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Posts posted by TD

  1. 1 minute ago, bababooey said:

    Again, he beats up on the nobodies and AFC South. Gets smoked by the somebodys minus 2013. Not mentally equipped to beat the Patriots. 

    Again he has to have an Offensive line to keep the QB's alive.   LOL on the not mentally equipped.  I'm not going to reply to that one since silly opinions are like rear-ends, everybody's got one.  We'll just leave it at, I dont' agree.

  2. 6 hours ago, chrisfarley said:

    WOW, The Patriots are suddenly looking pedestrian and we are not in the playoffs, go figure!  But on the bright side, Pagano would have still managed to lose to them by 35.

    First of all Pagano isn't playing the game, and second of all he can only use the lame players that were provided by the GM which managed to get every QB that took the field injured.  So Pagano has taken you to the play-offs three out of four years,  he looses his starting QB for 8 games and has an 8-8 season, and you want to throw him under the bus?  Shame on you and all of you that go after Pagano without adding the GM and the real time situation of injuries to the mix.  I remember when we were happy to win half our games on a good year.  Get over yourselves,  Coaches don't play games and I've yet to hear where his coaching was at fault.  It's so much of just hearing yourselves talk.  I'll take the 4th winningest active coach in the NFL any day over a Billacheap any day.

  3. On ‎12‎/‎31‎/‎2015 at 1:28 PM, DougDew said:

    There may be more than a few coaches who would have no problem with Grigson, we simply don't know.


    But I think your scenarios are the most likely.

    I imagine Pagano had more problems with what Grigson gave him to use than with the personality.  If you watch the demeanor of the two men on TV you can see there is a huge disparity between their personalities.  Grigson is brash and rude and Pagano is rah rah and friendly.  And guess what?  That means nothing.  What counts is how they play the game.  Let's see  Grigson acquisitions by my score card are 70% failures in the performance department and Pagano's record is 41-23 , so 46% failures.  Hmmmmm ok   Would seem to me if you toss out personality and go by record that Grigson goes.   But I really don't care because this whole conversation is devisive.   I just think its sad that all this happened.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Andrew Luck's Beard said:

    And keep Pagano! He wants to stay, and he's not the problem!


    We saw what the defense could be with the proper players. Our d-line is actually decent now. The LBs can make plays as shown by today's game and past games. The secondary could be good if Grigs could actually bring more people in instead of trash corners.


    And offense isn't Chuck's specialty, so Grigs should be given more fault here. O-line! That is a part of an offense! And we have done little to nothing that's worked! A former lineman should be able to judge talent at that position at least...


    The WR corps has been spent heavily on and hasn't really turned out well at all. Outside of TY and the occasional Moncrief, Grigs' additions have been very ineffective so far. Dorsett has been hurt a lot, but DHB and Andre haven't been great for us. It seems like despite all we try to do, our WRs have failed to live up to the hype they were given and don't even get open at all! This may be scheme related, but Grigs still has to be held accountable a little bit.


    Finally, Grigs's attitude towards the coach simply will NOT work, whether we keep Chuck or switch to a new coach. The COACH is given the responsibility to choose what players play, and the GM should NOT be able to interefere with what the coach thinks is best. I doubt any new HC would like Grigs butting in on all of their decisions, either.


    Grigs is the problem! Give Chuck another chance!

    I had to laugh at one comment that favored Grigson...it said it came from a SMART PHONE.  Now really?  I have to question that because NO SMART PHONE could issue such a statement, and if it was possible it probably came from a Pat's Fan. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, ColtsBlueFL said:


    I think we were #17 before todays games, but Atlanta lost and moved ahead of us.  If St. Louis loses, they might move ahead of us too putting us at #19.

    So what recievers are out there that Grigson wants?????  Sad Sad Sad Day.

  6. A few people keep saying the numbers speak for themselves in degrading Pagano, but they are using the wrong numbers.  The fourth winningest active coach in the NFL deserves to be coaching in Indianapolis.....It's Grigson that should go.  We can make a list of KNOWN Grigson misjudgements and we hear there are a lot more out there.  The GM has months to make decisions and he screws them up.  Let's not be so harsh on a fellow that has but seconds to make decisions. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, JPFolks said:

    He's been there for a very long time... he has been the guy with the power whereas Pagano has apparently been a straw man for Grigson... and I didn't say solely... but his record is his record in the end and he has Drew Brees... why would he be better with Luck? He's about the last person I would want of all the names I have heard as possibilities... plus we'd have to trade picks to get him as they're unlikely to just fire him and let him go for free? No thanks! 

    Reading all these posts is like saying, "OK on Three we toss Pagano under the bus"  I'd say lets toss Grigson and give Pagano one more year with his coordinator picks to turn it around.  But then I'm just one lonely voice in the crowd.

  8. 2 hours ago, andyluck92 said:

    Do whatever feels right Jimmy; they'll hold you as an idol if you win. It's funny how winning can make everything alright.

    Since winning is the objective to competition "it's really funny how winning makes everything alright" really doesn't get to the point.  From a coaching standpoint, sometimes you can learn more about your team in a loss than in a victory, but the overall goal of the season is to make the play-offs.  The problems with this season should fall on Grigson's failures to supply the team and Pagano with the correct mix of players needed to obtain the goal.  That is HIS job and when it seems his mix was failing he tried to protect himself by interjecting himself into influencing the coaching of the team.  Grigson clearly over-stepped and should be held accountable.  He's made some good decisions and some terrible decisions but on the average has not delivered.  A lot of us point to the O line and the D line as being overlooked.  Perhaps Grigson just doesn't know how to select good linemen so he tries to avoid making such picks.  I'd have to say he's not much better at free agency picks either.  Beside Frank Gore, which was pretty much a no-brainer, his back selections have been lame.  Going after wide receiver after receiver when you have a QB that could use an offensive tackle as a receiver and complete passes in traffic was a waste of $ and resources and resulted in getting every QB that took the field injured.  The faults HAVE to rest on Grigson whether Mr. Irsay does anything about it or not.  Personally I don't think we know how much Grigson impacted the  coaching decisions of Pagano;  it's hard to say.  I don't think the coaching staff in total did a great job of adjusting at half-time to conditions, but the past O coordinator seemed to ignore reality and go with his scheme no matter what and he was so darn predictable that opposing defenses could set the best defense about 75% of the time.  If you run on EVERY first down, eventually it stops working.  I don't think Mr. Irsay should do whatever "feels right".  I think he should do what is best for the Colts.  All any of us can do is hope what we see is the truth and what I see is a GM that blew it, meddled in the coaching staff, and should be gone.  I'd really like Pagano to get a chance to coach without GM imput for a season or two and then decide on his abilities.  This season I think he was hamstrung.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Superman said:


    Not really. If the option was picked up before the season -- which is likely -- then that's just business as usual. If Pagano had taken the one year extension, he'd still be under contract, but that doesn't mean he'd be coming back. The Polians were still under contract when they were fired, so was Caldwell. Having one year on Grigson's deal doesn't mean anything.

    Ahhhh  I see.  Thanks for that insight.  If Grigson stays I think the things I mention will happen, but from what I read it seemed people were saying Grigson's extension had been recently renewed, and that would seem to place a light on the situation were it true.  I personally hope Pagaon gets a chance to coach with a GM that is supportive and works with the Coach instead of at odds.  Having harmony between those two positions would seem to be a beneficial in most instances; not all, but most.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Superman said:


    Several people have reported that the Colts picked up Grigson's option. 

    Well if it's true that Grigson's contract is already picked up then Irsay has spoken.  If I'm Luck I'm going to start my agent in conversing with teams committed to an Offensive line.  If I'm Pagano I'm already talking to the management of my next stop.  I didn't know Grigson was a done deal.  Sad Day

  11. My concerns are a bit different than most posting here, but we arrive at the same conclusion.  Grigson needs to go for at least 5 reasons that most all of you have noted.  Pagano, well I think he is a better Coach without a GM that thinks he's both GM & Coach.  I don't buy Pagano is weak, but I do buy that he had to deal with the uncertainties that Grigson force upon him, and maybe he didn't do that job as well as he should have.  But, he's here to coach and not walk through the GM's minefield just because the GM decided to make one.

    The issue that concerns me more is will Luck just decide to opt out of another Colt's contract because his life here is going to be limited without protection for the O line.  Hey I'm not condemning our line, a lot of effort from some people with limited talent that did their best under some tough circumstances that included injuries and a GM that didn't really put together a good O line in the first place.   I hope Irsay sees what needs to be done and I'm sure he too will do his best.


  12. 1 hour ago, IndyD4U said:

    I attended Pat McAfee's NYE event in Indy. Besides busting my gut from laughing so hard and ringing in the New Year with Pat,  Hasselbeck, Herron, and Whalen, to name a few, McAfee took several "shots" an Grigson. Basically putting it out there that he's an * and that the players aren't real fond of him either. He kept saying how much he and his team mates love Pagano and would do anything for him. I guess Grigs wanted to fine Pat within the Organization for his Twitter exchange he had last week, but Pagano came to his aid. 


    Interesting little tidbit, for what it's worth 

    Go McAfee!   I've not heard a single argument that justifies keeping Grigson on the payroll.  If you get past his bluster and arrogance there is nothing left but his bad decision making to endear him to fans.

  13. From my limited perspective Pagano delivered as best he could given the woeful offensive line limitations that Grigson provided.  IMHO GM Grigson  has brought a level of uncertainty to the Colt's organization that Mr. Irsay should certainly question.  Even marginal Colts' fans have to ask if Andrew Luck will even consider a contract offer from the Colts given the lacking protection he has experienced. I see Grigson decisions as responsible for the situation.  Were it up to me I'd beg Mr. Irsay to try another GM before saying adieu to either Pagano or Luck.  It has nothing to do with me liking or disliking anyone, but it has everything to do with the Colts sustaining quality play by hiring quality players.  Simply put Andrew Luck can make an average receiver look fantastic, but he HAS to be healthy and have time to deliver the ball.  Spend the money where it matters.  Sorry if I offend anyone, but it is what it is.  TD

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