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Posts posted by ram29jackson

  1. They need to get rid of divisions as well. Play every team in the conference once and then 1 team from the other conference that placed in the same ranking. There's your 16 games, no more complaining about easy divisions. Tie breakers easier. Take the top 7 teams from each conference.

    Eventually this will happen.


    LOL at make tie breakers easier. The whole point of divisions and having teams play twice is so you are on the edge of your seat for multiple weeks figuring out the math of who gets in the playoffs. They want 8-8 across the board so everyone thinks they have a chance and keeps watching

  2. I'm truly sorry for what ever mental illness is afflicting you (bi-polar maybe? Mild schizophrenia? Definitely delusions of grandeur and self importance. All this assuming you aren't from the ages of 12-17, which you probably are) I hope you get the help you need.

    I'm also sorry you think you can gauge my intelligence based on what I've responded to your incoherent ramblings. I don't take pleasure in debating (if you want to call it that) someone who's clearly on a whole different level of intellect. I like mentally sparring with competent folk. Not so much with crazies. I get enough of those in my day to day life.

    Have fun solving the mysteries of whatever it is you're solving. Call a news station about your next big find. You could make a name for yourself. Or get tazed.

    And with that. I put you on ignore :).



    you have no clue about anything of course. you will find out I am right soon enough

  3. So? That's about as illuminating as the fact that the record labels don't care about making good music, or that Vince McMahon doesn't care how good that matches are. Beaides, if it were rigged I doubt the owners would do the rigging



    doubt the owners would ? it's the owners = period=


    thats how the owners started the NFL in the first place

  4. I don't get why you post on this board. What's the point? You believe the games are staged...And???

    Why do you bother to watch football games and to post on a sports site if you believe the outcome of games are predetermined? (That is a serious question.)


    I found out this past summer but the last 4 years I actually paid close attention to everything they were trying to sell me and was able to  see through it. I go to a sports sight to get a feel for the public and to play with the ability to communicate in the internet age. I still like the aesthetics of sports but I'm not surprised nor waste my time rooting for underdogs when the end of the season gives the same redundant ,cliché results.

  5. Yes oh enlightened one. Open my eyes. For the light is too blinding for me to open them.

    Show me the ways in which you broke the biggest story in the history of sports. And please cut me in on your millions, nay billions of dollars you've undoubtably earned by knowing this truth.

    PM me and I'll give you my address so we can work on lessons and a payment plan.


    that's why you are a sports fan. You aren't intelligent. knowing a game is staged doesn't mean youll know an outcome.


    pro leagues were invented by gamblers for gambling,not for any spirit of sport. and they've perfected staging it for 70 years.


    biggest story ? 150 million people in America don't give a damn about pro sports,thats half the country. Most people wouldn't be surprised or care

  6. Again...


    You shouldn't compare college sports to pro-sports.  One is where someone is loyal to an alma mater where they got their education from where many of these schools were built in the 1800's.  The other is a pure business.


    Michigan Wolverines can fill up the Big House with 110,000 fans even when they're not good.


    Dolphins, Jags, Bucs, Rams can't fill up their stadiums and they play in major U.S. cities.  And when they held the SB in Jacksonville in 2004 it was pretty bad, the lack of hotels and entertainment for fans was a big concern.


    And no one said college sporting events are free.  Of course they charge for tickets.





    it is a business. Students and alumni don't have crap to do with what happens in the sports programs or how they are run.The major college sports programs are in fact a business.


    are you aware of the fact that in all but about 4 States that the highest paid public employees are a football or basketball coach . Even if its a team that gets 4 lousy wins every year. When a guy makes millions as a college football coach,that means its pure business

  7. It's ridiculous to compare college sports to professional sports.  One is total complete business oriented while the other is still partly academic with students and former students loyal to their alma mater.  Ohio State Buckeyes can put 110,000 fans in a stadium.  The Bengals and Browns are almost half empty when they have bad seasons.


    And there were so many Bowl Games and so many schools that they finally created a limited playoff system.


    bullpucky,they are both business's.


    most of the guys on the field are there to generate cash and get paid under the table all the time and have never seen a classroom and someone in a office gets 5 million when they go to a bowl game.

  8. He sucks and he doesn't even realize it. Zero work ethic and no accountability. He will wash out of the league before his rookie contract is up

    and you can prove any of this how ? where is the film footage ? what do you actually know about anything he has actually done ?


    a news report told you and you took it as fact ? you know a guy sucks from moments in 2 games as a rookie ?

  9. No I comprehend just fine. And instances like that are considered a rarity in the NFL. That game is labeled "The Comeback" for a reason and it's part of NFL lore. I do not know of another game like that, where a backup comes in in the second half to lead an improbable comeback (the largest in history), but yet you say it happens all the time. Where? What other games?


    where did I say specific comebacks like that happen all the time ? I said the perfect ending happens all the time in pro sports. the comeback from behind in the last 2 minutes( that happens far too often too) etc etc.


    actually read what I quoted above about the owners and chew on that for a while

  10. There have been tons of Frank Reich type games throughout history. Doug Williams? Jeff Hostetler? How about ole Night Train Lane setting the interception record even though he'd never played football before??? I suppose that was rigged too for the gamblers to make more rocks or frogs or whatever they used as currency back then.


    right,because the nfl has been staging and manipulating games since it started. Think about what you are saying...never played football before but leads in ints. Of course,because all they need is jocks to do what they want and they tell the QB to just throw it in a area instead of hitting his receiver.



    I suppose that was rigged too for the gamblers to make more rocks or frogs or whatever they used as currency back then.



    its amazing how gullible you want to force yourself to remain. Google the history of the owners of these franchises. They operated gambling rings and didn't even know what football was but were told its a good way to make more money gambling.


    A majority of early NFL owners were known gamblers. Some were even tied to organized crime. One time Dallas Cowboys owner Clint Murchison Jr., Kansas City Chiefs owner Lamar Hunt (son of oilman H.L. Hunt Jr.), Cleveland Browns/Baltimore Ravens owner Art Modell, New Orleans Saints owner John Mecom Jr. (who had very close ties to Mafia boss Carlos Marcello, a key player in bringing a team in New Orleans), Chicago/St. Louis/Arizona Cardinals owner Charles Bidwell (who was a bootlegger and an associate of Al Capone), and Philadelphia Eagles owner DeBenneville “Bert” Bell (who had ties to the East Coast Mafia) all were known to have been gamblers and bet on football (some even their own teams). Carroll Rosenbloom, one time owner of the Baltimore Colts, not only bet on his team, but also altered the outcome of a game because of it.

    Oddly enough, it was this very game that legitimized football for the television networks. It has been called the greatest game ever played: the 1958 NFL Championship Game. Rosenbloom’s Colts were playing the New York Giants, who were 3 ½ to 5 ½ point underdogs. Rosenbloom laid down $1 million on his team to win.(8) The Colts were losing until the last seven seconds, when Colts kicker Steve Myhra kicked a field goal to tie the game at 17-17 and send it into overtime. In overtime, the Colts marched 80 yards down the field to get to the Giants eight-yard line – easy field goal territory. But they never kicked. Instead Rosenbloom, knowing the game was won but his bet lost with a field goal, had his general manager force Coach Weeb Ewbank to go in for the touchdown. Final score: Colts 23, Giants 17, which covered the point spread, and Rosenbloom’s money


  11. Durr....all the OTHER blowouts in NFL playoff history that didn't result in a comeback? Why was the Bills game so special? There is no logic. The childish mind is yours here.



    Durr....all the OTHER blowouts in NFL playoff history that didn't result in a comeback? Why was the Bills game so special? There is no logic. The childish mind is yours here.


    your reading comprehension is lacking. A back up who throws 47 passes all year can then not all the sudden play like a seasoned veteran and have everything go right for him without manipulation.


    its fascinating that have to fight as hard as you can to believe such fanciful  stuff and don't take into account that for some reason these fantastic endings keep happening in the nfl. No ones life is that perfect

  12. There have been plenty of blowouts in playoff games throughout the years. Why didn't the NFL make sure to have teams come back in all of those? Your little 'theory' doesn't pass the common sense test.


    what the heck are you talking about or trying to compare anything to ? again.. a guy throws 47 passes all year but leads the greatest comeback ever...you have to be childish to believe that.

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