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Posts posted by Ollonesomeme

  1. On May 26, 2016 at 6:43 AM, ColtsBleedBlue said:

    No Way We Don't Win At Least 10 Games

    Even if Luck has a season ending injury four or five games in? I can see lots of ways to not get to ten wins. Most of those would include significant injuries. I am hoping that Luck is back at full strength and that he isn't gunshot after last years serious injuries. We may also see lingering effects from that shoulder injury too. I hope none of this happens butt would not surprise me if it did.  Perhaps we should all say a prayer for Andrew's good health.

  2. 1 hour ago, bap1331 said:

    After watching the movie concussion, it makes it hard to support football. We've seen a rise of young players going into retirement and I think this may be the sole reason they are retiring early but not saying it.


    Is cte or brain damage risk really worth your health not only for themselves but for their family? It's not something happening only in football but boxing, wrestling, and soon to be ufc (it's a relatively new sport not around long enough to see the effects)


    The NFL will do anything to say it isn't a serious problem but that mostly has to do with putting money into their pockets.


    What were your thoughts after watching the movie concussion? I thought it was a great movie to bring awareness and now I see why Goodell is doing everything in his power to make football a safer sport but there is so much you can do but you can't prevent repeated hits.

    I think football will change dramatically in the next 15 years. Contact will be greatly reduced. I find it difficult to have the same passion for the game after seeing the lives of so many men that I admired come to such tragic ends.

  3. Do Colts fans believe that Andrew Luck has much upside now? It seems to me that after this much time, what we see is what we get. Fans seem to think that the new OC will make a big difference in what we see from Luck? I don't see that happening however, the OC may design plays that do not expose Luck's flaws but really play into his strong points. One poster here has said many times that if the NFL conducted a league wide draft that Luck would be taken first. I don't think so. I think Winston-and Mariota because of their great upside but most of all for their rookie contracts woul be taken one-two. Your thoughts?

  4. On May 29, 2016 at 0:31 PM, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    As I stated earlier, I think the average NFL fan would take less money with a team that just won the SB.  Maybe Houston ends up being the better team this year, but I, personally, would have stayed with the Broncos for less money.

    I always find it interesting that fans think that players should play for less money to stay with some team. I don't think that they would make that decision when they factored in how short their careers will be.

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