paid and then get the hell out while you still have your health. 

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  2. 2 hours ago, Iron Colt said:

    I don't walk pain free. I wake up hurting every day and I can't do some things. I'm pretty young too. I'll bet a lot of guys and gals on here HURT. Every day. We get depressed about it too at times.


    But we get up and work. We don't check out at 29. Do you open and pray that we all walk pain free one day?


    It's called LIFE.

    You can’t compare your job to a professional athlete. Society has dictated that Luck’s work is worth for than yours or mine. And thats why gets to walk away at 29. It’s called LIFE.

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