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Posts posted by TD

  1. 18 minutes ago, ClaytonColt said:

    Joe Thomas?


    I agree, free agency is very much an inexact science. I just find so many of the top free agents disappoint so regularly, not even just here but across the league, so unless they're nailed on (which isn't very often) I'd prefer to shop in that second tier and try to get guys who still have improvement in them and something to prove. Either way there's no guarantees, it's just my opinion.

    I never envy the GM's that try to wade though the mine field of Free Agency.   There are so many horror stories that it chills the blood.  I mean you pick a running back that set every record in college, you look at his size, his speed, his physical health, and totally forget to look at the O-Line that opened holes for him and the fantastic downfield blocking he got.  And, he turns out to be a zero.  I mean it's easy to do because you're really not evaluating line-men when making this decision.  Sometimes the chemistry just isn't right for a player and sometimes their personal life is a mess and until it gets fixed nothing is going to help.  There are just so many variable besides salary caps that a good GM has to measure before holding out a contract.  I don't envy them their job, but it would be fun when you get a Jeff Saturday and see the flower bloom into a dominant figure on the field. Go Colts!

  2. 23 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


    Your last sentence would be true for every position, unfortunately it's easier said.  I don't know why people are so worried about cap, it goes up every year and one thing we can say about Grigson, he gets cap friendly deals.


    I get what you're saying, I'm just saying we should get the best option available.  Cost shouldn't matter as much as effectiveness.  We've gone the cheaper FA, rookie, and UDFA routes.  We need to quit hoping these guys work out and go with a proven commodity.  Just my opinion.


    4 hours ago, CoachLite said:

    Center is tricky because you need someone with all the physical skills plus the football intelligence to make good reads and calls. This is a full, trusted partnership with the quarterback. I think the Colts have gone with the reads and calls over the physical skills, and this has created a trust problem for Andrew Luck, causing him to be in "panic mode", after the snap.

    QB's usually get that way when either the play that is called takes too long to develop, or the key receivers get perpetually jammed up.  In Luck's case I think both things were happening.  Which makes it real difficult to find an easy answer.  The 0-Line isn't all that good, the receivers really didn't run crisp routes that cleared them from defenders, and play selection often took too long to develop.  We really need to improve in all three areas to my judgement.... a better 0-line,  receivers that actually manage to get open, and a selection of plays that make for quicker ball release by the QB.  Sounds to me like the O-Coordinator is aware of the problem, we have some receivers that just don't run great routes, and obviously an O-Line that needs revamping.  I don't think it's one thing fixes the whole problem.  Of course one of the main elements to the O-line is the center; so hope who is at that position can deliver and has a back-up that can as well.  That's my 2 cents worth.  Go Colts!

  3. 35 minutes ago, Jim H. said:

    Hmmm.  You just joined the forum this past Friday.  Ok - are you an Irsay family member, or a member of the Colts PR staff?   :^)

    I used to stand in line in Baltimore just to see Johnny U. head into the stadium; couldn't afford a ticket.  So no I'm new to this forum but not new to the trends of the Irsay family, the Colts family, or pro football.

  4. Let me just toss this out there.  The GM who I really don't like is a newbie at the GM position and Pagano who I really do like is also a newbie at the HC position.  Mr. Irsay got unfortunately removed from monitoring the team's Coach and GM by the NFL and the kindly GM kind of overstepped in grabbing the controls from Irsay's  girls that were grateful for the help. The GM and the HC did not see eye to eye on what was needed and  because of their lack of experience and perhaps business maturity they were unable to work together.  Push met with push back and perhaps the GM wanting to show everyone who the boss was ignored the pleas for Offensive line help.  The HC got told to win with what he was given and when all the QB's went down including the franchise QB the GM tried to insert himself further into influencing who the coaching  staff played visa vie his pressure on coordinators.  Irsay comes back and really isn't ready to deal with the bickering between the newbie GM and HC, so he just lets things run on with little interference thinking surely they'll find a way to make the playoffs in the lame South division and by then Luck will be back, and after all the second season is the only one that matters.  But, it didn't run that way and so he had to take two steps back and make a decision based upon his years of experience.   He knows he has a good HC who in reality is still learning to cope with dealing with his players, his coaches, and the front office.  Irsay also knows he has a newbie GM that has made some really bad calls; i.e. Richardson  but he has also made some brilliant acquisitions, i.e. Gore.  Irsay expects errors because he knows football is a game and not a science no matter how much the boys with rulers and stop watches want it to be.  So Irsay  takes back some of the powers the GM had grabbed in his absence and assures the HC he'll get an Offensive Line by working with the GM to pick the best available players.  Irsay puts himself back where he should have been all along, as mentor to two rookies who are still learning and going to be learning  for some time.  Mr. Irsay really doesn't enjoy throwing people under the bus.  So here we go, lets see if the wiley old football seer can manage two rookie leaders and mold them into something spectacular.  I've seen that twinkle in Jim Irsay's eyes before and I believe if anyone can build a team where none exists, he can.  Godspeed Mr. Irsay,  Godspeed Staff and GO COLTS!

  5. 28 minutes ago, sfergson727 said:

    To me, the biggest loser here is Andrew Luck.  He is going to get killed by a Pagano/Grigson combo that has no idea how to protect the QB.


    As for us fans, we are doomed to more of the same.  Dominating the AFC south and getting slaughtered by the rest of the league.  YAY us!

    Well it is what it is.  The goal is to make the play-offs and start the second season.  We're lucky to be in the South and once into the play-offs, then and only then does it matter that we beat the rest of the league.  It's that simple and a first time GM and a first time HC now know they can't get there if they have to have it their way.  They have to conspire and if Irsay stays on course they will.

  6. 2 minutes ago, TD said:

    Did he pick any of the Cheerleaders?  That too would be a +

    Oh and on the - Side would be those he didn't pick.

    -Right Offensive Tackle

    -Right Offensive Guard


    -Left Offensive Guard

    -Left Offensive Tackle


    Sometimes its not what you do bad or good, but what you didn't do that matters.

  7. 6 minutes ago, MTC said:

    Ryan Grigson

    + Vontae Davis trade

    + TY Hilton, Mewhort, Allen/Fleener, Parry, Anderson, Good, Moncrief

    + Mike Adams, Matt Hasselbeck, and Frank Gore

    + TY McGill trade


    - Trent Richardson for a 1st round pick

    - McGlynn, Satele, Cole, Herremans, AJ, Jones, Cherlius, Toler, Butler signings

    - Adongo experiment

    - Drafting Werner

    - Josh Cribbs


    Did he pick any of the Cheerleaders?  That too would be a +

  8. 4 minutes ago, BOTT said:

    Just surround Chuck with a great offensive coordinator,  great defensive coordinator, a great Oline coach, a different replay specialist,  a when to go for it specialist, a time management specialist and a speech therapist.....super bowl

    Funny stuff....sarcastic, but funny.  And, you know what?  If you give him that stuff you're right... Super Bowl!

  9. Just now, BOTT said:

    If you actually believe the Colts oline is better than the Cowboys you deserve it.

    Is not what I said.  I said I'd rather stand behind them than the Oline of Dallas.  Either one will get you killed, but at least I'd go down with guys in front of me that were really trying.  The Colt's Oline lack of talent isn't their fault, nor is it the coaches.  They were hired by a GM not the coach.  Look I don't like Grigson decisions as to what was important during the acquisition process.  He failed miserably for reasons that may not have been completely in his control, but none the less we're here banging heads when no head banging is called for.  It's like arguing over the chicken or the egg thing.  We don't get to say, but Irsay will and he's pretty smart on such things.

  10. 2 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    So I guess this means that Irsay is Pagano's boss and not Grigson......

     Mr. Irsay is not given to being unfair or brash in his decisions and is probably looking at some of the realities that affected this past season.  While every owner has a goal of winning the super bowl they don't throw away HC or GM talent just to appease the fans or players.  You don't get to be an owner or keep ownership of an NFL team by being overly emotional or stupid.   It's really hard to fault Irsay's judgment in hiring an outside coach, i.e. Dundee & Pagano.  His GM picks haven't been all bad but both have had a tendancy to grab power at every opportunity.   Both the GM and the HC are people that need to collaborate closely in a amicable  environment to produce the best product.   I hope what Mr. Irsay is doing is seeing if there is any reconciliation possible and/or how to best move his team management forward in harmony with or without the current GM and HC.   He knows that circumstances created by the GM's decisions made accomplishing the immediate goal of winning enough games to make the play-offs this season almost impossible.  Simply put, if all your QB's are hurt, there's a reason and all the HC can do is play the players on the roster.   If you don't get Mr. Irsay you simply have to ask yourself why is it that Indianapolis Colts have a long history of hiring players that contribute to the highest integrity of any team in the NFL.  It's because he cares, its obvious.  He hires people that are honorable and if they fail that measure they are offered help and then they are gone if they don't measure up.  That takes class, and decency, and concern.  I'd say he wants to win as bad as anyone, but not at any cost.  He wants to win as an honorable warrior and that is what the Colts have become and should strive to remain.   So beat me up for saying it, but Thank You Mr. Irsay.

  11. 3 hours ago, ColtStronger said:

    It sounds like the fans and players want Chuck back, and they're not shying away from voicing their opinion.  All I want is Grigson gone.  Maybe Irsay is thinking about this decision more and it wasn't "automatic" like everyone was thinking.  I do believe there are a few better HC options on the table, but I do like Chuck.  I'm torn in between, because I just don't know if Pagano is the best coach for this team.  Good mentor/friend, definitely!  Chuck has done some great things and will continue to wherever he ends up, but to win multiple SB's IDK if he can do it.

    Silly question at this late date but the Colts were nearly beaten by a QB they cut from the practice squad that outplayed every QB in the division yesterday.  Who cut him?  Was it Grigson?

  12. 3 minutes ago, Myles said:

    I agree.   I think the best cases are when the GM hires a coach he wants and likes.   Then they can work together.  Steve Keim and Bruce Arians come to mind.   While Steve makes the final decisions, it is obvious that he listens to Bruce.  I think they worked together in bringing in the staff Arians wanted (Tom Moore, Tom Pratt ect..) as well as players such as Freeney, Redding and Shipley.  

    I'll agree with the part about the Coach and GM being on the same page, but the owner needs to lay down a set of job descriptions that both the GM and HC agree to abide.  Around the league the GM's have so many varying job descriptions that its hard to recognize one from another.  Some HC's have way more input with player personnel  and some clubs let the GM do it all.  In an ideal world the GM and HC would work together.  The GM should be listening to the HC about player personnel and staff needs and the HC should understand the GM's salary cap and contractual problems. The GM, HC, and Owner should most certainly agree on the primary problems to be solved.  It wouldn't bother me if the Owner and GM never left the owners box on game day except to visit corporate sponsors.  From an owners perspective some of it has to be about $, some about the pride of winning, and some about how the team wins. Ideally he cares about entertainment value, the community where the franchise exists, and his fan base in general; but mostly about the game of football and those that love it, and watch it, and play it.

  13. 33 minutes ago, chrisfarley said:

    Pagano and Grigson were propped up by Luck for three years.  I've been real critical of Grigson as well, I want them both gone. To re-hash all of the mistakes by Grigson and Pagano is exhausting.  They have also done very good things as well.  But there was NO trend happening that told any of us, including you, that we were even getting close to being able to beat the Patriots in a playoff scenario.  That's the bottom line and this is a bottom line business.  If you can't realistically get to the Super Bowl after 4 years, something is broken.

    What bothers me is probably the things we don't know but can assume from action taken, but the assumptions may be wrong.  I would think it best if a Coach would pick his staff and then be held accountable for them.  The GM should manage the budget, hire players, and make the best trade deals in accordance to the needs of the team.  From what I saw, I'm not sure that Pagono's staff was his staff.  I'm not sure just how forceful the GM was in dictating who did and didn't play, but if he did anything to influence the coach he was over the line.  From what I know and see;  it looks to me that Pagano merits another chance.  You're right in that both men have made mistakes but I'm not sure how much of Pagano's mistakes were foisted on him by the GM.  In the end it's the Irsay team and he'll do as he pleases, but he touts family values which I whole heartedly embrace.  I'm one of those bleeding hearts that am so proud of our players as role models; even those that don't play so well that I could bust.  I'll disagree with you that this is simply a "bottom line" business.  From what I know of Mr. Irsay he wants to win, but he wants to win with a product he can be proud of in the victory.  I'm not sure the Patriot owners care how they win or by what means and that is just not Jim Irsay's way of doing things.  He doesn't cheat and I'm proud he doesn't?

  14. 25 minutes ago, bababooey said:

    I think your argument went out the window when you said you would take our o line over Dallas. You know Hasselbeck got hurt too and he's older than Romo.

    LOL  you missed the point.    It's easy to understand  Romo and Hassleback getting hurt because of their age, but not Luck.  When you let the arguably one of the three best QB's playing the game to get hurt over and over you have O-line problems.  These are NOT coaching problems; these people know what they are doing.  It's just some of them were not talented enough to provide the protection needed.  The GM provides the players and he didn't do his job.  Can argue on forever about it, but if you simply look at the job specifics,  GM's aren't supposed to coach and HEAD Coaches are in charge of the coaching staff, (some of which Pagano did not select).  The Head Coaches' staff should be "his staff" the GM should stick to hiring players.  Just saying.

  15. 1 hour ago, andyluck92 said:

    maybe we should get you in there; you seem like you have all the answers, hell they may even let you work from the couch. this is the same team that went to the playoffs three years in a row right? it is easy for us to sit here with the advantage of hindsight to question all of the mistakes and ponder as to what is really going on within the organization, you seem to be truly butt-hurt by the goings on this season: it's okay, daddy is here and lemme tell you baby there is always next year. "you learn more about your team in a loss then a win" spoken like a true loser; you sound like a fan of the Cleveland Browns organization possibly the reincarnation of Paul Brown or a love child of Jim Brown. 

    Wow, I'm "butt-hurt" by your comments.  LOL  I didn't know you were that kind of guy,  **watches you skip away**    Actually having either Paul Brown or Jim Brown mentioned in a sentence with me is a compliment from where I sit.

  16. 2 minutes ago, bababooey said:

    He definitely isn't out smarting Belichek so he beats himself with fake punts. Cowboys OL is pretty good and Romo is injured every other game. Luck played so much more poorly when healthy this year than in previous 3 years. It's not all on the O line.

    Better check what they had to say about Luck playing injured before it put him out .  The word from the organization was that he was playing hurt when he was playing and that is what hampered his performance.   You're honestly comparing Romo to Luck, LOL.  Better check the age difference, physical abilities, and I'd prefer the guys in our O-Line to the Cowbows if I had to stand behind them.   Both of them need help.  The people in our O line are good people, but the quality of their play is lacking and some of that is due to injury, but less than 1/10 of 1% is Pagano's fault.

  17. 1 hour ago, andyluck92 said:

    maybe we should get you in there; you seem like you have all the answers, hell they may even let you work from the couch. this is the same team that went to the playoffs three years in a row right? it is easy for us to sit here with the advantage of hindsight to question all of the mistakes and ponder as to what is really going on within the organization, you seem to be truly butt-hurt by the goings on this season: it's okay, daddy is here and lemme tell you baby there is always next year. "you learn more about your team in a loss then a win" spoken like a true loser; you sound like a fan of the Cleveland Browns organization possibly the reincarnation of Paul Brown or a love child of Jim Brown. 

    Sorry, I'm not going to make this a personal thing.  You're welcome to your opinion as I am to mine.

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